Story idea?

Oct 18, 2007 20:43

I will note this is an idea I'm not a big on writing because one of the most things I hate is being put down on my creative stuff happen alot in the last year of public school I ever did when I was 12. So be nice?

With what happened with the all-spark being destroyed being turned into tiny little bits, they're most liekly everywhere right? What would happen if the all-spark do trying to keep life as it knew it alive?

A freind a very big tranformer fan pointed out to me that in the very first tranformer things that the tranformers seemed to be all male but not really they where just all one sex there wasn't two diffrent sexes they could be labled as a sexual pretty much but it disturbed the human's that they all where 'all male'  to  make the human's feel more at ease the tranformers built bodys more like the human females to try and appease the human mind. I personly like this idea. It also plays into my idea.

My story idea mainly involved Wheeljack trying to make a solid holo projector. The fragments of the all-spark trying to save the race it's created trying to merge the most advanced sperices avalible when it come in contact with the soild hologrames the TF control it uses this as bridge into the human race for it's children. I have a storyline trying to claw out of the box I've put  this idea in which involves the human race are creators of much tech but when ever the all-spark came in contact with this they transformers it created where 'just machines' they lacks the very spark or soul to keep the being alive for it to keep going and to surive. This part comes from how long do those cellphone and other thing it brought to life in Sam running lasted? Not very long I bet.

The other part of the idea is what'd happen if the all-spark saw this and started mergeing creator with the inventions? Basicly mergeing human with machine?

Can you people here give me the input if this is a good idea?

This story'd involved SamxBee most asured.
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