Come Tomorrow 9

Oct 15, 2007 17:59

Title - Come Tomorrow 9
Paring - BeexSam - BeexRatchet
Rating - Nc/17 - Mpreg - Non - Con
Disclaimers - All characters are over 18.
Transformers aren't mine.
Thanks - to my wonderful beta that helped me English_Enigma - Nova I'Sif she gave me inspiration - Blackbolt and Speechie42 because they always support me with beautiful words.

We start the chapter with a slight non - con but hey don't worry wait to hear what Prime has to say.

Almost A Year Ago -

"Bumblebee, stay still," Ratchet orders while gripping one of Bee's wrists. "Let it work ... come on, boy.”

"I'm feeling dizzy," Bee cries out. "Le ... let me go.”

"If I let you go you will fall," Ratchet sighs. "Come on, sit here.”

"I don't want ... leave me alone," Bee babbles while feebly trying to free himself.

Ratchet shakes his head while leading the young Autobot toward a chair. "Sit here, Bee.”

Bee slumps down while gazing at him. "I'm tired of your sick games ... I want to see Sam!"

"You will see him when Prime decides that it's the right time for you to leave the base," Ratchet coldly replies while holding Bee's shoulders down, preventing him from standing up.

"Fuck you and Prime!" he hisses drowsily. "I ... I want to see Sam ... he  ... he needs me.”

"We need you here," Ratchet replies while taking another syringe full of an orange liquid from the nearby table. "Now, please try to calm yourself.”

"No ... not again!" Bee cries out as Ratchet quickly pushes the needle inside his vein. "Oh fuck.”

"Bee!" Ratchet yells out. "You need to stay-"

"Fuck you ... and your sick tests," Bee cries out pushing Ratchet away from him. "I ... I," he babbles while trying to steady himself.


"What you are doing ... you are crazy!" he spits out while trying to walk but as he's about to fall Ratchet catches him.

"Prime wants it," Ratchet whispers against his earphone. "Remember to not disobey your leader.”

Bumblebee nods while licking his lips. "I want Sam.”

"I know," he sighs while making Bee lie against his chest. "Now just try to stay calm, Bee.”

"Not again ... please," Bee cries out, drugged, as his fingers feebly try to hold Ratchet's wrists.

"Shhhh ... Bee," Ratchet whispers as his hand goes down to cup Bee through his sweatpants starting to massage his cock and Bee just whines. "Stay still, Bee ... please.”

"I ... I want you to-"

"Shhh, just close your eyes and think about Sam," Ratchet tells him as his hand slips inside the thin material of Bee's sweatpants and starts to jack him off. "Why do I have to drug you every time, Bee?"

"I'm sick of you," Bee hisses but then he whimpers in pleasure as Ratchet fingers are now teasing his balls.

"I just want you to orgasm and then I will analyze your sperm, Bee," Ratchet explains. "You don't want to collaborate ... it would be simpler if you would masturbate yourself.”

"Fuck you ... ahhh," Bee moans bucking his hips.

"Let it flow, Bee," Ratchet whispers as he returns to stroke the younger Autobot’s cock. "It would be easier if you weren't so stubborn.”

"I hate this body ... this form," Bee moans as he catches hold of Ratchet's shoulder. "Ratchet," he calls him as his eyes fall shut and his hot breath is tickling the older mans neck ... and Ratchet thinks that Bumblebee has something sinful inside him ... something uncatchable, that you want ... you want just to reach and touch ... and Ratchet thinks that maybe he shouldn't brush Bee's lips ... a soft kiss ... even if ... even if Ratchet would like to taste more ... to see how much more real than himself Bumblebee is.

Ratchet sighs while holding the shivering, drugged, younger boy. "Don’t fight your orgasm, Bee ... learn to feel your body."

"Fuck you," he spits out as he's trying to understand what is happening ... why humans need to reach this peak as Ratchet’s fingers won’t stop teasing him ... stroking his cock.

Ratchet pulls down Bee's sweatpants leaving him exposed. "Stay still, Bee," he softly tells him while pushing a vial against Bee's glans. "Bumblebee! Learn how to use your body, come on boy," he hisses when he feels Bee try to push the vial away.

"I don't ... I-" he cries out as he grasps Ratchet’s sweater for support ... his mouth slightly open in a silent gasp as hot spurts of come start to fill the vial and Ratchet can't resist anymore the urge to kiss him; deeper ... just capture his lips and kiss him as the boy comes ... a shaking form against him and he knows that he shouldn't kiss him ... Prime wouldn't liked that and then it's not so professional, but right now he doesn't give a fuck about ethics ... he just wants a taste ... a share of what he created.

"Gloriosus Bumblebee" he whispers in Latin while passing his fingers over the new Autobot tattoo resting on Bee pelvis. "You are the next ... you are beyond us ... nova saeculum.”

"Hostes vestrum regem necent: sic vestra, Athenienses, victoria erit, rex autem vivus civitati oberit" Bee softly whispers back as his eyes darken while gazing up at Ratchet ... stormy eyes burning holes inside his system.

"You are referring about Athens and Sparta," he coldly tells him while letting Bee go ... yeah, two ancient factions like them ... like Decepticons and Autobots and in Bee's words he sees the truth. "Nobody will ever dare to touch Prime ... nor you!"

"I don't want anything from you," Bee hisses while an evil smile crosses his face. "It's you that wants to eat me alive."

"You'll do what he asked," Ratchet warns him. "Now you may go.”

Bee just stares at him menacingly like he wants to just free the fury that is rushing through his system. "Let me go back to Sam," he barely whispers while pulling up his sweatpants, "and don't touch me again.”

Today -

"Memento Audere Semper" Bee whispers while he's sitting on the hood of his Camaro ... in the middle of nowhere ... an unknown desert area.

"Dare," he sighs between himself. "In my entire life I’ve always liked to dare ... challenging myself ... pushing myself further and further."

The wind is bending his antennae back as he's gazing down at the yellow, black stripped hood. "I can sense that something is missing but what?" he asks himself. "What’s the piece that I'm missing ... that I'm not seeing, because I'm more than sure that this didn't happen randomly ... it wasn't a simple case that I got Sam pregnant."

He raises his glacial eyes toward the trembling horizon ... like he's fixing on someone. "It can't be ... no, it can't be that Ratchet did something with my body, my system," he breathes out rubbing his face. "But then why? What did he truly want from me?”

For a long moment he remains in silence just thinking. "nova saeculum" he whispers chewing his bottom lip. "Next generation ... but if I'm something new for them ... oh, fuck!" he hisses slapping the hood.

"They wanted me to get Sam pregnant," he hisses while quickly getting inside the car. "Oh, they are so going to explain some stuff to me.”

"Bumblebee!" Ironhide calls him as he sees the yellow car racing toward the big warehouse ... a big cloud of dust following the car ... then with a hard brake he transform into his Autobot - form.

"Where's Ratchet?" he hisses while a glacial light flashes inside his optics.

Ironhide sensing something going on remains in silence "I asked you where the fuck is Ratchet!" Bee yells when he sees that Ironhide is not going to reply.

"Behind the warehouse," the military strategist replies. "Bumblebee, you have to understand they-"

"Shut up!" he barks while walking past him. "I'm sick of hearing lies.”

Ironhide is about to reply when Ratchet steps between them. "I knew that you would eventually find out.”

"Oh, here you are ... I want a fucking explanation for what is happening!" Bee barks out. "You owe me that.”

"It's not so simple and-"

"I don't care!" Bee yells glaring at him. "What did you do to me and Sam?"

"I didn't touch Sam," Ratchet replies. "You shouldn't be here asking about this information because it is confidential."

"Don't give me shit, Ratchet," Bee spits out. "I repeat one more time, what did you do to me?"

"You don't know what you are asking for," Ratchet warns him. "You should just go back to Sam.”

"No because you see Sam is pregnant and I don't know what he's carrying inside!" Bee cries out. "He’s my life and I don't know which kind of creature he is going to give birth to."

"The All - Spark was destroyed and we-"

"You what, Ratchet? You thought you'd just use me and Sam to keep our race going ... existing," Bee hisses menacingly.

"Bumblebee, just try to calm down. You are-"

"Fuck you!" Bee yells rage mounting over him. "I don't fucking care that the All - Spark is gone. You shouldn't have used Sam ... just me ... just me."


"I love him and I can't bear to just stand by wondering what will happen to my beloved human ... I swore to protect him and what, you thought that it was right to play with his life?" Bee cries out. "And now, before I blow your head off, tell me what is going on.”

"Bumblebee!" Prime yells grabbing him by his wrist to prevent him from attacking Ratchet.

"Leave me!" he yells.

"You will not harm one of your fellows," Prime quietly orders.

"Instead you have the right to harm Sam.”

"We didn't harm Sam," Prime replies without letting him go.

"Give me a reason why I should not just destroy you all," Bee hisses glaring at him.

"Because you ... lied to us," Prime coldly tells him.


"I ordered you to just guard Sam and not to become his lover," Prime explains finally letting him go. "You disobeyed to my order.”

Bee remains in silence just staring at him. "You mated with him, Bumblebee, when you knew that it is forbidden for us to have such intercourse," Prime kept explaining.

"It was consensual; Sam loves me," Bee hisses stepping back from Prime.

"You are not a human, Bumblebee, and we can't establish if you forced him into something.”

"How could you say that?" Bee barks out. "You should know me well enough to understand that I will never harm Sam.”

"But still ... still you are of a superior race," Prime coldly reminds him.

"I didn't rape Sam or force him into something that he didn't want to do."

"You bonded with him, Bumblebee," Prime keeps talking. "It's like you betrayed our race."

"What?" Bee asks surprised. "I what ... I-"

"Yes, Bumblebee, because now your life is bonded with him," Prime explains. "If both of us are in any danger you will surely think first about Sam's safety."

Bee remains in silence considering what Prime is telling him. "We don't need you anymore ... you can't keep serving us, to stay with us, because you chose to live with humans."

"But I'm not a human!" Bee exclaims.

"But you chose a human above us ... you bonded with one of them," Prime repeats. "You may go, Bumblebee.”

"You can't kick me out ... I'm still an Autobot," Bee cries out. "I'm a-"

"You lied, Bumblebee!" Prime yells. "I asked you to protect Sam and to not become his lover ... you’ve become useless to us." With that he walks away while shaking his head.

"Prime!" he calls but the leader doesn't stops.

"I'm sorry, Bumblebee," Ironhide sighs while patting his shoulder. "I will miss you, little one."

"You can't ... no, I'm still an Autobot," Bee babbles.

"You shouldn't have come here and asked these questions," Ratchet coldly tells him. "Now it would be better for you to go."

"But you still didn't answer me!" Bee points out. "Didn’t tell me what you did to me.”

"Bumblebee ... go away!" Ratchet hisses then walking away.

"Bee," Ironhide calls him. "Hey, if you or Sam need something ... well ... I shouldn't but, oh fuck! Just call me."

"Thanks," Bee whispers then, transforming back into the Camaro, he races away through the desert.

Sam’s sitting on the bed while massaging his belly. Mojo is sleeping beside him ... a little solace. "Come back to me," he softly whispers while staring at the watch on the nightstand indicating that it's 01.00 o'clock.

He wipes away tears as, sniffing, he keeps massaging his belly ... what if my mom scared Bee and he ran off ... no, he wouldn't leave me in this state, he tries to reassure himself while staring at the slightly opened window ... climb it ... please, make him climb that window ... make him return to me, he prays ... I want him back, I love him so much.

He sighs while leaning against the headboard of the bed then he sees Mojo wake up and stare at the window ... stare at Bumblebee climbing it all wet from the rain.

"Bee!" Sam calls him feeling a warm sensation of relief wash over him.

"Fucking rain," he hisses closing the window. "Where's your mom?"

"She's asleep," Sam replies while trying to get up from the bed.

"No, honey, don't get up," Bee smiles leaning forward to kiss him.

"You stupid Camaro, I thought that you left," Sam slaps him.

"Ehmmmm ... I think that we’ve had this discussion many times ... too many times for my own taste and, I repeat again, that I'm not leaving you," Bee sighs cupping his face. "I just needed to ... you know ... race for a bit.”

Sam nods as Bee kisses him again. "So, come on. Stop crying," he smiles softly while wiping away tears with his thumb. "Bumblebee is here!"

Sam chuckles while pulling up the covers. "Come on, I'm freezing ... come warm us up."

"Ok," he smiles while shaking his head. "You are using me, eh Sam?"

"Yeah ... it's my sweet revenge," Sam laughs as Bee embraces him and they remain in silence for a long moment.

"Do you ever regret what we did ... about what we have?" Bee asks out of blue.

"No, I love you so much, and since you came my life got better and better," Sam replies kissing his hand softly. "So, what's bothering you, Bee?" he asks, knowing him too well, thinking that he's sure to be hiding something from him.

"Nothing," he shrugs kissing Sam’s shoulders. "Just asking.”

"Ok, I'm too tired to argue with you ... you stubborn robot," Sam yawns as Bee starts to massage his belly.

"Sam," he calls him after awhile. "The Autobots kicked me out ... because of you ... of our love."

Gloriosus Bumblebee - Glorious Bumblebee

Nova Saeculum - Next Generation

"Hostes vestrum regem necent: sic vestra, Athenienses, victoria erit, rex autem vivus civitati oberit" - "Enemies will kill your king: Oh Athenians, the victory will be yours, but if the king will survive the city will be lost".

"Memento Audere Semper" - "Remember to always dare"

human!bee, mpreg, fanfiction, sam

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