Sparks 7

Jan 09, 2008 21:10

 Title: Sparks (7)
Pairing BeexSam (with others developing)
Rating: M
Disclaimer: I don’t own Transformers. Hasbro does. All characters are 18 or older with the exception of Annabelle. 
This has been beta'd but nobody's perfect. Comments and Critiques are welcomed and encouraged.

I've been sitting on this chapter for while because i'm stuck on the next one. I was hoping to have it finished, but such life.This chapter is dedicate to You, the readers. It is because you all that I have done t his!!! You should all feel proud!Well without further ado.

Sparks 7

Nano Bit


Climbing back into the transformed tow truck Mikaela muttered prayers to different deities. If by some off chance one was listening she’d take any miracle she could get. As expected Bumblebee made for Tranquility, his speed easily left the trucks following in the dust. Taking a deep breath, she jumped when her cell unexpectedly rang. Answering without hesitation she explained the situation to her superior as simply as possible.

Reggie usually kept his head in dangerous situations but this didn’t stop him from swearing loudly and coming close to stamping his foot. "You need to get back here now and convince the Autobots to come with you. Call Optimus if you have to. The last thing we need is the kid’s Camaro wrecking vengeance on the city itself."

Snorting back at her superior she added her two cents. "That kid’s selflessness not only saved your ass but the planet’s as well."

"That’s all well and good little lady, but it’s my job to make sure it stays saved."

As he hung up her gaze flickered to Bumblebee in the distance, some things were easier said then done.

"Is there a problem?"

Glancing down at the steering wheel she smothered a sigh. "Sam, my sort of boyfriend, is in trouble and there’s still so much we haven’t said."

Long Arm’s soft response elicited a giggle from her. "You wish to tell him of your love?"

"No, I actually want to break up with him."

The tow truck fell silent considering her answer. She was thankful for the reprieve; she hadn’t come up with an answer herself. Things had been so hectic since his well…resurrection. His parents were on his case about college, work and the Autobots. The last thing either of them really needed was something to complicate life further. Even so she had to admit it had been nice having him for a boyfriend. He was easily the best she’d ever had.


Optimus Prime was out of recharge the instant Bumblebee’s frantic message reached him. Before he could formulate and express an adequate reply Ironhide’s message reached him. Mulling over the information the Autobot called to Ratchet as he began pulling out of the base. The Search and Rescue vehicle was at his side faster than he expected, its sirens already beginning to whine. Turning onto the main road he considered the most appropriate course of action.

Things were falling in to place and a life hung in the balance. Somehow the Decepticons had discovered Sam’s survival and were intent of rectifying their mistake. There was no doubt in his mind that they would discover what had happened to him and once they did he wouldn’t be the only one to suffer. If Megatron had conceived a way to use the All Spark, humanity wouldn’t be the only thing facing extinction.

Bumblebee had already begun blaming himself. He was too close to the situation. Once they retrieved Samuel he would have to seriously reconsider the scout’s current assignment. To do that however the Autobots would have to locate and rescue Sam first. Putting a call out what he hoped were allies Optimus Prime rolled out, his chief medical officer following behind.

Four rings and the man answered obviously not in the best of moods. "Yes? What is it?"

Clearing his vents, although he didn’t need to Optimus made his presence known. "Mr. Banachek?"

Snapping to attention the human addressed the calling alien; though he wouldn’t admit it out loud all he could think of was E.T. "Ah Optimus Prime. It’s good to hear from you."

"I wish it was. Mr. Banachek, I wish it was."

Following the tone, the human sobered. "Shall I assume this call isn’t strictly social?"

"Indeed," Passing a weaving driver, Optimus continued. "I am calling to inform you of some recent developments that if not handled correctly will inconvenience both of our people."

Tapping his fingers on the desk, Banachek nodded to his secretary.

"Mr. Prime please, Speak plainly. If your news is this serious now is not the time to toe around the subject."

"Optimus Prime, if you don’t mind" he corrected before continuing. "We collectively Mr. Banachek, have a problem."


Miles had finally reached Mikaela and given her a synopsis of the situation seconds before DeMarco’s phone cut out. Screaming in frustration he’d tossed it back to his owner and gone to find his own vehicle.

The jock had protested vehemently, not wanting to be left alone with his car. Chromia had transformed back and was following them as they ran towards the parking lot. Miles was unfazed by the fact she was following them, Sam had warned him as much. The only problem he had was that Trent was following him too.

Once he reached his car he’d leave them to their own devices and find Mikaela on his own. Sam had been kidnapped by an alien menace and there had been nothing he could have done to stop it. He really did not need anything else to go wrong with his day. He’d had enough insanity to last him for a while. Turning he finally snapped at the young man behind him.

"Get a grip! Your car is an alien from the planet Cybertron, she is an Autobot, who will not under any circumstances cause you any harm. That Decepticons which took Sam however, will cause him harm. In fact I think it’s going to kill him. So unless you have any bright ideas on how to save him or stop them from killing him shut up!"

The jock blinked back in surprise.

Turning to the empty Hummer, he addressed her as well. "And you, he’s new to this. Let him get adjusted to the fact he’s been driving around in a giant alien chick."

"Femme." she corrected softly

"Femme." he amended before continued "He isn’t used to this. The only reason I know was because it was dropped in my lap last week and I’m still not used to it. Sam was in the middle of the whole thing and I’m pretty sure he isn’t used to it. So give the guy a break."

Heedless of the people panicking around them Miles finally summed up his rant. "We are going to meet Mikaela, get to Optimus and find a way to save Sam. Then afterwards we can sort this whole mess out. Deal?"

Without waiting for a response he stomped into the lot, fishing his keys out of his pocket grumbling the whole way. Walking past the empty space, he came to a tragic conclusion. Oh he was not a happy camper.

"My car’s gone!"

Not a happy camper indeed.


By Primus, the connection worked. He’d been skeptical at first, but the resulting data was proof. The slagger had actually done it. Smothering his irritation, Barricade began moving through the layers of consciousness. Bypassing ever-present pain and fear, he dug deeper through the jumble of thoughts and memories. His intrusion however would not go uncontested. Scanning over the forgotten hopes and failed dreams he encountered the pulse of something he hadn’t expected. It was something inside the human, deep inside, deeper than the tissues, deeper than the bones. The power itself was strange and brilliant, it invariably made up the disgusting thing below him and it didn’t take kindly to visitors.

Taken aback the Decepticon prepared to handle the threat as he did all others. Focusing more of himself to his task he simply attacked. Rifling through the most painful memories he could find he reawakened the horror to inflict it back on its host. Before his optics the human writhed against the table the clothes on his body covered in blood fingers scrabbling for purchase on the slick surface, he screamed.

The sound flickered across his audio processors; it was definitely becoming one of Barricade’s preferred noises. Back to the task at hand he changed direction skipping over the old memories for the most recent ones. Sliding over the conscious rejecting him, he finally found what he sought. Heedless of the trembling boy’s cries, the cruiser clawed his way into the experience settling into Samuel’s inner most thoughts."Cars pick their drivers." 
The sheer elation he felt driving the bright yellow vehicle home. It was almost perfect. It had to have been the best day of his life. Smoothing his hands over the wheel, he grinned. He had a date with destiny. A destiny that would hopefully include a beautiful girl, somebody who was like Mikaela Banes.

   He was pinned, absolutely terrified and the booming voice was asking about his Ebay moniker? There was something seriously wrong with the situation. He’d really had it with giant robots and the police. Embracing the terror Barricade was filled with a twisted pleasure at the boy’s memories.

"Fifty years from now when you’re looking back on your life don’t you want to say you had the guts to get in the car?" 
  Intrigue and apprehension, but he wasn’t afraid. He was going to get in that car even if he didn’t know why.

"Look, he’s not fighting back!" 
    Racing towards the people restraining his car Sam attacked. Unsure what he was doing he could only stare at the blue optics flickering in pain. The helplessness in those eyes spurred him on. Bumblebee had saved his life and he was going to do the same.

Spiraling in the haze of emotions, thoughts and feelings the Decepticon was at a loss. The human mind was nothing like he expected. So many complexities, so many contradictions, it was a wonder they even functioned at all. Backtracking over the fractured mind he discovered something he hadn’t encountered before. It was repressed. Drudging up the things better forgotten Barricade acquainted himself with the young man’s worst nightmares.

All around him pain, fear and death. Red eyes flickered in the darkness. Trembling all alone, he screamed though no sound came. Helpless and scared he could only watch the inhuman creatures tear apart his family. Blood of their victims fell like rain over his body. Standing among the twisted wreckage of his friends he watched the bright optics flicker and die. Unable to even cry, the half-dead humans could only stare at the blood-splattered chassis of his tormenter. Megatron loomed over him, laying the crushed head of Optimus Prime as a trophy at his feet. With unexpected tenderness the claws brushed over the scars on his throat. "Now my pet… isn’t this better than death?"

The screams of Ladiesman217 hardly surprised the Decepticon connected to him. That swirl of power was back with a vengeance. It washed over him in a wave of pulsating energy that was not completely unpleasant. It was rather like the spark that lay within his chest. A terrible epiphany came to him deep within the recesses of the human’s mind. This was what he’d been looking for. If that tiny bit of the Witwicky boy was like a spark, perhaps it could be used in the same way. Reaching out to the pulsing energy with tendrils of himself, he dug his claws into it. Curling about the tiny thing he set himself to the single goal of destroying it.

If his assumption was correct the human wouldn’t survive. The sheer control he experienced taming the human’s light through their connection, it was exhilarating. The power that came with it however knocked him flat on his aft. Silver blue energy crackled along the twitching body, up the cable connecting them in a direct feedback loop. From him to the human and back, over and over it cycled. Attempting to withdraw from the primitive system he found he could not.

The energy of the All Spark inappropriately applied crested to a level associated with most system burnouts and continued. Soon the room was filled with screams, human and Decepticon. Starscream smiled tremendously pleased with their accomplishment. Barricade had gotten himself in deep this time, his scans reading system failures all over the chassis. Whatever he’d done to the boy he was getting back tenfold and oh was it worth it. All at once the cruiser’s spark pulsed and he could not only feel it, but see it as well.

Looking to the human on the table, the Air Commander discovered the chevrons engraved his flesh glowing and shifting in the dim light. Stretching and growing the designs formed new words on the canvas of his body. Reaching to touch them he was sorely disappointed when it all suddenly stopped and both forms fell limp.

Ignoring the smoking wreckage of the Decepticon, Starscream cursed the incomplete message laid bare on the hardly clothed insect. Kicking his subordinate aside he pulled the still warm jack from the human’s throat he prepared his own. He would have that message. As he’d come to understanding the human language a single sentiment seemed adequate. "If you want something done right." Or something like that.


Bumblebee whipped through the third red light and disappeared around the corner. He knew his companions were somewhere behind him, but that was the least of his worries. The Decepticon’s were back and looking for revenge. He’d known they were cruel and malicious, but to kidnap someone who couldn’t fight back? That was low. He’d tear Barricade limb from limb the moment he saw him. Rumbling in frustration he finally arrived at the street where Sam had last been seen.

The near the center of the block the pavement was cracked and a lamppost was lying across the sidewalk. Scanning the street there was no sign of either friend or foe, humans scrambled along in terror through traffic inadvertently irritating the prototype Camaro on a mission. All at once the urgency of the situation seemed to fade in the lack of evidence. Stalled in the center of the street Bumblebee swore, loudly. Behind him horns beeped their occupants growing angrier the longer he sat. Their minor irritation paled in comparison to his frustration. Relying on a tactic he’d used once before Satan’s Camaro simply utilized his sound system to blown out every piece of glass in the block. It was petty, but all the noise stopped. Satisfied with that the yellow car rode to the end of the street and turned left.


Lancaster had yet to stop screaming and Trent was getting tired of it. Just outside the lot Chromia waited, giving both some much-needed space. When the blond finally stopped for breath, he sagged to his knees in the empty parking space. Shoving the keys in his pocket he looked pitifully at the pair watching him.

"Lets go." He muttered dejectedly.

"What? Where?"

Standing Miles seized the not too bright DeMarco and hauled him towards the idling Hummer.

"Like I said before. We’re going to meet Mikaela."

"Dude you’ve lost it. How do you even know where you’re going to find her?"

At the moment Chromia charged the gate pulling up before them, her doors wide open. "I heard something around the corner."

Releasing the flailing teen, Miles looked smug.

Trent however was not impressed. "That means nothing."

Chromia slammed her doors the instant he settled in the driver seat, and didn’t bother waiting for them to fasten their seatbelts. Speeding down the block she nearly passed a yellow Camaro with black stripes.

"That’s Bee! Cut him off!"

The teens shout surprised both the car and the other passenger, but Chromia did as she was ordered. Slamming on her brakes she allowed the momentum to spin her neatly across the street block traffic.

"Bee?" she inquired sweetly of the human, but received no answer as Miles slipped out the door.

Most people tended to swear at drivers who cut them off, alien-robots however relied more on the use of their horn, not having acquired the understanding of the human vocabulary despite having downloading it in it’s entirety. Obviously irritated "The Car" was not in the mood to be trifled with. His fury only grew as a familiar teen slipped from the vehicle before him. The scrawny youth moved toward him cautiously unsure what to do or say. Hands held up in surrender, he moved close enough to touch the black striped hood. "I’m sorry, I-"

The Camaro cut him off in a burst of unpleasant static, but played no music. He didn’t want to talk, didn’t even want to know how they’d lost Sam. Glaring at the swinging disco ball and air freshener just beyond the windshield Miles almost imagined he was looking into the alien’s eyes.

"Look this was not my intention, but it happened."

The horn blared loudly in reply but he continued hand clapped over his ears.

"It was Barricade that took him and we both know I’m no match for him. You may be but there was nothing I could do." The admission of helplessness struck him hard, but he could run from this problem.

"The Car" was Sam’s guardian and his friend that had to count for something.

Taking a cautious step forward he offered his hand to the yellow car. At worst he’d run him down and go find Sam, at best…. Screwing up his courage, Miles moved close enough that he could touch the driver’s side door.


After a moment the Camaro’s passenger side door swung open. Dumbfounded by the display of acceptance Miles stared. Had Satan’s Camaro just agreed to a truce? It totally wasn’t happening.

After a moment more the bright car honked at the male in the street. Jumping to attention the blond scrambled around the car sliding inside. The door slammed shut before he’d even buckled his belt and off it went.

The Hummer revved her engine and threw herself into a tight U-turn cutting off the large trucks pulling onto the side street. The first, a Black Topkick blew his horn and uttered some rather impolite things in her general direction. Trailing the little yellow car she now recognized as Bumblebee the Hummer laughed.

"Now Ironhide," she purred moving over the black pavement avoiding the still terrified masses. "Is that any way to greet an old friend?"

Stupefied and speechless the black truck could only follow as their convoy rode towards the highway.


Having seen it done once before the Air Commander was a fair bit more knowledgeable about the process of moving through the humans’ systems. He’d paid close attention to failures and mistakes of his subordinate, so he was unlikely to repeat them. Starscream was more concerned with using the human rather than killing him anyway. That would come later, after he’d overthrown Megatron and made him his pet. Yes, then he squish the little boy before the Autobots as a show of power, it would be grand.

As with many things power could always be controlled. All it took was something stronger to dominate it. In his particular situation, there was no power greater than the All Spark. Due to that Starscream’s attempt at subjugation would have to be somewhat different.

The boy’s neural system was still lit up like a supernova and bore residual traces of Barricade’s intrusion. Opting for a much more subtle approach the seeker avoided the burnt nerve endings and went for their source. Sliding over the rolling storm of Witwicky’s mind, he found the miniature spark lying within him. Fluttering like some trapped creature, the swirl of energy flared and pulsed. That bit of the human was apparently displeased by his intrusion. At any moment it could attack and force him into involuntary stasis lock. Still he knew things that Barricade didn’t, chiefly how to avoid getting scrapped.

In scan over their of the mock-base confirmed the presence of four mechs and one human. Blackout was long deceased, a fact Scorponok refused to accept. To that end the husk of the massive Decepticon remained in close proximity, at the very least they had spare parts. Barricade unfortunately wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Stupid fool, so bent on revenge he’d caused intensive damage to his processors. It served him right. Assigning a meaningless task to the drone, the Air Commander ensured privacy for what he was about to attempt. A spark in a human was still a spark and exposed sparks tended to gravitate toward one another. This theory held truth to many despite age, affiliation or even race. For what he intended, there was no way he could be more exposed.

Smothering his desire to just be rid of the human Starscream focused instead on the whisper of power through their connection. The All Spark, it had the power to grant and destroy life, to remake civilizations and doom worlds. Tracing a claw over the weak flesh, the seeker began coaxing the power from its shell. If he could tame that power, no when he tamed that power nothing would be able to stand in his way. Slinking within the recesses of the semiconscious mind, he knew how to twist the power to his own ends.

Slowly and softly, with more care than he knew he possessed Starscream reached for the spark. As expected after its recent attack, it resisted. Irritated with his subordinate’s stupidity the Decepticon abandoned all pretenses and opened his chassis, revealing his spark to cold dead room. With that display of vulnerability, tiny tendrils of the humans’ spark stretched for him almost sensual in their movement along his circuits. Suppressing a shudder at the mortal’s touch Starscream kept to his objective, the All Spark. It was all that mattered.

On the table beneath him the human whimpered again though this time the noise was not born of pain or even fear. For all his probing of the humans’ spark he found each action reciprocated. Every brush, poke, ripple and stroke was returned just as sure as it had been intentional. The human was still limp on the table, each rise and fall of his chest underscoring his strength and desperation to survive. If his retaliation to Barricade’s attack had been intentional, he’d make a good Decepticon. A rather emotional stupid Decepticon, but he’d worked with worse. Another touch to the pulsing energy and the Decepticon was purring despite himself, simply enjoying the feel of another spark reaching for his own. It had been too long. Far too long.

Another pulse from the gentle energy of the All Spark and the Air Commander trembled, his previously fried systems buzzing with life. The pain from his wings faded in the near dark, the scorched metal appendages healing from their connection. The power cascaded from one to the other, clawing the table the Decepticon bit back a hiss. It was more than he’d anticipated more than he ever dreamed. Between the twisted, mangled bits of metal Samuel writhed curling in on himself; even with his lip caught between his teeth his whimpers of helplessness were almost as sweet as his screams.

With Samuel’s systems in such a vulnerable state, it was tragically easy to reroute the human’s synapses to a user-friendly map of commands. For being such a basely organic species, the energy making up humans was rather comparable to that of his own kind, minus the fact they were obviously inferior. His circuits reeling with an imminent overload Starscream worked fast, imprinting his own signature across the human’s neurological network.

It was done.

Just a Megatron asked. Fool, he had ordered the beginning of his own end. He would not be able to stop the seeker’s plans even if he knew about them. No one could control the All Spark, unless they knew his codes and he wouldn’t tell.

Starscream’s maniacal joy was short-lived as talons closed painfully about his wings. The mech looming over him simply clawed the sensitive joint earning an anguished cry from his subordinate. He could feel the red optics bearing down on him as well as the ripples of pain from his link. It was bad to be caught off guard by a Decepticon. It was worse that his spark was exposed. By far the worst part of the situation was that it was Megatron.

"I trust you’ve made progress, Starscream."

Scowling but unable to extricate himself form the motionless human the mech began to explain. "Yes, of course my Lord Megatron-"

Another twist of those merciless claws and he was nearly on his knees, clutching the table for support.

"Then why are you wasting my time?"

The raptor snarled against the pain, his previous exuberance forgotten. He’d gotten careless, a suicidal trait among Decepticons.

Watching the seeker and human tremble filled Megatron with pride. His expression twisted to express his pleasure at causing both annoyances excruciating pain. Scoring the barely healed armor of his weakened subordinate, the Lord High Protector tried again. "Starscream?"

Head bowed against the solid table, the Decepticon couldn’t even form a reply. It was too much, the power, the pain. Another scratch and he jerked, his claws wrecking the worktable even further. Megatron hated to be kept waiting.

"My Lord," he rasped not daring to turn, to let his master see the rage in his optics. "The system is weak , fragile. Any further manipulation and the human will die. There is no telling what would happen to the All Spark then." His words however presented, were lies to his Lord’s ears.

The talons wrapped about his throat nearly destroyed his vocal processors and the cables beneath. Clawing helplessly at the constricting grip the seeker rasped and tried begging for his life. Ignoring the helpless cries of his Air Commander, Megatron casually lifted him from his feet. Starscream hung limply from the sharp digits as Megatron accessed a single port set just above his open chest.

Pain lanced through his circuits as Megatron forced another connection through Starscream’s overwhelmed systems. The sheer force of the intrusion left him spastically jerking in the other’s claws. The massive mech swung his arm forward slamming his subordinate against the much-abused table. Bringing up his arms Starscream interlaced his claws as his chassis impacted the twisted metal. The movement however slight prevented the Decepticon from crushing the human beneath him to death.

Still connected as they were, the very act of killing the boy would ultimately end his own existence. In no hurry to die, the fighter had to resort to protecting the tiny primate. His disgust of the situation was far outweighed by his desire to survive. Under the onslaught of his Commander, Starscream’s firewalls fell away pain rippling through his receptors. A howl worked its way from his crushed vocal processors earning a flicker of pleasure from Megatron. His spark flared in reply, its power undulating across the connection to All Spark’s avatar and back. Optics focused on the squirming fleshling, he tried to weather the rush of energy burning through his systems. The grip about his neck loosened as a clawed talon brushed along his chest plates. Choking painfully he went still unable to move as the digits slid within him, reaching for his spark.

Claws curling about his subordinate’s internal components, Megatron enjoyed the wails the action produced. Slowly he stepped around the table still talon deep in the writhing seeker. His momentum forced the smaller Decepticon to rise, following the less than gentle ministrations of his master. A sudden tightening of the vice-like grip had Starscream screeching again, his flailing limbs nearly smashing the human between them. Heedless of the boy the mech hauled his Air Commander forward by his spark chamber, the interlocking plates of his chest sliding away to reveal the equally brilliant yet truly malevolent glow of his spark. A vicious tug on sensitive innards and the seeker slumped forward his rigid frame arching as he fell. The moment was more than enough to allow his much abused soul to meet with that of his Lord’s

Bright energy shot through the cabling linking human and Decepticon, arcing over the oozing port in his throat. It was that which finally snapped the boy from his incoherent state. Trembling from the power racing through his body, Sam was aware of everything, his very cells alive with the energy of the All Spark. He could feel the codes making up their systems, the tiny nanites coursing through the energon in their veins; it was all too much and still there was more. Rising to his knees he could only stare at the autonomous robots joining above him. For that’s what it was, the brilliant light of their sparks and his own spiraling with the rhythm of their dying planet. He knew it. He didn’t know why he did and didn’t care. He just knew.

The light between them intensified nearly burning his eyes, the glow hot on his face. It was too much, the echoes of their coupling rippling along his connection. Fingers reaching instinctively for his neck and the jack to sever the connection Samuel found himself screaming with the pleasure and fulfillment of alien union. Gripping the black cabling he could only hang on riding out the spasmodic aftershocks of their climax. Within instants of the overload the power surged again, the glow of his awakening casting shadows on their silver chassis’. The lines marring his torso shone with that brilliance matching his eyes as light again overtook the room. On his knees, absently staring at the children above it, the avatar of the All Spark reached for them sliver tears cascading down its face.


The cell he’d inhabited since his capture was dark and dismal. Doomed to exist in darkness all he could hear were rats and dripping water from old pipes. Settling against the cold floor, he waited for death or at least the chance to escape. He’d been so weak the last time, out of his objectives he was sure he’d achieve the former. If it was the case, he would go out fighting.

The eerie solitude was shattered by many soft footsteps and labored breathing. Barely online his optics sighted the squirming figure held within Scorponok’s claws. Tossing the small figure in to the makeshift cell to his right, it skittered away sparing the bot a withering glance. Most likely the drone still angry about his treatment of it that last time they’d fought. It seemed like ages ago. With the majority of his systems still offline he couldn’t even tell how long it had been. Scowling, he filtered the thoughts away and focused on his new companion.

"So what are you in for?"

In the dark he could hear the human moving closer, all things considered it was a good sign.

"I destroyed the All Spark."

The voice was hollow and strained, its owner obviously suffering the effect of physical and emotional torture. The mech however couldn’t really find it in himself to be sympathetic.

"Why would you go and do a thing like that?!"

The human moved close still and he could almost make out the scrawny body beyond the electrified bars.

"To save Optimus Prime"

Despite his weakness, he could hear the defiance and respect in that voice. He expelled air from his vents, the particular sound much like an organic sigh.

"Autobot, Designation Prowl." he introduced himself almost at a loss. "It’s really out of Megatron’s hands?" He had to know or else their struggle was for naught.

"Yeah it is."

The human reached forward wincing at the shock he received from the bars. Their light enabled the Autobot to see more of his informant. A faint light glow emanated from his eyes and the shapes on his skin. The design was so familiar he knew at glance what it was. The human reached again, bearing the pain as his hand passed the electrical boundary between them. Looking at the tiny appendage the mech shook his head in disbelief.

"Who are you?"

The boy continued passing through the bars the glow covering his whole body. The light radiated from the glyphs covering his flesh. The Autobot stared attempting to make sense of what he saw. The moved closer reaching for the mech, voice soft in the illuminated cell.

"I am the All Spark."

( S1 Burnt Out )
( S2 Melt down
( S3 Re Boot)
( S4: Up Load )
(S5: Hack n Slash)
( S6: Jack In)

spark, spark sex, sam/bee, fic

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