Title: Brainwaves (part 5)
Author: Flarn
Disclaimer: Not mine, I just want to play with it.
Pairings: Sam/Bee
Warnings: Human style swearing. Robot style heavy petting. Ratchet has seen it all before. Sam encounters a hardware compatibility issue.
"Sam, please calm down," Bumblebee begged, optics flickering in agitation. "You have been doing so well, everyone is so proud of you, especially Optimus - "
"Coulda fooled me!"
" - but if you upset yourself you could undo everything good that you've accomplished so far. Please, I'm asking you to trust us. Just a little longer."
The mysterious, aching sadness was back in the Camaro's voice, and Sam felt himself relenting. "Can't you at least tell me why you keep looking at me like that?")
Author's Notes:
Well, Sam is getting to be as frustrated as you are that he doesn't know what happened to him and nobody is telling him anything, and the Autobots are finding out that it's hard to keep a secret when the answers are hiding around every corner, just waiting to get out.
You guys are pretty smart, and I like that some of you are already guessing what may have happened, but I will neither confirm nor deny your allegations. It has been very difficult to stop giggling on some of my livejournal communities, so I think even I will be just as relieved as you are when everything is out in the open and can be dealt with by those involved.
And yes, Sam's Autobot name is a direct homage to the G1 cartoon series. I knew from the beginning that I just had to name him Spike.