Come Tomorrow 3

Sep 08, 2007 22:18

 Title - Come Tomorrow 3/ ...
Paring - BeexSam  
Rating - Nc/17 - Mpreg
Disclaimers - All characters are over 18.
Transformers aren't mine.
Thanks - to my wonderful beta that helped me English_Enigma.

Ok here we go with the third part where finally Bee and Sam will understand that something is going on.
Yeah I have to admit that I don't want to write tons of chapters because first I don't want to annoy you and then I don't want to get bored in writing it.
I would like to just keep to write it and give an end to it but yet I have to see how you will react ... if you'll be still interested ... because I don't want to write something that it's not appealing you anymore .

I'm lying on my side on the yellow chest plates of Bumblebee while sleepily listening to the quite chant of crickets and the occasional murmur of Bee's mechanical components.

"Are you sleeping?" his metallic voice asks.

"Nah," I reply yawning. "Ok, almost."

"Want to go home?" he asks while one of his big black fingers caresses my back making me arch as I smile drowsily.

"Why not run away?" suddenly ... out of blue I say. He remains in silence like he’s pondering what to say next or maybe he's just surprised by what I said. "Really, Bee. Why not leave it all ... everything ... be together ... only me and you."

"Sam," he begins, "it's not that simple and then I'm sure that you would regret it."

"I want to be with you," I insist.

"You are with me," he replies. "You have me."

"Not in the way that I really would like," I say while gently drawing patterns on his chest plates with my finger.

"And what would you like?" he asks curiosity taking over him.

"You know ... you know the usual stuff that normal lovers do," I shrug really not knowing what I want for us.

"But if I was a real human ... you couldn't tell everyone that I'm your boyfriend because I'm male," he points out.

"Ok, forget it," I sigh returning to stare at the sky.

We stay in silence as the night surrounds us ... as we lie on the grass with me on his chest plates and, what I'm doing? Instead of just enjoying this quite and intimate moment between us ... what I'm doing? I'm treating him badly ... my Bee who is so very patient with me ... and lately, really, I recognize that there are more times that I snap at him than I say I love you. It's like ... it's like I blame him for something ... but what, I really don't know. And, again, sometimes I want to just kill him ... just make him disappear ... punish him for something that he did. Then other times I cry and scream if he leaves me alone for a bunch of minutes ... sometimes I push him away as he makes it clear that he wants to make love to me ... sometimes I can't deny him anything.

I think that I'm driving him crazy because yesterday I caught him talking alone in the garden while staring at the Camaro. It's like returning to the early days when he was mute ... only that now he can talk but he prefers to just shut up fearing that I will throw a tantrum at him.

"Bee" I call him softly. He makes a inhuman sound as his electric blue optics look down at me and I wonder what he's waiting for ... why he doens't crush me getting rid of me and my madness.

"What are you thinking?" I ask while chewing my bottom lip.

"Nothing. I'm doing the usual stuff ... just scanning the entire area," he replies shifting a bit.

"You never get tired of doing it?"

"No, Sam, I have to keep you safe," he simply replies like it was the most normal thing in the world to do ... keeping Sam safe and I think about what his first reaction was when Optimus Prime sent him to Earth ordering him to watch over me. How he found me ... how he followed me ... the first time that I stepped inside him ... inside my Camaro. Why did Optimus Prime choose him as my guardian?

"So for you ... I am a duty."

"At first, yes, Sam ... then you know how things worked for us" he replies. "How I fell in love with you." I nod smiling.

"Yes, and now if you really love me tell me that somewhere you are hiding a chocolate bar"

"No, Sam."

"Hmmmm, chocolate," I moan. "How I would like to eat chocolate."

"Let me transform back into a car so we can get it," he suggests as his big finger caresses my cheek and I close my eyes enjoying the sensation and then ... and then, with my tiny hand, I pull his big one toward my mouth and starting to lick every finger ... my tongue leaving wet and slick trails of saliva on shiny black as I keep licking them while he just utters strange sounds but in the end not so much different from moans.

"Sa ... Sam, what are you doing?" he asks.

"Punishing you for not giving into my cravings," I pout at him and then I go to lick his chest plates and the taste is not as good as licking his skin ... but in the end I don't care. I keep licking the smooth metal surface painted yellow while keeping my gaze on him ... seeing fires in his arctic optics.

"Sam," he calls me as I start to undress ... my warm skin coming in contact with cold metal and night air as I shiver, letting my skin slide along his smooth surface ... as he moans nonsense seeing me there on his chest totally naked ... as I rub against him whispering that I want him ... and I'm so little and he's so huge ... as my nails scratch his paint ... as lovingly I lick his scratches with my tongue ... pleasuring and hurting him at the same time ... as lately I seem to love to do.

"We ... we shouldn't do this, Sam," he says but it sounds like a plea ... like he's asking to me to stop this because he knows that he can't do that ... just pretending to avoid the fact that I'm naked on him ... that I want him also in his true and real form ... as a robot.

"Shhhhh, love," I shush him while my hands caress where his spark lies hiden in a safe place.

"No, Sam," he shakes his head but ... but his optics just darken ... and he knows ... yeah he knows what I want and this is driving him crazy ... just giving into me or pushing me away.

"Let me see it," I beg.


"It will be good," I moan and really sometimes ... sometimes I can't recognize myself anymore ... I'm sure ... I'm sure that sometimes I'm not myself as I'm here naked asking to him to let me see his spark.

"So, Bee ... so, Bee ... your finger," I pant. "Your finger ... push it in me." He takes a breath or at least it sounds like that.

"I can't ... it's much too big for you, Sam," he tries to steady his voice ... to restrain himself ... controlling what he's doing because now he's in his own form ... in his robot form ... and if he loses control ... if he submits to his desires and wants he will not be able to control himself hurting me on the way.

"I don't care ... give it to me ... your finger, Bee, push it against my hole," I beg while my nails keep scratching his chest as I fervourly kiss everything that I can reach with my mouth and tongue as I know ... I know that I'm driving him crazy.

"Just the tip, Bee," I whisper hotly looking at him ... my eyes darkned with the desire to be fucked by my own giant robot. And if someone would see us now ... he would see a giant robot lying on the grass with me, a human, kneeling on all fours on his chest as I beg to be fucked.

"Bee," I call him while caressing my chest ... my nipples ... spreading my legs more. "I know that you want it, Bee ... don't deny it." And my eyes flutter closed as I feel his cold finger ... his tip caressing my ass cheeks. "I'm yours." I lick my lips as I push my ass against his finger hissing in pain as his hard tip is pressed against me ... wanting it to penetrate me.

"Sam" he calls me maybe wanting me to stop him.

"No. I'm not going to do it because I want more ... more of you so come on what are you waiting for!" I hiss slapping him on his chest ... metallic sound echoing through the air. "Fuck me with your finger."

He stares at me in silence but I can sense, oh yeah I can so sense, what he's thinking ... processing ... scanning my wants ... needs. Yeah ... yeah, you are so almost near to the truth ... because it's your fault, Bee ... yours ... yours, I find myself thinking ... what? What fault ... what he wants ... what I want.

And it's like a stain ... someone stained me ... I'm young much too for this I scream inside ... for what ... fuck! For what ... and my nails dig in and his yellow paint is under them ... make me bleed because I deserve it ... make me yours because you travelled from so far and what you had is lost somewhere through eternity and don't look up ... no don't look up because there's no home anymore for you ... you came and declared ... established your home in me ... with me ... you came from so far and made me yours.

And now ... now look at me ... I'm begging you to not deny me anything and let me see it ... let me see what is keeping you alive ... your pure essence ... let me see ... touch it, Bee ... let me ... let me, please, because you see my hands are trembling as I feel warmth under them. Because I want you to share something so important with me ... because nobody loved me as much as you love me ... nobody touched me with this kind of reverence ... wrapped in all of the promises that they told me and no one seems to keep them ... no ones ‘til you ... and I would like to let them burn ‘til everything burns while everyone screams ... burning their lies with them ... because nobody loved me the way that you are loving me. And I never believed in looking up at the stars and makeing a wish ‘til you came ... from beyond ... from the wide space ... from nothingness you came for me, eh Bee? For me.

"Let me see it, Bee," I beg. "Your spark, please."

"It can hurt you, Sam," he quitely explains but I know that he wants ... yeah, he wants me to see it ... maybe more, to touch it. His finger is still against my ass as I start to rock back and forth ... undulating my hips as my mouth is opened in a silent gasp ... as I would like to impale myself on it.

I rub my forehead on his chest with my ass raised to the air ... begging to let me see it and then as my eyes are closed ... as I'm breathing hard I feel something move ... mechanic sounds and then as I open my eyes a warm and white, almost a pale shade of azure, light is licking at my skin ... flames of hot light caressing my face and I have to just slighty close my eyes to see it ... his spark.

It's like something that you were missing ... something that you couldn't find and you walked ... travelled ... searched for it and then you ... you didn't see that it has been there near you ... always beside you ... but you were too lost, to taken, to notice it ... and now that you found it you want to just have it and never let go ... you want him to share his hiden secrets, Sammy ... what secrets can a robot have?

"Don't touch it," he says and his voice ... his voice is so human ... it's like he's shaking ... not believing that he will resist that he will not let me get close to his spark.

"You want it as much as I want it," I reply as my shaking hand gets closer to that light ... that fucking bright light, so inviting ... so tempting.

"It could hurt you ... it's pure energy."

"It's more ... it's you" I moan as flames of pure energy slide along my fingers ... like pulling me toward his spark ... inviting me to touch more ... because there's so much more of him that I still have to know.

And I cry slightly as my hand is enveloped by his energy ... his spark and instead he moans, he utters sounds that are like human moans, and he's shaking and something inside me ... something is like connecting with me ... like I can sense him in me ... connected ... this is the meaning ... to be connected and I know ... I know that I should pull my hand away but I can't bring myself to do it ... I want it all ... I want to stay connected with him as long as possible ... to have him share his own private being with me.

I yell as burning flames devoures me ... turning me inside out ... and what I feel is not an orgasm is more ... more electric more hard ... deeper and wrenching as if it won’t end ... just reaching a high point and you think that it's too much ... and you feel his orgasm if it can be called like that because it's not even human ... it's like thousands of words ... numbers ... flashes of light and sparkling images are rushing through your system taking you high ... beyond ... like someone that tried to telling you about drugs effects ... only that I think it's much better ... no, ok, beyond drugs and that crap because it's not even human ... he's a robot and I let myself burn alive with him because, no, we are only one being and it's so intense that after I start to cry as his large hands cover my body protecting me from the chill of the night and soothing my shaking body.


I abruptly wake up.

"What?" Hearing nothing I turn toward Bee's side noticing that he's not there but I hear him hiss something and I lean toward the end of the bed.

"No, you fell out of bed," I exclaim while looking at him lying on the floor.

"Fuck! You kicked me," he hisses raising his arctic eyes toward me.

"No, way," I reply throwing a pillow at him that hits him on his head bending one of his antennae as well.

"Ouch! Sorry, Bee," I say while he just murmurs something in own language while massagging his antenna.

"Yeah, you kicked me, Sam," he yells annoyed standing up while staggering on his feet.

"What do you want? I was probably dreaming," I groan throwing another pillow at him but this time he catches it quickly.

"Listen, it's four and I'm going to sleep inside my Camaro," he says throwing it back at me.

"No, you don't need to sleep," I remind to him.

"Yeah, but to recharge. Yes, Sam, yes!" he replies walking toward the window and I quickly get up grabbing one of his arms.

"No, please, I hate being alone ... I want you with me," I cry holding tightly his arm. He sighs raising his eyes to the ceiling.

"Ok, Sam," he breathes out and I rush to kiss him whispering that I'm sorry and I love him more than anything. I lead him toward our bed.

"I didn't want to hit you," I whisper and he nods slightly.

"Yeah, I know but ... but sometimes is like you are scared of me."

"No, why are you saying this Bee?" I wonder as I lie down against his chest.

"Sam, it's not the first time that you’ve acted strange or scared toward me ... sometimes you kick me or push me away," he says while staring at the ceiling.

I remain in silence not knowing what to reply ... because it's the truth ... because often I find myself pushing him away like I’m afraid of something like ... like wanting to protect myself ... or something from him ... but why or what I don't know. No I don't have excuses for the way that I'm hurting him ... and look at him ... he loves me ... he's truly devoted to me and only me even if I'm treating him in this way. He doesn't deserve this ... my giant robot that would give up anything to just keep me safe and sound.

I raise my face to look at him and a strange feeling siezes me as I start to wonder about him leaving me ... walking away ... what if he gets tired of my attitude and leaves me? And, subconsciously, I entwine my fingers in his ... I know that I wouldn't live without my Bee ... and, Sammy, you need him ... you can't let him walk away ... look at him, Sammy, and you'll see a future ... you can see the future in his electric eyes ... a new era ... a new progeny ... don't let him go, Sammy ... not now, Sammy, because you need him ... you are by now bonded to him. I shake my head wanting to get rid of these thoughts.

"I love you" I whisper. He softly turns and smiles at me and I can see a blur of emotions rush through his eyes ... mixing together as he raises my hand toward his lips and kisses each knuckle.

"Always," he simply says but it's enough and it's like he understood me ... like he read my mind knowing about what I was thinking ... soothing me with his kisses ... calming me as he cups my face to kiss me on my lips ... as I moan inside the kiss and he deepens it ... and I open my mouth more to give him more access ... offering myself ... sucking my tongue as his large hand possessively travels down between my legs, caressing my inner thighs as I sigh breaking the kiss ... offering my lips as he licks them ... as his hand won’t stop to touch me possesively making me shiver.

"How did I end up at home" I breathe against his lips wet with saliva.

"After ... hmmm ... after you touched my spark you passed out and I transformed back into the Camaro then into my holo - form to carry you inside the car," he replies while gently biting my puffy, red lips.

"It was so strange," I whisper.

"I know"

"But I liked it, Bee ... your spark ... it was so intense." I say as outside everything is still and the wind plays hide and seek between leaves.

He smiles and his hand starts to caress my stomach ... slowly ... slowly drawing strange patterns with the tip of his fingers ... again, like writing something that I can't recognize but I don't stop him ... I don't ask what he's doing as a good sensation washes over me and I close my eyes as I fall asleep lulled by his light touches and caress ... knowing that he's watching over me ... keeping me safe.

Next morning he leaves early because Optimus Prime asked for him and I have to walk toward school alone on foot ... lightly chilled autumn air makes me zip up my jacket as I slowly walk while chewing a sandwitch ... and then ... and then I see her ... Ashley. She doesn't see me as she walks wrapped in a big coat but still you can tell that she's pregnant.

"Ashley," I call her crossing the street. She jumps and for a second I think that she wants to run away ... or to keep walking pretending to not have heard me ... but in the end she stops.

"Hey, Sam," she smiles blushing.

"Ashely, it's great to see you again," I smile wide but I can sense her embarassment as she just stares down at the floor.

"Yeah ... ehmmmm-" she just stutters a few words not really knowing what to say. "I was ... I was just taking a walk." I nod.

"Yeah, it will be good for you and the baby." She blushes even more.

"Yeah ... my baby," and then she starts to cry with me not knowing what to do or say.

"Fuck!" I whisper going then to hug her.

"Listen, Ashley, why don't we just go sit somewhere ... you know, I'm hungry so we can have breakfast together," I try to cheer her up. "Maybe, if you want, we can go to my home ... my mom is away all day." She sniffs.

"What about school?"

"Oh, I will not miss it don't worry," I laugh making her laugh too as she wipes her tears.

"I'm really stupid," she sniffs.

"Nah, just pregnant," I reply as we start to walk. "So let's go home."

"Hey, Sam, you seem changed," she points out once we arrived at home.

"Nah, it's only that I’m fattening up," I smile while cooking pancakes. She laughs while caressing her belly.

"Oh, let's not talk about that!"

"Hey, you are more beautiful than before," I point out putting down a plate full of warm and fully syrupped pancakes.

"Oh, if you say so," she blushes, "but really you seem ... hmmmm ... like you are glowing!" This time is my turn to blush.

"Are you in love, eh?" she smiles as she keeps caressing her belly. I grin.


"Who is it ... someone that I know?" she asks curiosity taking her over.

"No he's ... oops, she's not from here," I stutter as some coffee spills out of my mug. She gives me a sweet smile.

"Hey, is it that handsome blond that comes to get you out of school ... you know that boy who usually wears something yellow like his car?" I choke on my coffee.

"It's that obvious?" She laughs.


"Fuck!" I hiss while chewing my bottom lip.

"Nah, don't worry. I don't think that the others understood that you are dating him," she tries to reassure me, "but hey, Sam, I have to tell you he's really hot!" I blush even more.

"Yeah, I know that he gets a lot ... too many looks," I say, "but ... but now you know that I'm ... I'm gay." She shrugs.

"Hey, really, I don't care ... then look at me. I'm going to be a teenage mom so, really, I'm the last one that should talk."

"So, is it a boy or a girl," I ask while starting to chew a piece of pancake.

"A girl," she replies. "I'm almost there, only one month and then I will see my little one."

"Woah!" I exclaim leaning to caress her round belly. "She's going to be beautiful as you are."

"Thanks," she smiles.

"Instead, I think I’m at the fourth month of pregnancy," I laugh hard. She almost chokes with a piece of pancake as she joins me in laughing hard about my pregnancy.

"Oh, Sam, is it a boy or a girl?"

"I still don't know," I laugh caressing my swollen belly.

We just keep laughing and talking about all and nothing for hours ... just recalling old school days gone but not forgotten ... listening to her life after finding out she was pregnant and a future teenage mom, and I listen to her while there's a little voice whispering to me that she seems to have many things in common with me... more than I want to admit to myself.

During the afternoon after she left me, as I'm flipping through channels trying to find something that appeals to me, I hear my Camaro’s engine roaring in the garden.

"Hey, Bee," I call him while walking outside the window and in the garden. "Finally you deigned to come back home."

"Ahhhhhhh!" I scream as I see Optimus Prime and Ratchet walking in their full robot form around my garden ... crushing all the grass that my father lovingly cut yesterday.

"What ... what is that ... stop, oh my ... Bee!" I keep screaming in horror as I watch Optimus Prime crush Mom's roses then he turns and gives me a look like he’s trying to excuse himself.

"Get out of the car, you fucking bastard!" I yell opening the drivers door as I see him materialize on the drivers seat.

"What, Sam?" he asks baffled.

"Why there are giant robots in my garden?" I hiss grabbing him by his leather jacket and pulling him out from his car. "Explain to me Bee."

"They wanted to see you," he explains like it was the most normal thing in the world to have two robots walking around my garden.

"Oh, really, then I'm going to make some coffee."

"We don't drink-" he starts to reply but I slap him.

"Do something, Be,e make them disappear!" I yell. "It's still afternoon." Bumblebee just turns toward them and for a moment they talk between themselves in their own language as, incredulously, I watch them.

In the end Bee just drives me to their base camp that the government gave to them ... and during the drive I don't spare him my words in telling him that I repeated over and over that my garden is off limits for giant robots. As I walk inside the warehouse I see Ratchet coming toward me holding between his fingers a tiny book ... or better ... a normal book that between his huge fingers seems so little.

"Thanks, Sam," he says handing it back.

"Did you found it useful?" I ask.

"Yeah, and if you have other books please bring them to me. I really like to read," he replies and I nod putting the book inside in my backpack.

"So, Sam ... how ... ehmmm ... you seems a bit strange," he says leaning toward me and I step back seeing his big face coming to rest near me.

"Yeah, I don't know why everyone is saying that lately," I sigh. "I really have to stop to eating too much." He remains in silence just simply staring at me ... like he’s scanning and then he abruply gets up.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing, Sam," he replies. "Now ... now I have some duties to attend," and with that he walks outside the warehouse. I turn toward my giant yellow robot, Bee, who shrugs not knowing what to say.

"If you can understand him, you’re really good."

"You should talk about your problem with your radar," I say.

"Nah ... not yet. I have to see if it's really me or something else disturbing it," he explains as we both watch Optimus Prime and Ratchet talking between each other ... and I don't know why but I would love to just hide somewhere behind Bee's long legs because I don't like the way Ratchet turns toward me ... looking at me while talking with Optimus Prime. But Bee would know, right? Bee would guess that something is going on and why Ratchet seems suddenly interested in me ... but I remain in silence going to sit on a wooden box while I caress my stomach ... waiting for Bee to decide to take me home.

Eventually after awhile we left them but during the stay Ratchet kept looking at me like I was the first human that he saw.

"I don't know, Sam," Bee tells me while he drives us toward home racing through a desert highway as I ask to him why Ratchet kept looking at me.

"You know he's really curious about your race," he shrugs as the wind plays between his dirty blond hair bending his antennae as well.

"Yeah, but I don't know. It was like he was studying me ... scanning me."

"Ok, should I eliminate Ratchet?" he asks with white knuckles curled around the wheel making me laugh.

"I need to pee," I whisper. "Really, Bee". He pulls over.

"You pissed not a half - hour ago."

"I know," I reply getting out and going to piss behind a bush as I recall Ashely's words about not being able to go out because she always had to piss ... "You always have this desire to pee frequently, Sam." she told me and I shake my head trying to not think of what she told me.

Once we arrived at home we crash on our bed laughing hard at a silly joke that Bee told me during the drive. We lie there trying to regain our breathes after we laughed for about ten minutes and then he turns for to kiss me ... a long and wet kiss.

"I want you, Sam," he breathes caressing my face.

And I let him undress me while he slowly kisses me and bites my lips ... as his hands roam up and down my body ... my naked skin that craves his touch ... his hands and kisses. I lick my lips as I watch him undress ... and, yes, he's really beautiful and I can't resist in passing my hand over the Autobot tattoo resting on his pelvis, and then through his pubic hair reaching then for the root of his cock and he hisses in pleasure. I wet my lips as I lean forward to kiss the tip as my tongue slowly starts to torture his cock ... slowly licking it ... slowly driving him crazy ‘til my mouth closes around his now erect cock and he moans and begs me to stop ... or maybe no ... please, more ... no, stop ... suck me more, Sam ... no, please, Sam ... yes, Sam, lick it ... wet sucking sounds as I work him ... as I swallow him making him push his hips up as his large hand goes to rest on my head making me go deeper ... fingers between my short hair as I let him fuck my mouth ... as I let him set the pace enjoying the sounds that he's making ... the way he spread his thighs more giving me better access to his cock and balls.

"Sam," he roughly breathes caressing my hollow cheek as his thumb pushes past my lips, and I let go of his cock starting to suck languidly at his thumb while looking at him ... not taking my eyes off of his. His hands goes down starting to slowly jack himself off. "You are the most erotic thing that I ever saw."

"Hmmm, you only saw me," I remaind him slipping his thumb out of my mouth with long threads of saliva coming off it.

"It's what I make you believe," he grins lazily.

"No, it's what I know for sure," I reply back as I kiss him again, letting him enjoy his own taste as my hand just cups his heavy balls squeezing them hard ... making him jump and yell.

"Oh, sorry," I grin. "You deserve to be punished," I say squeezing them hard again making him whimper.

"Sooner or later I'll have my revenge," he hisses biting my bottom lip hard as I kiss him again. Then I make him lie as I mount him ... straddling his pelvis while his hands quickly go to grab my hips to steady me as I reach behind for his cock jacking him off a bit.

"I love you," he whispers throwing back his head as I  jack him off and then he goes to close his hand over mine while guiding his cock toward my ass hole.

"I love you, too," I moan as he enters me and my eyes flutter closed while I impale myself on his cock ... while his fingers press into my skin ... leaving marks that tomorrow will be purple and will remind me what we did last night.

"You want to ride, uh," he pants as he starts to fuck me and my sweaty hands entwines with his ... using them as leverage ... as I move up and down feeling his cock slide in and out of my stretched hole.

"I thought that you wanted to be fucked from behind," he says while licking his lips. I shake my head.

"No ... no more. I don't know why but right now I find it uncomfortable to lie on my stomach ... probably it's my big belly," I lightly laugh as he keeps fucking me slowly.

"Then I like this position more ... makes me feel much more." I breath out leaning forward for to kiss him as his hands leave mine going to cup my swollen belly as I moan inside the kiss ... as his hands wont stop to caress and massage it ... as a warm sensation spread from my belly to my entire body.

"More," I pant while I stare down at his hands on my belly. He kisses me and starts to fuck me more roughly ... faster making me jump and shake as our bed squeaks under our weight and his pushes. He rises in a sitting position to kiss my nipples and my arms goes around his neck ... while I moan pushing my chest against his face ... wanting him to devour me.

His large hands cups my ass as he urges me to impale myself more on his cock ... as he makes me sink more on his cock ... and I shiver and cry in pleasure as he keeps up the assault on my nipples and I don't need him to touch my cock because I can come with only him fucking my ass. Sometimes ... sometimes he can make me feel like a girl and I don't know if I have to hate him or not ... I wasn't like this ... I wasn't so slutty that I’d let him fuck me everywhere he wants ... that I crave for his touches and for the sex that he can give me. It's like a liquid sensation ... impossible for me to describe and lately it's increased as I need to have him more close to me than before.

"Sam," he calls me as he he shakes his head and antennae as well. " I can hear that sound again."

"Shhh," I shush him with a kiss while keeping to impale myself on his cock. "Keep fucking me, please ... don't stop."

"Hmmm, it's you ... Sam, it's you ... you are producing that sound," he moans and I grab his antennae.

"No, Bee, no," I pant reaching my orgasm as shots of cum hit his stomach. "No, it's not me."

"Yes ... it's you, Sammy ... uh, fuck! It's disturbing my sensors ... hmmmm ... someone else. There's someone else, Sam," he cries as I spasm around his cock milking out his orgasm that rushes through his system making him shake and pant harshly as he impale me while digging his finger into my stomach.

"Sam, what's that," he cries. "What's happening because it's you, Sam!" I let him ride his orgasm as I kiss him covering his trembling hands with mine.

"I don't know, Bee," I whisper as we fall on the mattress breathless and I rush to cover his stormy arctic eyes with my shaking hand not permitting him to scan me as I know he would do.

"Please, don't do it," I cry shivering. "Not now, Bee." He nods locking up his jaw.

"How could that happen?" he wails hand punching the mattress in distress. I remain in silence as tears slide on my cheeks.

"I don't know Bee."

human!bee, mpreg, fanfiction, sam

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