fic for the masses

Jan 04, 2008 09:23

hello all me Muzaiden and Yuuzaiden have been working on a fic together, it's a autobot cyborg one that came from my muses i swear they are on crack. so here it is under the cut

Title: Wired
Authors: Tsumi, Muzai, Yuuzai, (First draft by Tsumi, Second draft by Muzai Beta’d by Yuuzai)
Rated: PG-13 for language, partial nudity and violence
Warnings: possible slash, violence, things people are not always comfortable with
Pairings: pending , SamxBee, RatchetxIronhide, ProwlxJazz
plot:: medical cybernetics is a new field the millitary wants to use it for weapons and the weapons themselves are not sure they want to be used.

Authors’ note: we own nothing but the twisted minds that came up with the plot. However, we do own copies of the cartoon and 2007 movie as well as a second-generation Bumblebee figure.

Title: Wired
Authors: Tsumi, Muzai, Yuuzai, (First draft by Tsumi, Second draft by Muzai Beta’d by Yuuzai)
Rated: PG-13 for language, partial nudity and violence
Warnings: possible slash, violence, things people are not always comfortable with
Pairings: pending , SamxBee, RatchetxIronhide, ProwlxJazz
“normal speech”
(Sign language)
‘Foreign language’

Explosions rocked the base; alarms blazed everywhere. Seven armored figures ran through the corridor, alternating between escaping and destroying whatever they could. Their leader laughed as he cut down a troop of soldiers in his path. Foolish insects. Did they really think they could stop him? They had made him indestructible; no one could stop him now. Pleased by the thought he was surprised when a sudden pain burned along his shoulder. The wound was minor and his body crackled with energy. Who dared attack a god? Turning he saw the source of the injury and soon to-be-victim of his wrath. Furious he turned to his old friend
.“Stop this now.” Orion demanded. The man stood firm, determinedly blocking his path. His blue eyes ablaze behind his own face guard. Poor Orion, simple man that he was, he couldn’t even see what was in front of him Couldn’t imagine the predicament he was in…
“I think not. You are a fool Orion.” He growled, “Be their guinea pig if you so desire, but I will be the master of my own destiny.”
He had not asked for this, had not asked to be changed. His features stretching into a sneer he lunged for Orion. It was the only way really. Part of him relished the thought of fighting Orion, the only one who could provide him with a challenge. Orion was surprised and barely caught him by one arm. The pair grappled as, the remaining fugitives ran for the nearest exit. If their leader joined them all the better, but they would no take longer a part in the government funded travesty.
Three more men appeared from the corridors, chasing the escapees. The largest one, a big man ordered them to stop before his arms shifted into double cannons. His first barrage caught the smallest man in the back. He fell, but his comrades felt no urge to go back for him. They all knew the risks. Even if he didn’t make it they were in no rush to share his fate.
“Damn it! Jazz where are they?” the large man demanded of his comrade who followed at his heels.
“I don’t know I can’t see through all of this smoke.” The shortest of the three retorted.
“Keep trying, we have to stop them.” The third said aiming his gun into the haze.

There was another explosion and the Malcolm strode from the smoke.
“Take care of Orion.” He ordered before joining the other dissenters. His pace didn’t slow, even when he grabbed the smallest of his followers and hefted him over his shoulder.
Seeing this, the three ran to check on their leader. Letting the others escape, they were unimportant for now.
“Orion!” The largest of them yelled. Their leader was trapped under a fallen piece of wall and they moved to help him.
“Prowl help me with this, Jazz grab him and pull.” The largest of the soldiers shouted before diving into action. Ironhide lunged for steel wall. Prowl joined him, straining more than his comrade. Their combined efforts slowly raised the hunk of scorched twisted metal.
“We got ya sir.” Jazz said. A quick tap to his temple filtered his visor to recognize normal light instead of the infrared he'd been using. As the weight disappeared, Jazz hauled his commanding officer out of harms way.
“What of the others?” Orion gasped leaning against the wall, he slumped unable to fully support himself.
“They got away sir, seven in all. The fugitives caused severe damage to the base.” Prowl reported.
“What about the kids?” Ironhide asked suddenly realizing they were a few men short.
“Bee probably doesn’t even know there was a fight, hooked to his machines like he always is.” Jazz replied earning a swat on the head from Prowl.
“We have yet to check on the others.” Prowl responded. Leave it to Orion to be more worried about the others then himself.
“Ironhide, Jazz med-bay, I need a tally of damages and missing equipment. Prowl with me, we must find the others.” As he spoke, Orion tried to stand and nearly fell over.
“Whoa boss, you should be the one checking in with the doctors. You were just flattened.” Jazz insisted supporting the injured man.
There was too much blood covering him. His left wrist was twisted at an odd angle. His free arm was pressed over his chest, stanching the flow of crimson. One of his legs was also sparking, covered in dust.
“I agree.” Prowl said. “You need Ratchet to manage your injuries.”
Optimus didn't even look at Ironhide, who he knew would be agreeing with the other two.
“Fine.” he sighed knowing he was out voted. Ironic that he was the leader and the others ordered him around far more often than he did. When he did not move at once per their instruction, Ironhide practically carried him to the infirmary.


Prowl strode along the deserted hall of the barracks. He was thankful there was less damage in the deeper part of the base. Doors partially opened lined the stark hallways. The unpleasant scent of smoke met him as he turned toward his destination. The door was shut tight with signs of abuse. Burn marks ran along the edge and deep grooves neatly crossed
the lock. Ironically, cheery music drifted from behind it.Sighing he knocked and the door slid open at his touch. The room was full of machines; various types of computers, wires, monitors, keyboards were scattered everywhere. Somewhere under all of the equipment was a bed and a desk. As well as a footlocker, full of things from his life before the program.
The preoccupied teen was hunched over his desk typing furiously. The boy’s ears were covered with a pair of headphones yet the music was loud enough to be heard through the steel walls. His hands were busy pounding out encryption codes that would befuddle men twice his age.
The teen had some obvious oriental heritage. His brown eyes were almond shaped. His short black hair was dyed yellow at the tips, creating a strange contrast to his pale golden skin. He was much too pale for his features and far too thin. Wires ran from his wrists to one of the consoles to his left. He didn’t even look up or remove the headphones, he could hear but had a habit of ignoring others unless they had something important to say. The only ones he habitually did not ignore
were Orion and Prowl.
“Bee?” Prowl ventured, laying a hand on the boy’s shoulder.He didn’t even jump though the music changed slightly.
“Come on in, I've got to tell you what a state I'm in, I've got to tell you in my loudest tones That I started looking for a warning sign.” came from the speakers.
“What happened Bee?” He asked.
There was a slight mess in the room, but not much difference than the normal mess of wires and broken machinery.
“I am... struggling... Been one of those days...” Played from the speakers as the boy’s lips twisted into a smirk.
“As long as you are safe Bee the others are in the infirmary except for the twins who no doubt are somewhere around here hurt after trying to take one of those psychos on by themselves.”

He had never trusted those men who had seemed far more loyal to the man who had led them out of the base. A few of them had been criminals before being placed in the program. He patted the shoulder careful of the joint between arm and neck. Bumblebee’s conversion was still in the development stages, Ratchet had refused to begin until there was some
reconstructive work done on his throat. So far, none of the attempts had proved successful. So the boy used the computer to talk, key bits of music filtered specifically to communicate. It was less of a hassle for those of the compound had yet to learn sign language.
“I should find the trouble makers, make sure you sleep tonight.” He told the boy closing the door behind him.

The twins were harder to find, apparently, they had been in a fight. The younger was at the moment helping the elder down the hall. Seeing Prowl, they both grinned.
“Hey Prowl what's up?” Sunstreaker asked. There were bullet holes spotting in his leather jacket. His jean cuffs were bloody just above his right foot.
His brother was in a similar state. Sideswipe was shirtless with bruising along his ribs and blood down his side. In his free arm, he held his gun half crushed. Both twins were strawberry blonds, the only differences was the length of their hair and their eyes. Sunstreaker’s eyes were a dark green and his hair was longer. The younger Sideswipe had short hair swept up and his jade eyes were lighter. Their pale skin made the freckles on Sideswipe’s nose stand out starkly.
“Should I even ask what happened to you Sunstreaker?”
“Well…we met Bonecrusher,” The twin explained, “Who was in a hurry and decides we were in the way…just cause Sideswipe, decided to shoot him.”
“You two just like to get in trouble.” Prowl sighed. All three of the younger recruits were insane that was the only explanation.
“Nope, it follows us like a puppy.” Sideswipe grinned.
“Come on the infirmary with me, both of you.” he ordered.
“Yes sir.” they followed him along the halls.


The infirmary was full of personnel when they arrived. Their illustrious leader was in a bed, being fussed over by the chief medic. The others were also being looked over though with less of a show.
Prowl pointed to a bed for the twins, knowing if he separated them, they’d act like it was the end of the world. He would never get used to dealing with them.
As soon as he saw the man, Ratchet made a motion for him to take a bed as well. Once the medic got to him, he began his tirade. Ratchet’s dark olive eyes were clouded with concern and anger. Forcing him to lie down, the worried doctor began checking over him for injuries.
“Where’s the kid?” The medic practically growled.
“His room, he apparently locked down the computer system after the break out.” Prowl reported as the man touched along his ribs.
“We need to get that boy a keeper.” Ratchet muttered, rubbing his face.
“And one for the boss.” Prowl said quietly, peering owlishly at their leader. By some stroke of luck, the other sickbay staff had managed to sedate the man. Orion slept peacefully, his bandaged chest rising and
falling slowly but steadily.
“Isn’t that supposed to be you?” Ratchet countered following his gaze.
“Can’t keep an eye on everyone.” Prowl replied, wincing as the doctor found a bruise.
“You’ll live.” He appraised, “But next time bring Bumblebee, I’m getting worried about him.”

Ratchet finished patching up the team, something he was used to doing after training, the wounds this time around were far to grievous for that. They were supposed to be the next kind of soldier. Men, who were part machine, supposedly, they didn’t question orders or mind dying. Not that he relished the thought of decades of research just for war.Of course, they were only prototypes and now seven of them were loose. He didn’t doubt they would be forced to hunt them down and bring
them back. More people were going to die at this rate. They were dangerous.
He had not wanted to test the program on them.
He had been sure something would go wrong.
God, he hated being right.


Orion was in his office looking over the damage reports he had received. Only a day after the escape and they were still not underway. Much of the base had yet to be repaired. Still he had work to do. He would have to send the damage reports on to the base commander Mr. Rosenkrantz. He could feel the man’s steely gaze bearing down on him. As if his thoughts had summoned the man, he entered the office and Orion jumped to his feet quickly and saluted. The man was shorter than Orion although his overbearing personality more than made up for it. His hair was dark, a deep auburn with streaks of grey threatening to blot out the dominate color.
“Sir.” He said trying not to wince as his ribs argued with his quick movement.
“At ease.” He dropped the salute and stood waiting for further orders.
“You wanted something sir?”
“Yes, I will want the damage reports, but in the meantime we have more candidates for evaluation. We did not want to bring them in so soon, they’re young, but now we have no choice. If they’re compatible, we’re taking them.” His voice held an ease many did not feel around the Elites. The Elites were those special individuals who had already begun the cyber conversion.
“More subjects for the program?” Orion demanded, “Seven of them just went berserk and nearly destroyed the base.” He could not believe this. Putting more people through this.

“Look Orion, I know your misgivings about this but there’s no alternative. We need the men. Period.”
“But sir-”
He continued as if Orion had not spoken.
“One has already arrived sans paperwork, Samuel James Witwicky, he is supposed to be good with computers and since we lost a hacker...”
Dread crept through Orion’s chest.
“You want me to pair him up with Bumblebee?”
“Exactly, many of your men, especially Ratchet have expressed the notion that he needs a keeper.”
The crushing dismay clawed further into his heart,
“I will see, sir. But Bumblebee ‘s old partner defected with Malcolm, he may no be quite willing to cooperate, let alone trust anyone.”
“I’m sure he’ll come around…”
“Yes sir.” He couldn’t possibly believe that, Orion knew his men, he prided himself on that fact alone. He knew how to encourage and chastise his team, ensuring that they fit into a cohesive unit, until the schism. Malcolm’s betrayal left scars on everyone, himself included. He knew Bumblebee would take the substitution hard.
Orion shifted and his chest flared in pain. Trying not to wince he turned again to the commander.
“But without paperwork?”
“Put him with the kid, we’ll work from there.”
He handed a paper for him to sign. Orion took it, eyes scanning the print warily. He didn’t like it, but what choice did he have? He signed it and handed it back.

Sam looked up at the man who had dragged him from his office to sit in an uncomfortable chair in a waiting room.
“Come with me.” The man ordered without even looking at the teen.
“Yes sir.” He replied quietly.
He still had no idea why he was here. His uncle had sent for him and he had yet to see him. Sam was led to a room in the barracks full of computer equipment. There was no sign of any beds but there must be at least one.
“Stay here and don’t touch anything I’ll be back.” The man ordered.
Sam didn’t like him already; he seemed to not even care what was going on around him.
“Yes sir.”


The infirmary was still only half repaired and the chief medical officer was furious about the damage. The other medical technicians and nurses did their jobs quietly and tried not to get in his way. Ratchet's day could have been better, as he worked Prowl came storming in dragging Bumblebee who was struggling and shaking his head wildly.
“Ratchet do something with this kid.” He growled.
“Like what?” the medic asked, looking at the two it was hard to see any resemblance aside from their nationality the younger was pale and the blonde tips to his black hair were an odd addition in Ratchet's opinion.
“I don't know set up an IV in his room or something, once again I find out he hasn't eaten in two days.”
The normally calm and collected tactician was more flustered than Ratchet had ever seen him.
“Shouldn't you take him to the canteen instead?” He asked lifting one eyebrow. The boy's wild nodding and hand gestures made it very clear he agreed with the medic.
“Slow down.” He said to the boy who stopped all together. He didn't have to take this really, he did his job and if they got mad at him for it what was he to do.
“Bumblebee, it is not good for a boy of your age to not eat at regular intervals.”
Walking over to a drawer, he pulled out a needle and primed it. Seeing the needle Bumblebee practically cowered behind Prowl. He hated shots needles in general scared him. Bee completely freaked out when Ratchet tried to give him his last set of boosters.
“If you ate instead of staying hooked to a computer all the time I wouldn’t have to do this.”
He grabbed the boy's arm, swabbed it and injected the vitamins into him. The only response was a pained whimper.
“He’ll be fine, Prowl return him to his quarters I’ll seriously think about that IV idea.”
“Yes sir.”

As the pair approached the barracks, they saw the base commander.
“Ah Prowl,” he nodded towards the man, grimly Prowl saluted the officer. Turning to the young hacker, he smiled. “Good Bumblebee your recent loss of a partner, we have found another recruit that might help.”
(Don’t need a babysitter) he showed moving his fingers.
“Not a baby-sitter, a partner.” The man said slightly condescendingly, he did not seem to realize the intelligence of the young hacker simply because he was a kid.
“You forget the last guy that was Bee’s partner betrayed us, along with the rest of the scum who took off.” Prowl said quietly to the man so the boy could not hear him.
“This boy has been hand-picked to join your ranks. He has skills which will complement Bumblebee’s perfectly.”
The trio came to the room, where he had left Sam. The boy was where he had left him, perched warily on Bumblebee’s bed.
Sam looked up at their entrance looking slightly guilty, but that could have been the fact he was left alone in an unknown room. The two newcomers were not what he had expected. The taller one was obviously oriental with short black hair and almond shaped eyes so brown they looked black; his skin was a golden tan. The shorter was far too skinny with shoulder length black hair with the tips dyed a bright yellow. He was vary pale with much lighter brown eyes he looked like he might have a similar decent as his companion. The taller of the two, smiled warmly at the boy.
“My name is Prowl, Chief of Security.”
Sam nodded taking the proffered hand.
“Samuel Witwicky, meet Bumblebee your partner.” Mr.Rosenkrantz introduced.

The young hacker looked at him and frowned. He did not need a babysitter, especially one so pathetic. The skinny kid looked no older than he did. Messy brown hair curled slightly and his eyes were hazel. He looked somewhat geeky but if he was to be in the program, he must have had some use.
(Don’t need him.) He signed towards Prowl. The tactician sighed and gestured towards the teen sitting on the mattress. Glaring at Prowl, Bee shook his head and flipped the other boy off making his opinion of the matter quite clear.
‘Yamete.’ Prowl growled in Japanese. He rarely resorted to his native tongue in front of others. The odd action surprised Bumblebee. Bowing his head, he seemed contrite, but his eyes never wavered. He remained firm on the thought of not needing anyone.

“Hi.” Sam greeted. “I’m not really sure about all of this either.” He said, trying to ignore the other’s obvious dislike of him. He had no clue what was going on and no one was telling him anything. The young man obviously had some serious issues, but Sam was not going to take
the abuse just because the kid was having a bad day.
“Nice to meet you.” Offering his hand the brunet offered a pleasant smile.
“I don't need you. I don't need friendship.” The speakers sparked to
life, and Sam jumped. The Bumblebee was halfway across the room, how on earth did the speakers…

He didn’t need another partner, the last one had defected, Bumblebee had already spent hours setting up firewalls to keep Frenzy out of the systems. The little bastard knew them as well as he did. He stormed over to his computer and sat down slipping into the system easily.“You will work together that’s an order.” The base commander told him and left the room.
Prowl turned to Sam as the door slid shut.
“Did he tell you anything?” the man asked looking concerned for the young man.
“No, he just told me to wait here.” Sam shrugged and looked at the other boy who apparently was supposed to be his partner.
“So you didn’t even meet Orion either.” He asked.
“No, I don’t know anything; I don’t even know why I’m on this base.”
“The personnel of this base are a part of a secret government project for cybernetic reconstruction. “
“You’ll understand soon,” Prowl assured him. “You should speak with Ratchet.” He looked over at Bumblebee who was sulking at his desk pointedly ignoring them.
“Come with me, Bumblebee needs time to cool down, and clean his quarters.” Before Bumblebee could make another rude gesture, they slipped out into the hall.
Prowl dragged the boy off to Ratchet first. Best to find out if he was one of the ones for the project. He himself was almost halfway converted, having half his body was replaced with cybernetics. Luckily not many could tell, the skin looked real it was even the same tone as his own golden color.
In the infirmary, Ratchet was yelling at his partner in crime, Wheeljack. From the sound of it, the two were arguing over their work. An arm lay on the nearest table, a cybernetic arm.
“Ratchet.” Prowl barked to claim his attention.
“Another kid Prowl? Who is this?” The ginger haired medic left this colleague to work on the arm and joined them.
“New recruit the commander wants him to work with the kid.” Prowl reported, he caught the look that flashed in the older man’s eyes. Of all of them, Ratchet seemed the most upset over the latest developments. He collected himself quickly.
“I see.” His voice held an odd lilt as he spoke, Sam wasn’t sure of it but it was almost like the Irish brogue.
The medic looked Sam over. The boy was almost as scrawny as Bumblebee.
“Get on the table” he directed, “I might as well give you a check up. Does he have papers?”
“Not that I know of…” Prowl replied.
“Fine, go keep an eye on our leader. He is not as fit as he’s letting on, but he won’t let me do anything.”
“Yes sir.” Prowl left.
Wheeljack looked at the kid, he was slightly built like most of the group actually he might be able to handle some of the lighter modifications. Depending on his skill would depend on what they were supposed to try out on him. He caught Ratchet’s eyes and left for his own lab, taking the arm they had been working on with him.
Sam sat on the table and removed his shirt at the medic’s orders. He was cold, shivering as the man poked and prodded. He only winced as the medic took blood sample. He even made him give a urine sample and filled out the papers for the medical work.
From what Ratchet saw, physically the boy could very well be in the program. Mentally, he might be a problem but as he’d observed up to this point everyone had problems adjusting at fist. If he was to be Bumblebee’s partner, he probably had some hacking skills. In that instance, the higher ups usually insisted on wet ware and jacks. Those
kind of modifications were easily installed, much easier that a limb or an organ.
He would wait though to know more, he was already being told to speed up the process with the others to chase down the ones who had fled.
“Sir?” Sam asked quietly as he sat on the examination table in his underwear. The man was doing another test on him. Even more prodding, mostly around his spine and shoulders.
“Ratchet.” The medic corrected. “I’m chief medical officer for the base but I hate formality.”
“Oh Ratchet, what exactly is going on?” Sam asked.
“Do you know anything?”
“Only that my uncle asked me to help with something he was a part of and sent me here.”
“I’m Sam Witwicky, his name’s Charles.”
“I see…yes, the project is cybernetic-enhancement. Most of the men here have some kind of enhancement the most successful subjects are Prowl, you’ve met him, Jazz, Ironhide and our commander Orion. Besides them, three younger men who aren’t soldiers. Bumblebee is our hacker and the twins Sunstreaker and Sideswipe.”
“Why their names like that. “ He asked confused.
“They are code names; we are not allowed the luxury of a past, When you join this outfit they strip away what’s left.”
“Do I get one?” He wasn’t sure he wanted to leave his family and all behind, he loved his parents and even if he could legally leave them as he was nineteen.
“Maybe.” Ratchet answered, it was not his place to give them their designations. That was one of Optimus’ many duties as team leader.

“Hey Hatchet, we hear there’s fresh meat.” Someone shouted and the medic groaned as two young men staggered into the infirmary. They were maybe a year older than Sam. They looked alike to Sam except the one had longer hair and darker eyes than the other did.

“Don’t you two have patrol, target practice or something to do instead of bothering me?” The doctor growled.
The older pointed to the younger’s arm, which was sparking at an alarming rate.
“Done with target practice.” Sunstreaker announced.
“Ironhide said to head over here and get checked out.” Sideswipe answered.
“But my aim is improving.” Sunstreaker finished proudly.
Used to the twin’s double talk, Ratchet ignored them and pointed to another table. “Sit.”

Sam stared at the two. He had not yet seen any of these upgrades Prowl and Ratchet had both mentioned. Bumblebee and Prowl both looked normal enough. However, the skin of the twin’s arm was scorched and some was peeled back to reveal the wires and mechanical components. His brother perched next to him grinning and swinging his legs back and forth.

“Hey, I’m Sunstreaker this is my brother and partner Sideswipe.” The two smiled at Sam reminding him of the Cheshire cat from a story his mom had read him as a kid. It was kind of creepy.

“Sam Witwicky,” He answered simply. “I’m supposed to be working with the hacker Bumblebee.”
“Oh yeah, good luck with that.” Sunstreaker winked at him.Sideswipe muttered crossing himself.
Ratchet glared at the two. “Stop that it won’t be that bad.”
“Oh of course not.” Sunstreaker said shaking his head as his brother made a slitting motion across his throat.
“How cruel, to bring such a young boy into the project simply to condemn them to death. What a waste.”
“A shame…he looks so promising.” Sideswipe interjected.
“Shut up both of you.” Ratchet said finishing his work on Sam. “Before I tell Prowl you’ve been shirking your duties.”
“Aww come on Hatchet we aren’t being that bad.”
“Idiots.” He growled, turning to Sam his voice softened. “Better get back to your quarters.”
“Where are they?”
“You’ll be sharing with Bumblebee.”
“Oh.” He wasn’t sure he’d survive to know more about the project.
“The boy is doomed.” Sunstreaker said simply as Sam left the infirmary to find the quarters he would be sharing with his new partner.


Bumblebee was livid; the boy had messed with his computer. He had gotten into the personnel files. Easily, far too easily there was no way anyone could get into his files. Not even Frenzy had gotten so far. Maybe he would be a good partner. That did not mean he would accept him. The person had messed with his computer.Only an hour later, the boy was at the door. He glared at the door and turned back to his computer. Entering a code he smiled to himself.

Sam glared at the door to the quarters he was supposed to be sharing with Bumblebee. It was locked and he had no keycard or pass code. After a few false starts, Sam sighed and no matter what he tried, the door refused to budge. He was still trying when someone came up behind. He was so intent on breaking in to his own room, Sam didn’t notice his audience. The man’s jovial voice startled him and he jumped nearly a foot into the air.
“Need something?”
Sam turned to see a dark skinned man with odd silver glasses that wrapped around his face under dreadlocks. He wore the same garb as everyone else, making Sam feel even more out of place. He hadn’t received any sort of uniform and was still in jeans and a hoodie.
“My name’s Sam Witwicky,” he began, pausing to add an honorific “Sir, I’m a new recruit, I’m supposed to work with Bumblebee but he locked me out.”
“It’s Jazz.” The man said simply.
“The designation’s Jazz, second in command of the Elites. Step aside and let a pro handle this.”
“Sure.” Sam answered and moved out of the way. He watched as Jazz fiddled with the keypad and the suddenly door swung open.
“Bumblebee. You can’t leave your toys out in the hall.” The Jazz called
poking his head in. The hacker turned and stuck his tongue out at him, moving his hands fast in response.
“You’ve been told, he’s your partner, and we have to follow orders.”
Jazz replied.
Turning to Sam, he smiled.
“There’s a bed in the mess over there that’s yours, your stuff should have arrived, if it hasn’t it will be along soon, I’m of to find the commander, behave Bumblebee.” He said and left.
As the door slid shut, Bumblebee sent a withering glare in Sam’s direction.


Prowl looked at his leader worried, there were pain lines around his eyes.
“Sir, you should see Ratchet.” He insisted, there was a problem, he could tell Orion was suffering. Stubbornly the man was trying to ignore it.
“I’m fine.” The terse answer was annoying. He took a data pad from the man. Perusing the information, he stopped when he noticed a smear of crimson on the corner. He eyed his commander suspiciously.
“I cut myself with a letter opener.” Orion muttered sheepishly.
Prowl wasn’t convinced. He did not believe him for a minute but he could not order the man to do anything. Only Jazz or Ratchet had the right to override Orion. .
“I will take care of this, under one condition,” At his comment Orion looked warily at him. “I’d ask that you join me for lunch.”
Eyeing his desk, covered in files and data pads, Orion smirked.“That I can handle.”
Standing Orion gestured towards the door,“Lead the way.”
Laughing Prowl shook his head. “I hope I never have to hear you say that again Sir.”
“Some dedication.” Orion muttered softly.
As Prowl turned back to reply he saw Orion falter. He caught the large man as he swooned, staggering under the enhanced man’s bulk. Tapping his ear peace, he hooked into the communication system.
“Ratchet we need you in the commander’s office now Orion’s not doing well.”
“I’ll be there soon, keep him still.”
“Yes sir.”
When Ratchet arrived, it was with three other techs and a gurney to carry him to the infirmary. He administered an x-ray and other tests and frowned.
“Wheeljack get here now.” He yelled across the infirmary. The blonde scientist was there before he was even done with his sentence.
“Yes Ratchet?” The man looked as tired as Ratchet felt. His clothes were rumpled and he’d been working in them for a few days and his spiky blond hair was a worse mess than normal.
“Looks like we have to do a lot more repair work than we thought.”
Ratchet said quietly as he handed him the X-ray.
“Damn this is bad can we fix this?” There was a lot more damage then even Prowl’s injuries had been.
“Only one way, exactly what they want us to do with the other
subjects.” Ratchet shuddered, the last time they had done this…the person was still in a coma.
“A full conversion?” He looked at Ratchet surprised his friend had even said something like that.
“Yes.” The medic agreed.
“You don’t want to do full conversions; it’s inhumane against the hypocritical oath.” Wheeljack parroted his own words from months ago back to him.
“I know that! But Orion’s my friend and I won’t let him die just
because he’s’ being stubborn. Not when I can help him.” Ratchet retorted, the sad part was he knew Orion would agree to it. He had agreed to do anything to help Ratchet.
“Alright I’ll prep the lab you tell him the news.” The blond left for his lab.
Orion was barley conscious; he saw the look in his old friend’s eyes.
“Ratchet?” He whispered.
“Orion you have massive internal bleeding and bones were cracked worse than we thought. There’s only one choice to save you.”
“Do it then, I said I’d help you.”
“I know it won’t be long.” He said quietly.
Looking at his techs, he nodded once.
“Prep him for the surgery, it’s time to see if all of our research was for nothing.”
They worked quickly to fix the damage and ensure that there were no problems. The amount of cybernetics they were putting in this man was beyond anything they had successfully done before. Wheeljack kept an eye on the machines while ratchet kept busy with the flesh. Soon they were done now all they had to do was wait for the results.
Hours later blue optics glowed softly in the man’s face and he sat up with little help.
“Orion?” Ratchet asked.
“Orion Pax is dead, I am Optimus Prime.”


A Warning Sign -Coldplay
Goodnight and Go -Imogen Heap
Have You Got It In You? -Imogen Heap
I Don't Need You - Kenny Rogers
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