Unusual Changes Chapter 2

Nov 27, 2007 23:14

Oh dear lord, I'm updating before I really get any reviews. What is wrong with me?  x.x *dies*

Title: Unusual Changes (Chapter Two)

Pairing: bee/sam and mikaela/ratchet, ironhide/lennox, others to be decided

Rating: PG-13 for swearing and suggestive comments

Disclaimer: All characters are 18 and older, and I do not own Transformers.

A.N.: ^^ *is happy* Well, now I’m writing Chapter two… wow… that’s just… so quick for me. >.<; Hope you like how the Autobots look in their holoforms. Thought I’d change how they normally pop up. I hope. Oh, and I’m sorry you don’t get to find out what they look like this time ('cept Bee, who you, infact, saw last time). >.>; It just didn’t fit in. Maybe next time. But I already have what a good deal of them look like in Holo forms. *cough* Anyway, enjoy. ;P

Summary: After a period of relative normalness and peace, the unexpected happened: Sam starts showing side effects of being too close to the Allspark upon its destruction, something no Autobot or Decepticon, let alone a human, should do.


Chapter One

While Sam appreciated Mikaela being there for him (what with the breaking up, still being friends, and his crush on Bee being revealed), he was immensely glad that she and Ratchet had left. Not only did it allow him to grieve his humanity with his crush/best friend there to comfort him, but it allowed her to spend time with the Autobot she was developing serious feelings for.

See, even when he felt as if he was going to have a panic attack, he still looked on the bright side.

Bumblebee had pulled Sam onto his lap and was gently running a hand up and down his back as Sam’s thoughts drifted.

"What do you think this will mean, Bee?" Sam asked quietly.

Bumblebee shrugged softly, "I do not know, Sam. There are many possibilities. Many can be seen as bad, but just as many can be seen as good."

Sam sighed, "Well, if one things going to come from it, it might as well be that I can stay with you… and the rest. I think it’d be nice to spend however long it is you guys live getting to know and spend time with you…" He trailed off.

Bumblebee tilted his head and drew Sam back from him, "You know how long we can live, Sam."

Sam finally smiled, "I know."

Bumblebee also smiled as he bumped his forehead softly against Sam’s.

It has been a long and somewhat tiring day, Optimus reflected.

First, the newly arrived Twins - Sunstreaker and Sideswipe - had gone and used their holoforms to paint Ironhide’s vehicle form while he recharged - with bright red flowers.

Optimus was just glad they weren’t pink.

And then, to make the situation worse, when Ironhide awoke from his recharge - which was due to the arrival of a recently divorced Will Lennox and a relationship that had been waiting to form since Mission City - he went ballistic on the twins, and they had to go to Ratchet (Who wasn’t pleased. Ratchet was looking forward to a relaxing day as a prelude to Mikaela, Bumblebee, and Sam visiting.). It was made worse by the message left on Ironhide’s windshield -

"Here’s some flowers to give to your sweetheart! <3 ~ S&S :P"

And that was before the time Earthlings call "Noon".

At least, due to the arrival of Wheeljack there had been some advancement done to the base at a more rapid rate.

Unfortunately, there were also more explosions. Today was just one of those days…

It wasn’t long after Sam, Mikaela, and Bumblebee’s arrival that Mikaela and Ratchet came looking for his presence to explain young Sam’s situation.

It was also when Optimus realized that his Head Medic and the young woman beside him did in fact care for one another, and if the situation and soon to be close proximity of one another was any indication, they would soon be in the same situation as Ironhide and Lennox (But at least the Twins were afraid enough of Ratchet not to paint his vehicle form as he recharged).

Optimus only hoped that while Bumblebee took Sam and Mikaela to get their things that they didn’t run into any trouble.

He could only hope.

mikaela, lennox, ironhide, holo!bee, ratchet

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