I was poking happily through the responses to the 'vanilla' bunny a few entries down, when I came across
this thread and I now have a little baby ficbunny up for adoption (I can't write it now because I can't be on my own computer for a while and computer labs and smut don't go well together).
'Bee shares Sam with the twins, and they manage to make him 'run dry', so to speak. 'Bee hasn't achieved such a feat yet, and he gets jealous. Then, he gets competitive. A very happy, if exhausted, Sam ensues.
All bunny-birthing aside, I've been lurking here for almost a month, and I decided it was time to join. I'll write as much as I can (there's a scanner in the lab, so expect the occasional cruddy holo-'Bee fanart) because Sam/Bee is officially tied with Sideswipe/Sunstreaker as my TF slash OTP.