Repairs part 8

Mar 20, 2008 08:11

chapter 8 up. this chapter was a pain so if there are any problems let me know and i'll fix em thanks alot.

Title: Repairs and repercussions
Author: Tsumi
Rating: teen
Warnings: violence, possible slash, and possible character death, possible OOC.
Pairings: pending BeexSam, JazzxProwl, RatchetxIronhide,
Synopsis: the battle in Mission city ended the war or did it? What will happen to the Autobots and their new human allies. And what is happening to Sam?

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

Part 8

A week, a whole lousy week of nothing from his best friend but a few e-mails regarding the possible base locations. Though the other night he had gotten some info on a pickup, but nothing much more then it had happened. Miles sighed and leaned back against Sideswipe's driver's door as Mikaela tinkered with his insides.

"So anything wrong?" The red car asked.
"Nothing you're alt mode's in great shape." The young woman told the car. "So Miles any word from Sam?"
"Nothing, this isn't like him he normally E-mails me by now." he said without looking up from the screen of his laptop.
“Well they might be busy.” Mikaela wiped grease off her hands with a rag. Miles stared up at her and smirked.
“I hope that wasn’t a favorite shirt.” He pointed out seeing the grease had stained the front of it.
“Not really, well not one of my favorites anyway.” She shrugged.

As they talked Sideswipe shuddered.
“Sides?” Mikaela asked looking at the red car both of them sat on.
“An urgent call from Optimus, there's been a seeker attack he says he’s carrying cargo.”
“Are you going?” Miles asked. Worried about his car/ friend
“No jazz ordered me to stay here but Sunny’s going.” he sounded disapointed.
“We'll wait here with you. Won't we Miles?" Mikeala told Sideswipe leaning on his hood.
"Of course." The blonde answered
"Thank you."


Ratchet and Sunstreaker tore out of the dam and towards the highway heading for the coordinates. Jazz and the Earthborn stayed at the dam waiting and watching. Steeljaw vanished into the wilderness around the dam.

"Hurry up Hatchet I don’t want to miss the action." Sunstreaker called from behind the ambulance. Ratchet's lights ands sirens were on full force and people fell out of the way if the two vehicles.

"I know kid just shut up and keep up." He growled.
Sunstreaker for once did not talk back as he followed in the older mech’s wake.

Starscream took off after Optimus ignoring the other two leaving them to Thundercraker and Skywarp. He had a much more important target. The human who had killed Lord Megatron and apparently was very important to the Autobots. If he could get his claws on the boy he would have to reward him for destroying Megatron.

Optimus swerved to avoid the strafing run of the F-22 Raptor. Stockade took his robot form and shot at the Seeker, catching him off guard for a moment before he righted himself. Starscream dropped down to take his robot mode and the two fought.

Soon they could hear the sounds of sirens and two vehicles came upon the battlefield fast. Sunstreaker took robot mode while still moving and knocked into Starscream. Joining Stockade in his battle.

Ratchet came up beside Optimus taking his robot mode with his gun out.

“Optimus what is going on?”
“We found Wheeljack, we were returning to the Dam when the seekers attacked, Bumblebee and Prowl are further back with the other two. “ Optimus told him.
“Where’s Sam?”
“In my Cab.”
“Good, Sunstreaker can help the other one there keep Starscream busy while we get them to safety.”
“Lead the way.” Optimus told him.

The two moved fast out of the battlefield until the sounds of battle receded. They didn’t stop though, they had to reach the dam before someone else decided to join the fight.

“Who is the new guy?” Ratchet asked seeing the unknown black mech fighting.
“Stockade, he is one of the Earthborn.”
“So there are others they missed huh?”
“I suppose.”
“What is Wheeljack’s status sir?”
“Off-line, but functional, he seems to have been damaged by landing in the ocean.”
“Typical, he would do something so reckless and worry everyone.” Ratchet grumbled.
“So who is Wheeljack, I mean I know he was one o Bee’s squad but Ratchet seems to take him off-line as a personal affront?” Sam asked Optimus.
“They share the same progenitors.”
“Oh I see.” He smiled. “Which one’s older?”
“Thought so.”

They rushed for the dam. Only a mile from it they found Jazz, Longarm and Landmine waiting.

“Sir good to see you in one piece.” Jazz called.”
“Thank you jazz wait here for the others.”
“”Yes sir.”

Optimus carried Wheeljack strait to the medbay and Ratchet removed Wheeljack from his trailer, he helped to load the mech onto a table and left to join the others.

“Can I help?” Sam asked, he had learned a little about the inner workings of the bots.
“If I need anything I’ll tell you.” Ratchet grumbled and got to work on cleaning out the salt from the few rust spots in the pod’s skin.


At the entrance to the dam Optimus found Sideswipe and the two other humans, Miles and Mikaela. They saw him and Mikaela jumped off the red Lamborghini’s hood and ran to him.
“Optimus is everyone okay what happened?” She demanded.
“We found one of our comrades on a cliff face in the ocean we brought him back but the seekers got in the way the others should be arriving shortly.”

As he spoke three cars rushed in “we are the champions” blaring from Bumblebee’s radio.

“Sunstreaker,” Sideswipe almost knocked Miles off in his hurry to check on his brother.
“I’m great, you should see Starscream.” The gold twin’s voice was full of his typical boasting
“You should go to the medbay.” Sideswipe told him.
“Fine but help me.”

Miles had already jumped off the hood of his car and gone to greet Bumblebee along with Mikaela.

“How are you doing Bee?” she asked him looking over the yellow vehicle.
“I am fine Mikaela. How are you and miles doing?”
“I’m doing well but miles is going crazy.”
“I am not, I am merely suffering from lack of my best friend, you’re a great girl Miki and fun to talk to most of the time but you are missing a key bit of equipment to be one of the guys.”
“well since I am not one of the guys that’s just fine.” She retorted. “So how is Sam doing Bee?”
“He was well the last I saw him he was with Optimus, he must have left him with ratchet.”
“so when can we see him?”
“When Ratchet gives him an all clear, I should head for the medbay though I need to talk to Ratchet myself.”
"Aww come on Bee you're suppsoed to be the innocent niave one that lets us see Sam wihtout ratchet's permison." Miles Whined as mukeal hit his arm.
“We'll go with you.” Mikaela said and Miles nodded.

As the others were greeting and talking Prowl stood before Optimus and saluted.
"Prowl report.'
"The seekers retreated once you and Ratchet were out of sight we returned here thinking they might have followed but there are no signs of seekers in this area. And Steeljaw reported to me that he has founds no trace of Decepticon activity anywhere but the town where our human allies live."
"Good, Steeljaw has arrived?"
"Yes he reports he is only months ahead of Blaster and Eject. They were held up in a meteor shower."
"I see." he nodded. "That will be good news Blaster is one of the few of our men who can handle Soundwave."
"I know sir." Prowl's voice was low and his optics dimmed for a second before he looked back up at his leader.

Optimus laid a comforting hand on his old friend's shoulder. As they stood there the bay doors opened to allow Jazz to enter he carried Steeljaw in his arms like a giant house cat. the cybercat was purring loudly. Seeing prowl the cat leapt onto his shoulders.

"Hello Steeljaw it is good to see you again too."

Once he was done greeting family he leapt to the shoulders of Optimus Prime.

"Greetings Optimus.,"
"Hellos Steeljaw." He patted the cat's back.
"He took on Ravage a few days ago when he and Soundwave attacked Sideswipe and Miles." Jazz said.
"Ravage and Soundwave attacked?"
"They were handled Sideswipe did well for still being stuck in his alt. mode and Longarm was around because he'd been following a trace that turned out to be Steeljaw here."
"Good" Optimus nodded. "Why don't you three go talk Longarm and his men can handle patrols."
"Yes sir." Jazz said and dragged Prowl off as Steeljaw followed.

"Jazz stop pulling my arm."
"Aww Prowler, ya've spent barely any time with me since you got here ta earth. I'm completely in one piece and the only thing wrong with me is that it's been orns since I’ve had a good overload and neither have you." He told his sparkbonded.

That shut the tactician up as he was shoved into an unused room and pounced. Steeljaw remained outside the room girding the door so the two could have some as his creator called it "Quality time."


In the med-bay Ratchet had gotten most of the salt and water out of Wheeljack’s systems and repaired the few rust spots. Sam was assisting him being very careful not to damage himself as he scrambled over the pod's burnt pock marked surface. He had removed the glove to give himself better manual dexterity and had them carefully tucked away in his jeans pocket. As he was removing a vacuum tube from a hole he slipped and slammed face first onto the hard metal but his hands catching him releasing an odd blue shock of static.

Ratchet was caught off guard by both the trip and the flash, grabbing Sam a second after the energy discharge and scanning him. the radiation seemed to be at a low level and Sam was fine.

Wheeljack seemed to be even better as the skeletal protoform uncurled from the pod. b Blue optics flashed online and random sounds came from him until he found English.

"Ratchet?" Wheeljack asked still slightly disoriented.
"Wheeljack you slagger." Ratchet growled.
"What did I do?" the scientist asked still slightly confused. Hadn’t he just been in space?
"I don't know yet. I have to finish looking you over. now lay still." He looked over at Sam.
"Sam are you alright?"
"I'm fine.,” the human said. "I just tripped."
"You did it again, Wheeljack’s system are almost completely repaired all damage is mended."
"Wow." he looked from the scientist to the medic. "So did you see anything?"
"A blue electric discharge, i would suggest replacing the gloves.

As he spoke the twins entered the med bay.

"Hay Hatchet how’s Wheel- hey unc you're naked!" Sunstreaker yelled.
"Unc?" Wheeljack looked confused.
"It's a human expression,." sideswipe explained. "Since Hatchet's our progenitor, or at least both Chromia and Ironhide blame him for us, and you two share your creators you'd be our uncle by human terms. Hello Sam."

"Hi Sideswipe." Sam greeted as Wheeljack looked like he was trying to absorb the twins' words. Sam's hand stroked Sideswipes hood as he passed before he pulled his gloves out to put them back on.

"Why do humans always pat my hood?"
"Because we humans are very tactile." Sam shrugged.
"I noticed."

They were distracted by a sound and looked to see Wheeljack moving to sit up. Sunstreaker Swept up Sam and showed him to the scientist.

"Hey Wheeljack have you met Sam yet?"
"Sam?" he looked confused. "What is this?"
"This is a homo-sapien his name is Sam. He is Bumblebee's human."
"I do not belong to Bee we are friends." Sam glared at the gold twin. "Hello."
"Hi." Wheeljack was looking at him intensely. Then he looked up at Sunstreaker. "Where is Bumblebee?"
"He should be coming, him and Prowl were right behind me." he answered.

A few moments later the med bay opened again admitting Bumblebee, the yellow scout took one look at Sam in Sunstreaker’s hand and took him from his friend.

"Sunstreaker what are you doing?"
"Introducing Sam to Wheeljack." he said simply.
"You should be more careful humans are easy to hurt."
"You pick him up all the time."
"Bee also warns me when he does." Sam said from Bumblebee's shoulder. "I’m fine bee." He told his guardian.

"Interesting>" Wheeljack muttered looking from his friend to the small human. "Hello Bumblebee."
"Wheeljack. Where have you been?"
"I'm not sure I wasn't that far behind you and Arcee."
"What about the others?"
"They didn't make it though they did take a few cons out with them." he said quietly.
"Good, the best way to go." Sunstreaker said.
"I guess." Bumblebee said trying to stay calm.

"Alright those of you not injured out of my med-bay. Sam you're fine you can go see your friends who are siting by the door."
"Thanks ratchet." Sam said still sitting on bumblebee’s shoulder.
"We’ll talk later Wheeljack." the scout said as he left leaving the twins and Wheeljack’s to ratchet's tender mercies.

Once in the hall he set Sam down bedside his friends.

"Hey guys."
"Sam, so he let you out huh?"
"Yes, finally, no offense bee but i missed other humans."
"None taken Sam."

"So Sam have fun on the pick up?"
"Yeah it was fun until the cons attacked, how about you guys?"
"It was okay but you know how good Mikaela is with cars, she sucks at Tekken."
"I didn’t do that bad."
"Man Halo did better then you."
"He is a video game console of course he's good at video games."
"You guys played videogames with Halo?"
"Yeah i figured since he is earthling he should be able to do something most earthlings can do, play videogames."
"We also played with DewBot he's even better."
"Yeah he can play two players at once, that was fun with super smash brothers."
"Cool." they wandered down the hall as they spoke. Heading nowhere in particular. As they did so there was a skittering and Halo joined them along with two other Earthborn, a small reddish one and a purple one. Their purple eyes glowed as they swarmed Sam.

"Hello guys." Sam said as they chitterd away.

"Hey Polly." Miles greeted the red on which climbed up his leg.
"Yeah she's a PSP." he said holding the little thing up.
"She started clinging to him the day after you guys left for California." Mikaela explained.
"I see." he smiled as Halo took up his normal place on Sam’s shoulder. "Hey Halo heard you've been playing games huh?"
It chitterd and nodded.

"Well why don't we show you Sam we should head home soon though your parents are really worried."
"I know I talked to them earlier on the phone luckily they called before the attack or they would really be worried." he smiled.
“That’s good."

Their wandering brought them to the rec lounge where they set up the games and played a few rounds. Finally it was getting late enough that they had to head home. They joined sideswipe in the motor pool and got ready to go.

"So who get to take the babe home?" Sideswipe asked.
"Sam do you mind if i go with miles?"
"No problem I’ll see you guys later." he said wit ha smile. His best friend seemed to have her attention more then Sam had it. Oh well if he couldn't have the girl he at least still had the car.


"Sam are you okay?" his mom asked as he got out of Bumblebee.
"I’m fine mom, Bee takes great care of me."
"He'd better." she said with a mock glare at the Camaro.
"Of course Mrs. Witwicky."
"Call me Judy, Bumblebee."
"Yes Judy." he answered.

"Good come along Sam you look like you need a nap."
"Yes mom." He said with a smile carrying his backpack into the house.

After begging off dinner Sam went to his room to go to bed. After a shower he leaned out the window to see his car in the driveway.

the car seemed to light up.
"Yes Sam?"
"Can you do the photonic thing again?"
there was a flash and the photonic form of Bumblebee climbed into the window. "Are you okay Sam?"
"I'm fine I just wanted to have you up here with me."
"I can stay for a short time Sam but there has been Decepticon activity."
"I know just for a little while." he said and pulled the image to the bed cuddling up against him Bee sighed and stroked his hair as Sam fell asleep.

It was hours later when a signal got the Camaro’s attention he dismissed his photonic simulation and returned full function to his alt mode. His scanners had picked up no Deception or autobot signals. There was nothing out of the ordinary that he could find. Were his system's malfunctioning? he tried the autobot com channel and found nothing but static. Sideswipe was only a few streets away and he couldn't even reach him.

Pulling into the alley he saw a black truck there.
“Bumblebee, I need a word with you.”
“Yes?” he was leery of the black truck, something moved and he knew nothing else.

Sam woke up to an odd sound leaning out his window he saw Stockade in the drive. Grabbing his jacket and shoes he ran out to see the truck.

“Stockade? Where’s bee?”
“He had to go Optimus wanted him.”
“oh okay.” He turned to go back in the house and found himself grabbed. “Hey let go.”
“My apologies Sam but you must come with me.”
“Why should I?”
“Because it is not safe here for you with the Decepticons about.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“I insist.” He was pulled into the truck and it drove away quietly leaving no trace of it’s self and leaving the Camaro locked in the Garage.

fan fiction, nc-17

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