Tainted chocolate I swear it was!

Oct 11, 2007 03:06

 Ok a reviewer(Blackiesdungeon) from another story was trying to bribe my muse with chocolate.  Unfortunately it was tainted so this is totally not what was meant to come from that bribe.  However I believe that whatever gets your personal muse cracking a whip on you to make you write should be encouraged even if its contaminated confections.  So this is what came out: crossover with x-files.  Yes I know that this goes against one of my personal boundaries I set for myself for TF fiction-writing and I know that a couple more are going to be broken too with this but who cares?  Sugar-rushing muses don't!

Title: X-planations
Author: TeslaJo
Rating T
Pairings: Sam/Mikaela Bee/Sam
Disclaimer: Transformers are the intellectual property of Michael Bay and Hasbro and co. X-Files is the intellectual property of Chris Carter and Fox. I am simply amusing myself and possibly others with no other gain in mind. 
Author’s Note: I was never a diligent watcher of x-files, so I’m kind of screwing around with timeline I guess and superimposing it into a different (decade? cuz it ran during 90s) time. Just try and go with it and I think the characters used here would fall into an earlier season category on a guess.

On a farm near a major highway in the western side of the US, the man who owned said farm was busy on his telephone. He had been catching some late night television and was glancing out the window and happened to catch the end of a falling star’s descent…right into his field. Trying to get a hold of his insurance to find out how this unusual piece of weather that his field had been subjected to would be considered. It should be covered, right? Like hail damage…sort of.

A car pulled up to the farmhouse. A young man got out of it to talk to our harried farmer. He introduced himself quickly and asked to take a look at the field. He was waved through with little thought as the farmer had just got through to a human and not another automated menu system put in simply to annoy people. As the man ran into his house to find a bill with his account number on it, he was reassured that at least one of the vehicles following the first was flashing emergency lights of an official capacity.

After making a lengthy report over the phone, he was assured that someone would be out tomorrow to look at the damages. He walked out of the house on his way to take his own look just in time to see a string of vehicles leaving his property. The young man who had talked to him earlier was in the last car. He hollered out his open window that they had put out the few small fires they had found and his thanks. The farmer waved his goodbye and thought to himself that it was nice to find Good Samaritans in this day and age, especially at nearly 3 am.

* * * * * *

"Alright Mulder, what’s going on? I know you don’t like this town a whole lot, but with how fast we wrapped up this case I figured you would want to take a little more time doing the paperwork. After all our plane isn’t for another day, so what gives? You’ve been acting like a kid the night before Christmas after that phone call this morning." Scully asked her partner as they walked out of the local police station of the little town in the middle of nowhere as far as both of them were concerned.

"Oh I was just thinking how nice this unexpected time off is and that we should take advantage of it with some sight-seeing." He replied with a grin that she had come to recognize as his "getting into trouble" look.

"Well I don’t know about you but I’m pretty sure we caught all the highlights of this town at least to my satisfaction. I was thinking myself of spending some nice quiet time in my hotel room. If there is more of this town you are interested in visiting, you are on your own."

"As it so happens I wasn’t talking specifically this town but in this area I heard from a reliable source their might be something interesting to see. Come on Scully, I’m sure even you would love to see an astronomical event."

"I’m pretty sure I didn’t see anything like an eclipse scheduled."

"Oh it’s much better than an eclipse, how about meteors?"

"Shooting stars? My, how romantic of you Mulder, you really shouldn’t have." She said in her driest tone because that grin was increasing in wattage.

"So sorry to disappoint you, but it happened last night, or earlier this morning to be technical."

With an arched eyebrow, "Let me guess you want to go and see the site and see if you can collect the meteorite fragments to prove that aliens are throwing them at the earth? Or is it to see if it’s the crash site for some hapless alien visitor?"

"Closer to the second actually, but who knows and maybe that one guy’s theory of us getting ‘foul balls’ is correct and we can finally prove him right. Luckily for us it’s only a few hours drive from here. I’m also sure we can find a nicer hotel to than the one here." Trying to appeal to Scully’s disdain with the service they had been treated to such far at their current establishment.

"Before I agree to anything beyond changing hotels, when did you become so interested in meteors?" Scully asked feeling a possible headache forming.

"Well the "Guys" have been watching for them for awhile now. There have been several unusual meteors in the last year or so. Unusual for the size, and the fact that they weren’t projected to hit earth before you ask. One such happened last night."

Scully thought it over and decided why not? Two days with Mulder in a hotel while he was itching to investigate another crazy idea was not something she wanted to deal with. Besides it was a meteor, how much trouble could he really get them into anyway?

fanfic, teslajo, crossover

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