misery begets misery

May 05, 2009 04:03

there is something wrong. ever since my crippling flu-ish thing around spring break, I've lacked the energy to climb stairs, complete classwork, and overcome my socio-phobia enough to bother my advisor -- who's on sabbatical this semester-- about the classes I require that aren't in the course schedule.

Campus Health tested me for Mono, but it was negative.

I can feel even this simple post draining the life from me.

I dropped my laptop and damaged the screen last week, so even basic computer use has become excessively challenging and stressful.

I suspect that my psychological inability to argue my grades, attend office hours, or otherwise do anything extra-academic that might influence my professors' opinions of me as a student will likely prevent me from passing at least one of my classes.

I know I need help, but I don't know what kind, or from whom, or even if my malady is psychological or physiological. Can't impose on Carrie for this; she's barely keeping up with her own workload. Listen to the bored screams of my remaining veleities.
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