Title: Summer days
Pairing: Bee x Sam
Rating: Begins off a bit PG13, ends up R, and a bit of misschief NC17 in the end
Genre: em...kinks? romance? comedy? err I think I just made a new genre? XD
Disclaimer: I own a copy of the first Live action movie, including every scratches on it, caused by having watched it too much. That's it
Summary: just a typical hot day for Sam Witwicky, who clearly isn't enjoying the heat as much as Bumblebee does.
A/N: I'm a virgin in the BeexSam-fandom and community! Isn't it fun! :D Be gentle <3 How come I never saw the magic of Bumblebee and Sam Witwicky going at it like bunnies is beyond my imagination. Why?! Why only now? Oh wait I get it,...how sexualy frustrating was that new movie ait?! It screams for new buns.
Follow me fake cut arrr)