Intro of lengthy d00m!

Jul 19, 2007 20:33

*waves* Hello, all! I'm here to introduce myself and talk everybodies ears off! (Flee!)

I may not be a long time, hard-core Transformer fan, but the movie has rekindled my long forgotten love of the ‘bots.

I vaguely remember playing with the old, G1 transformer toys when I was but a wee sprog, watched the Beast Wars (Dinobot FTW!) faithfully until that crack-tastic sequel-series ruined it for me, and now, thanks to the movie (which I have viewed 4Xs and shall likely see again, OMG.) my ‘bot love has been stoked to a burning frenzy. I may just BECOME one of those crazy Transformers people you hear about on the webs all the time... (Robot sexxors for 500, Alex!)

First of all, I just have to say that this com has made the past two weeks of my life wonderful and hilarious! This pairing (and all you wonderful people who also enjoy it,) have made me a very happy, recently transformers-obsessed little critter. ^___^ *FEEL MY JOY, FLESHLINGS!*

All of the excitement over the Sam/Bee wonderfulness has not only brought me out of lurker-dom, but has also brought my fic-mojo back like never before, so there may be fiction-crack coming from me soon. If the mojo stays, of course. (Bad Mojo! STAY! Good dog!)

In an effort not to spam the crapola out of you guys with just a ‘hi’, I have a few questions I want to ask the community/fandom at large... A bit o’ knowledge I want to give to you all who may be searching for the toys…And I wanted to share with you all, the giant little LOL moment I had to today, when I discovered the Transformers CHESS SET. ._. YES, it does exist.

SOKAY. Today I learned why the Bumblebee toy is so fraggin’ hard to find. And it AIN’T just his popularity.

I was cruising around town today, going to damn near every store in the city, (2 Meijers, 3 Targets, a Toys-r-us, and 4 Wal-marts X___x;;; ,) in my nearing- desperate search for the Bumblebee transformer toy. (Because my desire for one (or two,) has grown from a tiny whim, to a giant flaming ball of SHINY TOY LUST.)

Of COURSE, however, no place has him. At. ALL. Toys-r-us was my last hope today, and despite finding the re-issue of the cruddy looking, ghetto, not-modeled-after-any-particular-car-at-all because-they-couldn’t-get-the-licence-for-the-VWbug old-school Bumblebee (that am NOT desperate enough to buy just yet, thank you very much!) there was no new Bee for me. ;__; Finally I ran into a very knowledgeable (and rather pretty,) employee who informed me of a very disheartening factoid.

- For every case of Transformer toys they receive, there is only ONE Bumblebee. ONE! That means there is only 1 Bee, per 10-20+ (guesstimate?) other Trans toys. PWNED BY TOY MAKERS I SAY!

To anyone who has managed to get one = lucky you. Apparently, they want Bee to be rare. Which sucks big lug-nuts.

Of course, my disappointment was quickly lifted right there after, when I spotted the shiny Transformers CHESS SET. I saw it, got a quick look, snickered to myself, and began to walk away. Then, a single thought crossed my mind. I froze, ran back, and snatched the box back up as if possessed, knocking several unloved Bonecrushers and Brawls to the floor in the process. The thought?

If Mega and Prime are (obviously) the Kings in this lovely little chess game, then who are their QUEENS?!?

I laughed. And LAUGHED. And probably traumatized little children with the slightly evil sound of it all.

For the ‘bots? …Poor, poor Ironhide. Reduced to Prime’s bitch. (At least he’s the most powerful piece in the game? XD) And as for Megs precious little wifey-poo? Come on now? Who do you THINK?

Ah, Starscream. XD We always knew you had it in you.

Srsly. I could NOT make that up.

(Just through you all would get a kick outta that. I know I did.)

```Finally, a few random questions for you all. Plz help. I wants to knoooow…

Firstly - has anyone here played any of the movie tie-in game versions? X-box, PS2/3, Wii? More importantly, the PC version? I just wanna know if it’s any good before I go and possibly buy it. (My compu demands new entertainment for when we are interwebs-deprived!)

Secondly - What on EARTH is this I hear/read about Starscream having an immortal spark? How does that work? How did it come about? Help me, G1 buffs!

And…there was something else I wanted to ask, but now I can’t remember… *facepalm*

…That is all. (Wow. And I thought my comments were long. I type/talk too much… Dun shoot meh, plz.)

transformers toys, poster: elementallis, introduction

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