So I'm in bed this morning and usually I get up early because it's trash day and the trucks are really loud and make about forty stops on my street and one truck has really loud air brakes... but the trash never came and I woke up late. Once I realized I was late-ish I forewent the shower, threw some food in my lunch bag and went out to my car.
It was freaky quiet... no cars, no seagulls, no screaming lady across the street. As I'm sitting in my car, adjusting the wipers and defrost because it's raining today and my car was all foggy inside when I heard my phone make the little text-message-noise. It was from my friend Simon in London. Here's what it says...
B- R U OK? London is dire.
Of course my first thought was, oh shit... another bombing. Terrorists have gone and blown up London for good this time. I turned on the radio to NPR (cause they're the only station that would report on anything happening outside of the US) and it's this emergency broadcast system thing. You know... The one that interrupts a show when you're really into it to let you know there is a hail storm in the next county... Well that thing is playing on a loop...
This is a warning from the Centers for Disease Control. An outbreak of unknown origin has reached Cumberland, York and Androscoggin counties. Be advised to stay in your home until further updates...
Then it made the shrill alarm noise and repeated. Totally f'ed up. I couldn't get anything else but that on any station.
So I call work, no answer. I text Simon to find out what's up and then I saw my first floor neighbor standing at the end of the driveway. He's a little guy with a bald head and usually he's pretty friendly so I wave. He's just standing there like he's lost so I start to roll the window down to say something and out of nowhere some dude wearing a ski mask just walks up to him shoots him in the head!
I couldn't even think so I just floored it past them both and started driving toward the interstate. What the fuck is going on?!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If gas wasn't so f'in expensive right now I would have driven to my parent's house in Bangor but I only had half a tank so I ended up at our little white house at work. No one is here, all the construction down the street is abandoned and I'm trying to piece together what's happening.
Is it some kind of
pandemic?Wait... Simon just texted me again. WTF!!! All it says is ZOM B.