Another Bunny from Nemi (that rhymes!)

Feb 14, 2008 22:12

Hi all, remember me? Been lurking, going in and out and such recently--I'm not really talkative you see.

Then Lady Oneiros posted chapter eight of That Still Small Voice.

They a rabid plotbunny (hopefully of Pleasurebot!Bee proportions) bit me.

There's alot of Allspark! fics out there. I'm cool with that. That Still Small Voice looks like it's going to be Someoneelse!Sam.

My idea is Inhuman!Sam. AllSpark, Decepticons, Whatever whoever however you want it. Sam is Sam--but not anymore. Something Evil? Something more clinical, more distant, than even an Autobot's understanding of life to the point where right and wrong don't quite register anymore?

Something powerful?

But still cares, as much a thing can care, about Bee. Sam enough to want him and love him. But not enough to free him.

And the sex teeters the edge of understanding, non consentual or to not be with one another is unthinkable.

Bumblebee stays because he is bound, if those binds are physical or emotional are up to you.

And if you can throw Prime in there under the kept banner I'd fucking love you forver.

fanfic challenge, brainwaves, fic idea, nemi, fic request, fic challenge

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