Come Tomorrow 12

Nov 15, 2007 10:46

Title - Come Tomorrow 12
Paring - BeexSam
Rating - Nc/17 - Mpreg
Disclaimers - All characters are over 18.
Transformers aren't mine.
Thanks - to my wonderful beta that helped me English_Enigma.

Now you'll know what happened to Bee and get ready for a bit of action ... hot action.

Come Tomorrow 12

Hide remains in silence staring at the horizon ... empty horizon, his mouth is dry and his eyes fixed unblinking in front of him. Just a moment ago he saw his friend, his best friend ... his little one, jump the ravine and disappear ... falling down toward sure death.

"It's unfair," he barely whispers while wind is bending his argent antennae. "He didn't deserve it.”

"Woah! I never saw a man like you, made of steel, with such an expression ... are you crying for me?" Bee exclaims staring at him with wide and curious eyes.

"You fucker!" Hide yells out slapping the bot's head. "What did you do?"

"I jumped," Bee shrugs blue optics staring at him.

"Yeah, I saw that," Hide replies staring at the yellow bot, "but I thought that you ..."

"Hey, I never thought even for a moment to kill myself," Bee spits out. "I just wanted to make you spill some truths."

"You ... ok, I would love to kill you," Hide shakes his head. "You scared the shit out of me."

"I know," he laughs. "Am I or am I not a good actor?"

"Fuck you, Bee!" Hide slaps him. "But I saw you jump."

"I transformed back into my own form so I could preserve both my human and car form," Bee reveals while smiling triumphantly. "Plus, just have a look at the ravine. It’s not so deep," he adds laughing.

"You motherfucker ..." he sighs while staring at the deepth of the ravine. "You planned it all, eh ... didn't you?"

"Yeah," Bee nods proud of himself. "I guessed that both Prime and Ratchet did something to me and thanks to you I have a confirmation."

"Have you ever thought of becoming a strategist?" Hide laughs.

"No. No thanks ... but I think that Prime owes me some explanations," he says transforming back into his car form. "Care to join me?"

"Where are we going?" Hide sighs.

"I will drop you at the base and then think about what to say to Prime," Bee reveals staring up at him.

"Ok, but please, Bee. No more loud music and no more racing," Hide asks before he enters.

"You old man!" Bee sighs starting the engine.


"What are you doing?" Sam asks putting down a comic that he's reading.

"Reading," Bee tells him while flipping through the pages.

"Yeah, I see it but ... but you are flipping through the pages," Sam points out.

"It's my way of reading," Bee explains closing the magazine. "It's a magazine for future moms ... your mother bought it for you."

Sam sighs shaking his head. "Yeah, I bet that it will be usefull ... tell me there's an article that talks about alien pregnancy?"

"No," Bee shakes his head smiling, "but have you thought about the name?"

"Not yet," Sam replies returning to his reading.

"I’ve thought about the name."

"Please, no strange names like Galaxy, Starscream ... hmmm ... Optimus Prime, Nebula, Moon, Sun ... ya know, eh?" Sam tells him. "Remember that our son will live on Earth ... with humans."

"I know," Bee nods going to sit on the bed near his lover. "It's for this reason that I'd like to call him Paul Shimmering Star Of The North. "

Sam raises his eyebrow staring at him in disbelief. "Ok, it's better to return to what we were doing ... reading."

Bee laughs hard. "No, ok ... eheh, I was joking, Sam."

"Better for you," Sam hisses gazing up at him.

"But really, I thought about the name for him," Bee continues. "I'd like to call him Bright, just Bright."

"Bright, hm?" Sam thinks closing the comic. "yeah ... yeah, I like that."

Bee smiles widely. "Really?"

"Yeah, good taste man," Sam nods before kissing him. "Love you so much, Mr Bumblebee."

"Love you too, Mr Witwiky," he smiles licking his lips, "and right now I want to fuck you so much ... oops, to make love to you."

"I like the roughness of the word fuck so say it again, please," Sam smiles lazily kissing him.

"I want to fuck you, Sam," Bee roughly whispers to him. "Just take you from behind ... my hands cupping your delicious ass cheeks and my cock buried deep inside your deep and tight hole."

Sam hums in pleasure as Bee pulls down his sweatpants. "Just turn, baby. Come on ... on your hands and knees," he orders softly slapping Sam's ass. "Raise it up, baby. I know that you are in heat for me."

"Fucking internet porn sites that you keep visiting," Sam moans as Bee takes off his t - shirt.

"You are my daily porn, baby," Bee grins licking Sam's back making him arch and hum in pleasure, "and you don't know how erotic you are with that swollen belly ... carring my son. So pregnant and full of my being, baby ... I'm so going to fill you up, pretty."

"Do it, please," Sam cries out in pleasure. "Fill me up, Bee, please."

Bee turns Sam's face to kiss him while his fingers, moist with precum, are pushed into him ... making him loose and ready for his cock. His arm encircles Sam's upper body and chest. "So pregnant you are," he licks Sam's neck then biting it, leaving a mark, his own mark. "Relax, baby, they are only my fingers," he whispers feeling Sam's ass muscles clench around them.

"Breathe, Sam, come on," Bee smiles softly taking out his fingers and positioning his leaking cock against Sam's loosened hole.

Sam shushes his cries into the pillow as Bee pushes into him ... his fingers wrapped around the sheets with white knuckles as Bee just slides inside him, stretching him more, adjusting his position a bunch of times to ease the pain that Sam is feeling. "Swallow it, baby. Come on, Sam ... yeah, fuck. So tight."

Sam pants with red cheeks wet with sweat and Bee starts to fuck him as his round and swollen belly gently rubs on the mattress and one of his hands goes to caress it, slowly massagging it as Bee is whispering into his ear something in his own language that Sam can't understand.

He cries out as Bee pushes deeper and his large hands are around his hips ... fingers pressing into his flesh leaving bruises as he drives himself into Sam's heat.

"Love you so much," Bee moans cupping Sam's tender swollen breast that Sam hates but Bee loves. "Love you ... love you, love you," Bee repeats with each push and kiss as his rough hands are teasing Sam's nipples. Even if, for Sam, it’s really awkard to have breasts leaking colostrum sometimes Bee seemes to not mind and loves the soft feel of them in his palms.

Sam shivers and moans feeling his orgasm approach and he starts to meet each push more... driving his ass against Bee's pelvis, demanding more. "Bee," he calls him while his swollen lips are slightly open ... lips wet with saliva as he tries to breathe but the pleasure is intense and for a moment as he reaches his orgasm it's like suffocating, as his fingers try to find something to hold onto and Bee quickly grabs them letting his lover ride his orgasm as he pants and moans ... and Bee feels his orgasm milked out by Sam's clenching ass and the vision that he's offering, so beautiful and perfect.

One of his hands slams flat against the mattress to hold both their weights as he cries out something in his own ancient language. Driving deep into Sam, filling him up with his semen as his balls are tight and full of load, his radar is hissing and he can feel his son’s frequency and even Sam's heart beat.

"I love you," he moans shaking his antennae as his system threatens to just blackout, to crash and leave him senseless.

"Hmmm love you too," Sam smiles lazily as Bee slides out and slumps on the mattress. "Don't blackout, please, you scare me!"

Bee nods trembling slightly a bit with each electric discharge that his system is producing and Sam embraces him kissing his head and whispering that he loves him. Bee just puts one of his hands over Sam's belly and he smiles softly feeling the tiny heart beat of his son through his sophisticated system.

"Bright," he whispers as Sam covers both of them ... before his system decides to just make him crash and recover from the orgasm.

Next morning as Bee is sitting inside his car watching Sam walk away with his mom for a bit of shopping he abruptly turns to stare at Prime, Prime's human form knocking at the window asking to enter the car.

"I came here to talk to you, Bee," Prime explains slamming the door shut. "Just me and you."

Bee nods gripping the sterring wheel hard. "I know."

"Look at me, Bumblebee," Prime demands and Bee turns his arctic eyes toward him.

There's a little moment of silence before Prime captures the boys lips for a deep kiss and Bee slides his eyelids shut as Prime keeps kissing him fingers sliding under Bee's jeans to reach for the Autobot logo lying under there ... on his pelvic area, a burning sensation that sends shiver through Bee’s whole body.

"I'm so going to fuck you," Prime roughly whispers licking the boys' throat as his fingers grab a hold of both Bee's antennas making him softly hiss in pain as he starts to lick the argent earphones, licking the Autobot symbol imprinted on them. Bee moans in pleasure turning to kiss him again, demanding the older man's attention.

"It was always me and you, eh?" Prime hisses. "Love you so fucking much."

Bee moans and he feels stoned, drugged as Prime kisses him again fingers never stopping to tease his Autobot tattoo. "Yeah," he pants arching off the drivers seat. And Prime grins looking at the stoned boy as cold dog - tags are sliding against his chest ... and a Decepticons logo is shining engraved on them. 

human!bee, mpreg, fanfiction, sam

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