Intro and fic!

Nov 01, 2007 21:53

Helloooo all!  ;D  I've been lurking for a few days, but I finally have something to contribute!  <3

I'm pretty new to the fandom.  I never saw the movie in theaters because I wasn't that interested in Transformers, but then last weekend one of my friends lent it to me because he said I would love it.  Boy, was he right!!  XD

I totally didn't think of the slash implications until the second time I watched it (heheh, it was a three day weekend), but when it did hit me I was like "Wow!!"  <3  Sam has more chemistry with his CAR than with his hetero love interest!  XD  So I'm now obsessed.  I've been saving up the change under the couch cushions so I can go cruise by Amazon and buy the DVD!  ;D  LOL!  Like I said: obsessed.  ;D

Anyway, I now have a small drabble to contribute to the comm.  ^^  It's very short and probably full of a lot of mistakes.  I wrote it all out in about 20 minutes and didn't have it beta'd, so any mistakes are my full responsibility.  ^^u

Hope you enjoy it!  ^_^

Title:  Curiosity Killed the Cat
Rating:  PG - PG-13 (for slight innuendo)
Pairing:  Who else?  ;D
Summary:  Sam starts to wonder something about his robot pals...

The more Sam thought about it, the more he was tempted to ask. The thought had come to him randomly one day when he was sitting in class letting his mind wander, gazing at Bumblebee’s gleaming hood outside in the parking lot. It just hit him, and he instantly regretted wondering. He had ducked his head down almost to his desk, trying to banish the thought from his mind. It wasn’t like he wanted to know about… that, but after his first speculation, he couldn’t stop wondering about it.

It kept trying to slip its way into conversation, but he ended up stopping himself each time. It was just WAY too weird. …But also interesting. He kept telling himself that he wasn’t crazy. They were aliens from another planet; it was natural to wonder about how they did it, wasn’t it?

The longer he kept quiet, the harder it was to do. His curiosity was starting to drive him crazy, and he found himself constantly gazing at parts of Bumblebee’s anatomy, wondering exactly how “that” would happen.

Finally he resolved to just ask Bumblebee outright. They were buds, right? They could ask each other anything, no matter how strange it was, right? He decided to do it while Bee was in car form so that he wouldn’t have to deal with the weirded-out expression that would no doubt follow.

It was a warm Saturday afternoon and they were cruising around, windows down, radio cranked, just enjoying the air and sun. It would normally have been exhilarating, but Sam’s troubled mind wasn’t letting him enjoy it as much as he would have normally. Bee seemed to pick up on this and switched off the radio.

“Sam, is something troubling you?” he asked, his crisply accented voice bringing Sam out of his reverie. Well, this was as good a time as any.

“Actually, uh, yeah…” Sam began, feeling an uncomfortable blush begin to creep up his neck. “There’s something I’ve kinda been meaning to ask you…” Sam paused, wondering how best to phrase what he was about to ask. He nervously fidgeted with the steering wheel, running his thumbs over the warm leather.

“Sam?” Bee prompted, his voice becoming laced with worry.

Sam cleared his throat and braced himself.  “I was just wondering…”

“...How do you guys eat?”
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