Utter crack, inspired by
lady_oneiros' awesome fic,
Beautiful Day.
Warning; I am not much of an artist, and furthermore I was feeling incredibly lazy at the time, so all most of the picture consists of badly drawn super-deformed things, big blocks that will have to pass as Bumblebee's leg, and stick figures. There's like, one little bit where it actually resembles a drawing. Go figure.
Yeah. I need to lay off the invisi-crack. D:
Bubble Wrap: *HOMG BREAKAGE*
Sam: Ha! There can only be one Highlander! D:<
Bee: *lifts leg*
Bee: *SLAM*
Bubble Wrap: *completely decimated*
Sam: .. You take the fun out of like, everything, man.
Bee: D: Sorry.
Oh, you've got to love smudgeable graphite. I think I would mass murder a number of small ducklings if it got me some more blue lead. ay0gdouhaljdgha Also, I am in complete hate of scanning sketchbooks. D: Coils are evil. Clearly Decepticon. Clearly.