
Jul 14, 2007 06:05

Ok, so I like read An Unspeakable Fate by starwild over at tf2007fun like 10 minutes ago and this popped into my head and I had to share.

Title: Untitled Drabble
Characters: Ensemble, Sam/Bee pairing if you squint.
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
A/N: Written on the fly so may be completely random.

A sleek, black Topkick was the last to arrive at the lookout. All the Autobots and their closest human friends had gathered. Captain Will Lennox hopped down from the driver's side of the Topkick when the door opened for him. He swung the door shut and started to walk away to give the bot space to transform.

A loud, annoyed-sounding honk sounded from the machine. Will stopped and turned. "Oh, yeah. Sorry, Ironhide." He went back over to the truck and opened the driver side back door. A few seconds later, he pulled out a pink car seat with baby toys tied to it.

Once the human was out of the way, Ironhide transformed and looked down his imposing height at the chuckling Sam, who wisely turned his chuckles into a clearing-his-throat type cough. Then, the teenager calmly walked over to the other side of Bumblebee, putting the yellow Autobot directly between the human and Ironhide.

Ironhide muttered quietly to himself as he walked over to Optimus. "Ironhide reporting in, sir."

cross-posted to tf2007fun

g-rated, ironhide, drabble

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