Feb 07, 2005 20:48
Today I actually got the guts to talk to Mr. Jagger. There was just one problem. I couldn't remember anything!! Well I did ask him if he minded that I talk to him and if he would listen. I think he thought I meant right then and there. But I meant anytime at all. Even if that's two years from now. Of course I don't know how long I'm going to like him, no I'm pretty sure it's love. Either way, I don't know how long it'll last. I hope for my sake it lasts forever, even if that does mean I won't find a wife and have the to children that I want to have. Because I am willing to change my future for him. Anyway, when I said that he asked, "Well what did you want to ask me?" And then I just couldn't remember. I just completely blanked out. It was there but it was like it was hiding on me. But then he told me to go to Mrs. Porter and make sure it's something I should really ask him. Oh, I also told him I know if it's a certain question he can't answer but I was just wanting to know if he would at least be willing to listen to what it is that I have to say. Hopefully when I talk to Mrs. Porter things will a little more un-hiding when I talk to Mr. Jagger. I hated that so much. I was so embarrassed. I just told him I kinda got all worked up for some reason and I forgot. Well hopefully I'll have better days when it comes to that.
Oh my gosh, I have a 94% for my grade in Algebra! Woo hoo!! YEAH!! And I have a 87% in French. Which is pretty good for me. So, Woo hoo!! YEAH!! I had to get out of school early today to get my glasses. I got glasses for the first time in six years. I am far sighted. Yet I have 20/20 vision. The optomatrist (I'll call her opty) told me that when someone reads, their eyes have to focus to what they are reading. And when a person's eyes do that, they use up energy and quickly restore it. My problem is that my eyes are using up too much energy and are having trouble focusing into what I'm reading. Which make it hard for me to understand what I read and that's why I have to go back and re-read what I had just read and try to understand it. These glasses are supposed to help me with that. So yes, I am wearing them now because I am using my eyes to read.
I need to go, WWE Raw is on, and I don't want to miss seeing Randy.