Sep 19, 2011 11:29
Dear Self,
You have idolized your mentors, but take a good, hard look at them:
Those Production Manager types you keep looking at with googley eyes live for their jobs. They work, on average 60 hours/week and have nothing else to show for family, no real time off, no "life"....they dont have children, or significant others. They are all very obese, or at least, have that "I take on too much stress beer belly." Is that really how you want to end up?
Is that really what you want?
I believe, oh Devious One, it's time for a massive turn around and career make over.
Sure, you can always step back into a Management capacity and who says you cant jump ship and reinvent yourself. Again.
Time to tidy up the raw ends, kiss the current dayjob goodbye, and get with the program. You need a plan. STAT.