Halloween Prep, DVD/Blu-Ray Release, and Books: A Rant of Sorts

Sep 18, 2011 18:29

Hey, everyone! Long time since anyone's posted. I felt like ranting about things to people who feel the same as I do about Transformers.  There's only so much my mother can take.  Oh, if only I knew some of you in real life!

Anyway, that's beside the point. As all of you, I'm getting mega-pumped for the movie release on the 30th (I'm so excited!).  I work at Wal-Mart, and I was so surprised the see the promotional display at the door.  I don't know how, but I will somehow steal it.  Usually, all Wal-Marts throw their displays away (because of copyright issues), so I may get in trouble, but I'm pretty good at plotting.  I'm totally hanging around until midnight on the 29th so I can be the first to get it.  Too bad there isn't a Movie Stop around here; I bet they're having a midnight release.  Anyone near one?  If so, totally take pictures for me!

I've also noticed that we at Wally World are getting prepped for Halloween.  And we have adult Transformer costumes!  Online, we even have women's costumes for both Bumblebee (naughty / nice) and Optimus Prime (naughty / nice).  I can't decide which I want.  As much fun as the sassy ones are, I'm not sure if I'll be allowed to wear something like that at work, and I don't think I like the simple ones as much.  Opinions?  Anyone else planning on dressing up this year?  (Oh, my gosh, pwp bunny:  holo!Bee in "Sassy Bee" costume for Sam!  Oh, I'm so dirty!)

Okay, the rest of this is going under a cut, just in case some of you missed the movie or are in the process of reading the book.

I read the novelization, and it was awesome.  I loved it.  But that ending!  Anyone else frustrated by that ending?  I don't know if I like the movie or the book ending better.  I'm not sure if Megatron would ever give in like that, even to deceive Optimus; I just don't feel that it's in his nature (maybe Starscream, but Megatron's always been pretty straightforward.  However, if he's truly dead, then if they do another movie, I think the resurection might be a little overused.  I don't know.  I haven't seen the original cartoons yet, but I have read Exodus (also an amazing read) and from that, combined with what I've heard, the movies went on a different course a long while ago.  So how should it continue?  And the twins!  When Mudflap and Skids died, I was practically in tears.  I couldn't breathe through that whole scene!

I realize now that this entire rant has very little to do with beexsam, so here's a little snippet of a thought.  During the part where Sam, Carly, and the mercenary team were climbing the stairs in the leaning building, there was this paragraph in the novel that jumped out at me:  (Disclaimer! I do not own the next part; it is an excerpt from the novel by Peter David)

"We're at the thirty-fifth floor," Carly said, tapping the entrance door next to her.  Sam couldn't believe it.  She didn't seem the least bit out of breath.  He was starting to think that maybe she was part machine.  That would explain a lot of things.

As soon as I read this, a thought popped into my head and hasn't left me be since:  What if Carly is a part of Bee?  I know that this is unlikely considering that Carly and Bee were on different sides of the planet during much of the movie, so she probably isn't a holo, but that didn't stop me from thinking of this little bunny.  What if Bee (and Ratchet, maybe?) made Carly after he saw how devastated Sam was after Mikaela left him?  Just as a rebound girl, or something, and then Bee became so addicted to being with Sam that it gets out of control.  Or something.  I'm not sure  Unfortunately, I don't have the time or patience to iron out details and make it an actual fic.  Anyone else want to?  Or maybe we can just gush in the comments or something.  Let's have fun with this, c'mon.

Anyway, that's all I came here to say.  Thanks for reading if you got this far.

prompt, rant, fic idea, movie, fan apparel, i can read, transformers, celebration!, unrated, bunny, fanfic challenge, beexsan, sequel(s?), optimus prime

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