LTS 15-22

Dec 20, 2007 12:41


Primus, it's been how long since we've updated???
Sorry for the delay, but we've had an unbelieveably crappy month (last month was a crap shoot, too ><) and haven't been working on LTS for a little bit >>;;; sorry.
Hopefully, a seven page update and the promise of more dependable updates will help ^_^;;;
we're also scrambling to get an LTS AMV done in time to submit to SakuraCon 08 <3 <3 <3 we have till feb 28, wish us luck

ONWARDS to another cliffhanger

it's supposed to say SHAME behind the guys there ;;; didn't quite make it...
This set introduces the new programs we've been using for backgrounds. SketchUp, and then Karkethea which renders SketchUp with realistic lighting <3 <3 hopefully the 2D and 3D will blend better as we get more used to the programs, it certainly makes the panels sooooooo much easier.

why, yes, they still use Google in the future <3 Yay, PrintScreen >_>;;
And yes, I really did do a Google search to get that image XD

that's it for now, after one more page I'm changing to 9x12 bristol which is beautiful paper <3 <3 not that any one cares
The new goal is to get at least one page update a week ^_^; hopefully two >>;;
We're out of school now so that's a three hour trip we don't have to worry about anymore ::cheers::

Happy Holidays!!!


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