Oct 08, 2010 08:26
Dear Self,
Head's Up!
Stop your fucking whining, crying, and thinking that you cannot do this. You were born to do this.
Who else, in the entire world, has the skill set you have? Who else makes lists in their head? Who else can coordinate actors, producers, union backstage workers, audience members, managers, bakers, wakers, candlestick-makers...all in one fail swoop of the phrase, "Lights up!"
This test you have to take today? Own it.
It's important. When you pass it? You will be a UNION stage manager.
Let me say that again: a UNION Stage Manager. You can command the pay you deserve. (And a new pair of Doc Martins!)
You have given all that you have to two jobs. It's time you take care of you.
(Yes, your birdcage got rattled last night. Repeatedly. Let it go. You're human and it happens and as Flo from those Progressive car insurance commercials would say, "And we're walking....and we're walking..." All those little attacks along the way? Must mean that, with the most certainty, you are on the right path!)
Go forth and rock on. Failure? Not an option.