Comic Post, so a little large

Aug 29, 2007 00:50

Keelywolfe is going to think I'm stalking her soon but I can't help it, I love the Human series! So I have illustrated my favourite angsty bit from Nervous System Hypothesis (Sorry, still not good at shortened links: ).

Comic Fanart, PG rated I suppose although even that's pretty high. It's just 2 pages of Angst, glorious angst. I should let people know too that I'm pretty old school, with my watercolours and lack of Photoshop. Hope you enjoy

Page one

Page two

And the extract from the fic itself:

"Because that is all subterfuge. It's lies. Sam kept his eyes on the paper, not looking at Bumblebee. I wanted this to be real. But lovemaking was not included in my original programming. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

"But you didn't tell me any of this!" Sam shouted, his voice cracking. "You didn't think I'd want to know?"

Bee took the paper back and wrote one sentence, holding it out for Sam to see.

I didn't want you to think this was a game to me.

Sam crumpled the paper and threw it on the floor. "What makes you think it isn't a game to me?" he asked harshly. Did Bumblebee really think silence wasn’t just a different form of lying? Either way, it kept the truth from him. Bumblebee would have just let him go on his merry way and he still wouldn't know anything if it weren't for Sunstreaker. It was galling to think that Sam owed that asshole anything.

Bumblebee was staring at him, his puzzled expression shifting to dawning awareness. His lips parted in silent protest, his eyes widening and filling with dismay.

Sam tore a hand through his hair, shaken, "Look, I just--"

A sound interrupted him but it came from outside, the same low moan that he’d heard when they were in Sector 7.

Too late, he stuttered out, "Wait-"

The hologram faded, glittering dust shadowing the floor.

He heard the screech tires, the harsh roar of an engine and Sam ran to the door, his hands felt too clumsy and wrong and he yanked it open. "Wait!"

Bumblebee was already a streak of yellow, his tires screaming as he sped out of sight."

fanart, poster: callista_mythol

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