so summer's been good. orientation was..ok. finally got the computer fixed so i can now post the massive amounts of grad pics and other random ones that i have.. enjoy.
just to start off, i miss this girl alot. alot alot. and i did her hair before she left and she is beautiful..come back my pookey!!!
then one day in the parking lot, we drew on katie..or gave her lover some directions.
at the band exam..
and now..the many looks of the wonderful chase. he's so pimp in those glasses :)
the nastiness of me...
i love this girl more than she can ever know
chase's shoes
me drawing on chase's leg..
the wonderful neely!! i havent seen her in forever. such a beautiful woman
senior boys.
senior girls!!!
me and my ladies
handsomeness (on the left)
the most awesome woman ever, laurie little
grad practice.. so freaking early in the morning
then.... GRADUATION..june 10th 8:30 in the morning.. what a great time
wonderful people in the parking lot
not even half of the senior class..we're so big, ya can't get em all in the picture!
and yes.. I WALKED!
proud parents..and aunt and uncle
so yes. it is done. no more high school. college awaits. i'm excited :)