Come Tomorrow 5

Sep 19, 2007 15:49

Title - Come Tomorrow 5 / ...
Paring - BeexSam
Rating - Nc/17 - Mpreg
Disclaimers - All characters are over 18.
Transformers aren't mine.
Thanks - to my wonderful beta that helped me English_Enigma.

Hey finally here we go with this fifth chapter ... and as I promised in this chapter you'll find Ratchet!
You'll read that Ratchet wants Bumblebee to learn to use his holo - form ... so Bee will be able to stay more with Sam ... and ... ahah ok I'm not spilling more!
So also this time I'll look forward for to read what you think while hoping to not bore you.

PS - Also this time I wrote too much words for this community so if you want to read the rest go to FF.Net.

Six Months Earlier -


"Bumblebeeeeeeee!" Ratchet yells. "I can still see through you."

Bumblebee sighs annoyed rolling his eyes up. "Really?"

"Yes," Ratchet replies starting to sound annoyed, too, as he watches the boy in front of him ... no more than 25 years old ... with dirty blond hair falling in front of his piercing arctic eyes that are now staring at him ... like he wants to challenge him.

"Maybe ... maybe this fucking holo - form is not for me!" Bee tells him while kicking an empty can of oil.

"Watch your mouth, Bee!" Ratchet glares at him. "You are not investing enough energy in it."

"It's not true!" Bee spit out and, yes ... yes, Ratchet can really say that his cold and haughty beauty gives him an alien air ... something untouchable and unrivalled but still slightly human ... still ... almost uncatchable like his true nature. Always so stubborn and eager to show that he can do everything ... that he's not the little one of the gang that still needs to grow up.

"I'm getting tired of this holo - fucking - form,” he complains taking off his leather jacket.


"No, Ratchet. I want to see Sam," he barks pointing his finger toward his friend.

"No ... Prime wants you to learn how to use your holo - form first so you won’t have to leave the human anymore," Ratchet replies.

"But why?" Bee yells unnerved. "Initially my car - form was enough and now the Decepticons are gone ... destroyed."

"Optimus Prime wants you to improve," Ratchet keeps explaining. "Are you arguing over your leader’s requests?"

"No," Bee whispers lowering his arctic blue eyes, "but I don't understand why he's keeping me here ... now that I'm operating perfectly."

"Come on, follow me," Ratchet says starting to walk toward the abandoned warehouse that has become their base camp.

"Can I transform back into my own robot - form?" he asks while following him.

"Not yet, Bumblebee," Ratchet replies.

"I want Sam ... I'm his guardian," he says while watching Ratchet close the heavy door. "Why is Optimus Prime worrying so much over this holo - form of mine?"

"Weren't you the one that a moment ago told me the Decepticons are gone?" he asks while raising an eyebrow. "So he doesn't need you."

"Sam needs me!" Bee yells throwing away a bunch of books lying on a table.

"Calm down, Bumblebee!" Ratchet stops him. "Learn how to use your holo - form ... learn how to make it as real as possible and you'll be able to go back to him."

"Why's that?" Bee yells stressed trying to free himself. "Why me and not Hide or Jazz?"

"Prime chose you," Ratchet explains letting him go. "You should be honoured."

"Fuck you!" Bee yells. "I want to see Sam ... he ... he needs to know that I'm alive."

"Not now."

"Why did you cut him off ... I can't sense him anymore ... what did you do to my radar?!" he cries out touching his antennae. "What are those, Ratchet ... what did you do to me?"

"Bumblebee, you are the next generation," Ratchet quietly replies as he stares emotionless at him.

"Let me transform back in my own form, Ratchet. What did you do to me?" he yells. "I want to go back home ... I need to see Sam!"

"Not now, Bee!" Ratchet yells going toward the table and reaching for something. "You are stubborn, Bumblebee, and it's probably because you are still young ... much too young ... you are almost there ... almost there in making it, Bumblebee."

"I don't feel comfortable in this human form ... I'm a machine ... a robot and a car ... that is enough for me."

"You'll learn to like it, Bee ... you'll like it, I'm sure about that," Ratchet chuckles. "Now, sit down."

"No," he barks stepping back, "and why should I like this human - form of mine ... why does my holo - form have to be more perfect than yours?"

Ratchet shakes his head. "You love Sam, don't you?"

"No!" Bee hisses but he knows that Ratchet is sensing that what he told a moment ago is just a lie.

"Surely you want to create ... to have physical contact with him," Ratchet keeps talking like Bumblebee had admitted that, yes, he loves Sam.

"No ... what's that, Ratchet? I don't want to play your stupid games!" he barks out.

"Yes, Bumblebee ... yes, you don't have to deny it," Ratchet quietly tells him, "and with your holo - form you'll be able to do many things with Sam."

Bee remains in silence looking at him in disbelief and Ratchet chuckles throwing a magazine at him. "Humans like this kind of thing."

Bee raises an eyebrow while he stares at the figures. "What-"

"Sex magazine ... porno magazine ... as they call it," Ratchet answers while he watches Bee turn the magazine in his fingers trying to guess each photo ... to understand what they are doing.

"Sex, Bumblebee ... with your holo - form you'll be able to perform sex with Sam," Ratchet explains like it's the most normal thing in the world to explain to another robot.

"Who told you that I want to have this ... sex with Sam?" he asks him closing the magazine, "and I knew what sex was ... I ... I studied human customs!"

"Now, Bee, come sit here," Ratchet says.


"Don't be stubborn, Bumblebee," Ratchet tells him and Bee's eyes widen while staring at him taking something from the table.

"No. Not again ... I don't like it ... it makes me feel dizzy and confused," he says backing away from Ratchet.

"Don't make me chase you like last time, Bumblebee," Ratchet tells him.

Bumblebee just closes his eyes as he feels Ratchet grab his arm. "Ouch!" he whimpers as he feels it sting.

"Aren't you a soldier?" Ratchet chuckles helping Bee to sit down. "Here ... come on it's only for a bit."

"I ... I want to see Sam," Bee whispers, "or Prime."

"No ... not now, Bumblebee ... just let it do its work."

"What ... what work?" he stutters.

"Shhhh ... its ok, Bumblebee. Soon you'll see your, Sam" Ratchet reassured him.

"Mine," he smiles drowsily. "Sam is mine."

Go to FF.Net.

Come Tomorrow 5

human!bee, mpreg, fanfiction, sam

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