3 things.
First, tonight's Midnight is the deadline for the icon contest. For those of you who have time/energy and want to pop a few in, go
Second, we have 193 members, and yesterday was our 1 week marker. So guys, I'd just like to say that I've never been happier I wrote a fic. You guys are all awesome and amazing and other adjectives with "a" in them.
Third, though I love you all dearly and am so glad you're all here instead of not here... Please tag your entries! I quite frankly don't have time to go through and tag everything and damn it, I wanna be able to find all the delcious smut you guys write! So please keep in mind that we have a full tagging system and as long as your fics have tags, they won't get lost in time. (It's less important with introductions and stuff, but fics/art really need 'em.)
THAT'S IT, I'm gonna go take my notebook to the movies again.