Not Gone ... Yet 7

Oct 28, 2007 22:22

Title - Not Gone ... Yet 7
Paring - BeexSam
Rating - Nc/17
Disclaimers - All characters are over 18.
Transformers aren't mine.
Thanks - to my wonderful beta that helped me English_Enigma.

What if Bee is not really Bee? He's ready to reveal something to Sam.

Not Gone  ... Yet 7

Bee was kneeling on the floor with thick, sticky, black oil dripping from his slightly opened mouth ... fingers spread against the cold surface of the floor, Bee cries out in agony as another wave of sickness hits his system making him spill out more black, viscous oil. He's trembling with the effort to just keep himself online and not blackout ... to keep from just sliding onto the floor and letting his system crash.

"Not yet," he hisses trying to wipe his mouth with his closed fist. "Not yet, Bumblebee.”

On shaking legs he stands up and the room is spinning as he tries to walk toward Sam's bed ... only one second he thinks ... I just want to sit for a few moments to regain my strength. He yells out as dark, rolling, black tears are sliding down his cheeks and he hastily wipes them away.

"I still have too much to say!" he cries out. "He has to know.”

He slumps, sitting on the bed, while coughing and spitting more black oil ... he raises his black eyes, gazing up at the ceiling while rubbing his shaking palms on his rough jeans ... he remains still, unmoving for a long moment, and he feels his body heavy and his system abused ... just want to crash, he whispers while rubbing his face.

And then his antennae bristle up catching a signal ... and he knows who is walking toward Sam's house ... he knows him and he stands up on shaky legs while making his way downstairs and toward Sam's glass door.

"You shouldn't be here, Prime," he sighs while stepping outside sliding closed the glass door. "I'm busy."

"Bumblebee, I think that you owe me an explanation about what happened when you-"

"I don't owe you a fucking thing!" Bee finds himself yelling. "Just go away, Prime."

"I'm not going anywhere. I want to know what you are planning to do with Sam," Prime roars getting closer to him. "I see you ... don't play any stupid tricks with me, Bumblebee.”

"Look at me, Prime," Bee hisses slapping his chest. "Look at me and tell me if you still can recognize him!"

"What happened?"

"They destroyed him, don't you to understand?" he hisses. "They got rid of him when they understood that, no ... the stupid Autobot wasn't going to reveal anything to them."

"It's not true!" Prime tells him while studying the boy in front of him.

"Yes, it's true, they had a bit of fun with him before they just ended his fucking life ... they tore his spark apart," he reveals glaring at him. "He's dead, Prime."

Prime remains in silence as a cold wind is made dead leaves fly around them. "So if my Bee ... my soldier is dead, who are you?" he then asks.

"I don't want to talk about that," Bee spits out walking past him. "Now you can walk away.”

"But you owe me an answer," Prime roars grabbing him by his arm. "I saved you.”

"You don't know what you are asking for," Bee hisses gazing up at him as electrified air disturbs his radar. "I'm beyond you ... I carry with me something that you can't understand ... can not know."

"Try me," Prime tells him letting Bee go. "Do that for Bumblebee.”

"Bumblebee was a stupid 'bot who just thought of protecting you guys ... and he died in a horrible way," Bee yells. "He just sacrificed himself not thinking of what he was leaving behind ... not thinking of Sam!"

Prime widens his sky blue eyes and Bee grins. "Yeah, Sam, because he loved him ... and don't look at me surprised. Yeah, your perfect little robot was fucking what he should have protected, only protected!"

"Bumblebee and Sam were lovers?" Prime asks in disbelief. "But it's impossible and we can't do-"

"Holo - forms aren't only good for disguises amongst humans," Bee tells him while shaking his head. "You should know that the two were lovers.”

"I was suspecting something but ... but I thought that Bee wasn't pushing this craziness so far," Prime hisses while rubbing his hands. "Love between us and a human isn’t allowed ... we just have to protect them.”

"Instead Bumblebee found a nice, new way to entertain himself," he laughs. "Now get your ass out of this garden.”

"You still have to tell me many things, Bee or whatever you are," Prime hisses pointing a finger toward him.

"I'm not going to tell you more," Bee spits out.

"I'm keeping my eyes on you, Bee," Prime tells him and then he walks away hands in his pockets and his head lowered.

"You loved him," he finds himself whispering. "He’s not coming back, Prime."

Later during dinner as Sam is talking on the phone with his mom Bee stares at him. Sitting at the kitchen table while laughing with his mum about something and his Sam is so beautiful with his dark hair still wet after the shower and only wearing a big sweatshirt ... and his naked legs are crossed under him while he's nibbling some chips that Bee bought for him this afternoon.

He turns toward Bee gesturing him to come to sit with him at the table and Bee nods while sitting in front of him and he silently waits 'til Sam ends his phone call.

"Today I went out for a coffee with Mikaela and she seemed a bit strange," Sam reveals while starting to eat.

"Oh really? About what?" Bee asks while chewing his bottom lip.

"She asked me tons of times if I was dating someone," Sam replies while chewing slowly.

"And ... and what did you tell her?" Bee asks antennae bristling up.

"Obviously I told her that, no, I wasn't dating anyone," Sam says while looking at him in disbelief. "What, I should have told her that you returned and you are my lover again?"

"No!" Bee yells and Sam jumps startled by Bee's distress.

"Bee?" he asks leaning closer to his lover. "What's your problem?"

"No ... eh, eh I was just ... I ..." Bee babbles while scratching his head. "This roast is wonderful!"

Sam remains in silence for a brief moment then he whispers, "Bee, you ... you aren't eating it."

"Oh ... oh, yes! I was referring to the fact that it looks wonderful," he fakes a big grin while avoiding looking directly at Sam. "I know that we don't need to eat and ... oh fuck! I answered your mobile phone."

"Bee ... I'm not following you," Sam points out and stops eating. "You what?"

"Last day you were asleep and your mobile phone started to ring and I answered," Bee rushes to tell him.

"And?" Sam asks trying to understand what is bothering his lover.

"It was Mikaela!" Bee blurts out lowering his eyes.

Sam gasps in surprise. "Oh fuck!"

"Yeah ... I'm sorry, Sam, I just wanted to shut that fucking phone up and I-"

"So now that explains why she was acting so strange," Sam sighs rubbing his face. "She’s thinking that I'm dating a new boyfriend."

Bee stares for a long moment at him with a raised eyebrow. "Ehmmm ... Sam, she recognized me." Sam chokes on the coke that he’s drinking spitting it on the tablecloth. "Sam?" Bee asks worried by his lover reaction.

"Ok," Sam coughs while punching his chest. "So she recognized you?"

"Yeah, Sam," Bee whispers lowering his antennae.

"I will talk with her and ... and explain what happened with the Decepticons keeping you away for all these years," Sam nods leaning closer to kiss Bee.

"Sam?" after a long moment of silence Bee whispers softly.

"Eh, Bee?" Sam replies gazing up at him.

"I'm not Bumblebee."

human!bee, fanfiction, sam

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