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Jan 06, 2008 01:40

Strange thing pop into my head after midnight I think this is the first Fiction I've really finished in a long while.

My mind keeps wrapping around this idea if Bee hadn't been taken the hover dam and was shipped to some other facility? Also I keep seeing Transformers stuck into human bodies but my mind wants it explained more then most do and thought what if they tried to make Bee into a weapon they could use? Here is what I hope is a oneshot to make a storyline crossed over with the X-men that will not shut up. I've taken complete creative liberties with characters.

Bee is most likely out of character because of what's happened in the storyline and well Sabertooth isn't I guess as aggressive. I always picture him under the nutcase murdering psychopath killer that he's really a big softy in someway. I've taken aspects on weapon X-23 from the x-men evolution series. Please don't kill me. I'm posting it here in my mind Bee'd end upwith Sam in this storyline.
Tilte: Something Mad
Pairings: None, potential SamxBee and SabertoothxWolverine in the storyline.
Warnings: Unrated. Genderbending? Sabertooth being strangly kind... do not own the characters I just have them creatign havock in my mind. x.x
Summery: Sabertooth's tracked the most recent happenings of trying to recreate the Weapon X program he never expected to get a kid out of it...

The dimly lit cell had been her prison for months, tattered clothes covered her in critical areas of her body but offered little to no protection from the cold or elements when she was permitted outside. She wondered when she’s be rescued her memory might be slag but she knew that people cared about her but… why had they not come?

She had woken to someone screaming for her, a young male screaming for them to let her go. She knew she cared for this male and that he wasn’t family and his name was Sam. But he was the only person she could recall. By name that was she recalled those that had raised her when she was young, one was most likely her father she thought, maybe an uncle or two, maybe a brother… they came and went their voices that is scolding her, instructing her, reading to her, speaking to her about this. It was all so vague but she knew they too cared about her like Sam did.

Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk.

Sitting up she listened to the footsteps coming down the hall. Cocking her head to the side she tried to figure out who’d be moving this way at this time of night. The guard wasn’t going to make another round for another half hour. She knew no one was scheduled for testing until morning. She sniffed trying to see if she recognized the smell but this smell was much different then the hospital smell that marked the guards and scientists, and doctors of the ‘outdated’ Weapon X facility as many had complained about. Not as nice as the NB2 facility they’d started out in as she heard many complain, over and over again. It smelled of cat, woods, earth and blood. She heard a growl as who ever was told by a nurse on shift that no outsiders where allowed in without clearance passes. Then a sickening snap perforated her senses then something no someone was dumped onto the floor.

Bee curled in on herself nervous who ever was out there was strong and fast, the nurses weren’t stupid. This had to have been another mutant, or someone trained to kill if they’d taken the nurse down without a serious fight. The footsteps started in her direction again and then stopped right outside her door. The familiar sound of the cardkey running through the lock made her tense ready to fight at a moments notice.

The door hissed opened and the back lit form of a very large man well over 6 feet tall stood in doorway he towered over anyone she ever seen before. A snort and then a snicker she could almost bet this guy was grinning even though she couldn’t make out his face in the dark cell.

“Figures the pipsqueak get all the credit for your creation, did mention to me they’d used my own genetic sample to create you.” Bee shifted so she was flattened against the wall confused what was this man talking about. “Come on you don’t belong in this cell anymore then me or Wolvie did cub.” something in her made her move from the small cot and her small 5’4” frame was dwarfed by the mans much larger frame.

“What are you talking about?” Bee asked but was cut short when the man grabbed her arm and she stumbled out the door half running half be drug down many hallways. She let a choke and then a gasp as they passed the dead nurse and then further down the guard who was crumpled on the floor.

“Not the time for questions cub. Have to get us out here before they caught on I know about you let alone I’m stealin’ yah.” Was the gruff reply that came, “do your best to keep if you can’t I’ll carry you out of here over my shoulder if I have to. Don‘t even think of trying to escape me either. “

Bee let out chocked reply and nodded when they stopped he turned to look at her. “Understand what I’m saying little girl?” Before he yanked her down the hall further toward a door marked exit. Little did Bee know this was the beginning of some so much large then she could comprehend at this point.


“So what do you call yourself and don’t give me X-23 I know you where their 23 attempt at in the larger scheme of all this. You can call me Sabertooth, or Victor Creed but maybe Papa would be bit more appropriate?” The man’s attempt at the joke confused Bee a bit… the man gave her a funny look.

“I’m Bumblebee…” trailing off as she looked around the shack they’d pulled up to after the long ride in the truck she had a feeling he’d stolen after the long cold trek he’d lead her through the woods. “I don’t really understand about this scheme?”

“Wow they really have left you in the dark in all this I’m surprised that nut doctor, if you could really call him that hasn’t been blabbing about why he’s done, let alone how he created his all mighty weapon” Bee pulled the coat ’Victor’ had provided her also most likely stolen around her body giving him a confused look before staring at the floor.

“Poor kid, come here and let me explain.” Before Bee could protest he’d pulled her into his lap and hugged her close in a purely innocent way like a parent would hold their child. “Sweetie you where created from to genetic samples from me and someone else I’m not sure where they got your consensuses came from all I could find was this abbreviated from of how they referred to you as NB2 before you where given the classification of X-23. Couldn’t find anymore willing to go deeper but I’m betting you memory is shot? Just like mine was and Wolives was and still mostly is.” He ran a large hand through her hair before resting it on her head softly giving her a sympathetic look.

“All I can remember is someone named Sam he was screaming for me and that they let me go. Also I’ll here voices of people I know meant something tome but I can’t recall faces or names…” Pausing she looked up at ‘Victor’. “What did you mean when you said maybe called you Papa would be more appropriate?”

“If someone did genetic testing on you not only would you be classified as a mutant but if they compared our genetic profiles they’d find out I’m your father. Genetically that is.” He gave her a serious look. “Never had a daughter before, Bee it’s okay to call you that right? I never planed on ever being a father again after Graydon. Never pictured Wolvie as the mother of my kid either. But I plan on taking care of you got it kid? I just hope I don‘t mess this all up.” I could feel, smell how serious he was about all this part of be hoped he really was my father, even thought he’d killed those nut cases to get me out of here. But then again if he really was my father from what I’d heard in passing many parents would kill to keep their children safe.

“So… you’re my father? But they said they created me how‘d they make me and why?” She didn’t see any reason he couldn’t call her Bee, Bumblebee was a bit of a mouthful at times. But all of what he was telling her was confusing but strangely wasn’t sounding as farfetched as she knew it should but with what he was saying made some sense of the torture she’d been put through.

“Yes I’m your father. From what I know they cloned you from genetic samples they took from me and Wolive about 50 or so years ago when they’d forced me and him into the Weapon X program. Which they where trying to create a human weapon able to take down human’s a mutants alike. Something bad happened and they shut the program down. I guess all these year have passed and someone new in charge recalled those from the previous project to recreate the weapon test subjects. The genetic samples where to damaged, due to improper storage to create perfect clones of me and him so they made you hoping a female weapon’s be easier to control. Got it sweetie?” Bee nodded slowly starting to understand but at the same time so many more questions needed to be answered. But right now her body started shut down part of her felt secure and safe and fighting sleep was no longer an option as she curled up into her new fathers lap Bumblebee slept peacefully for the first time in what seemed years.

So reveiw's would be welcome. Might continue this if anyone likes it or if they keep nawing on me.

Welcome to my mad mind when it won't shut off...

fan fiction, human!bee, fanfic, bumblebee

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