Title: Devotion
Rating: T
Words: 250
Summary: Bumblebee has boy-bot angst.
Note: This ficlet stands on its own but also is a part of my naughty Bee/Sam collection
Bumblebee Takes Care of Me. It's been way too long since I wrote Bee/Sam fic. This is kind of a prequel to all the wickedness I have in the collection.
Does devotion necessarily lead to disappointment? Is it my destiny to love in silence, or will you surprise me yet again, Sam Witwicky?
I feel your sweat upon the metal essence of me, even more when you ride inside me, embraced within the leather I emulate when I transform for you. How you love to drive, Sam, and how I crave to be driven. I feel your breath on the windshield that is my vision. I feel your heat ripple through every mechanical inch of me. My engine purrs, roars as you bring me to life in ways I never knew possible. And I feel even more than your breath and body, Sam: I feel your bravery and your fears. They drive me as strongly as your foot on the clutch that is perhaps my heart.
You crave adventure: I give it to you. But you also crave the touch of human females, and that I can neither be nor desire. In truth, I didn't know I could crave anything human, but I can, and it is you. How I ache with the need to protect and fulfill you, Sam.
My radio blares news and love songs, voices of others that are also mine. Can you hear me through the blare, Sam? Can you feel me as I do you? How will I find the strength to claim you and teach you my truths? Oh Sam, what power is there in human coupling compared to a boy and his car?