Last night I had a strange dream [ okay i so did not mean to beging with postal service lyrics there. I guess that goes to show how unoriginla I am that I am speaking in lyrics ]. I dreamed I was on a Chinese junk boat, in this really gross river and I couldnt see the bottom. I was there with my friend Emma and a whole bunch of other Chinese people. The boat sunk and they were yelling at me to hold on hold on. But i slipped and fell into the water. I swam to the side where there was a dock.It was sunset at the time if that has any meaning whatsoever. I lost my camera and my phone and my iPod in the water and I was really upset and I was first in line at the end of the river to getmy stuff. The river stopped and flowed into this dark tunnel and I was waititng there holding a stuffed animal watchignt he Chinese people sorting throuhg all the stuff people had dropped in the river. There were lots of buckets full of yellow frogs and yellow littlw alligators. There was also a brown and white and black bunny rabbit hopping up and down in one. All the buckets were full of water. They didnt find my stuff but they did find my soccer chair and two canadian flags that actually were hong kong flags. In my dreams I looked at them and called them Canadian but now that I think about it they were actually Hong Kong flags. So I was standing there and I was the last one and they apologized that they couldnt find my stuff. Then I was stading on another dock that reminded me of one from the island where i used to go alot, with amanda phillips and many other assorted peoples. It was sunset still and we were watching it. I think the dock ended up floating off into the distance but I woke up crying that my ipod and camera and phone were gone forever. It was a really upsetting dream. I didnt know I was that attached to my phone. The whole thing was so surreal and dream like. I dont know what to make of all of it