Series Title: Mecha And Armor
Chapter Title: A Strange Night
Disclaimer: I don’t own either Ronin Warriors or Transformers characters. I’m not making any money on this.
Rating: PG-13
Pairings/Character: Sam/Bee/Mikaela, Ryo, Hound, White Blaze, Rowen, Sage, Sai, Kento, Will, and Ironhide
Summary: Hound is learning the lay of the road when he stops to help a human with directions.
Notes: This isn’t beta but I’ll gladly accept any offers of help. It took me three times to rewrite the beginning because Ryo and Hound wanted to actually meet and I didn’t want them to meet that soon.
Fake Cut to Mecha And Armors This is crossposted at
My LJ page,
transficsation, and
My DeviantART Page