Interesting... given how the media loves to give attention to endangered animals, I'm surprised this hasn't shown up on National Geographic or Discovery Channel.
Canines never seem to get much love, do they? Now I want to find a zoo that might have them. I've been to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs, CO, and the Dallas and Ft Worth zoos and never remember seeing them.
Dholes are the most badass canids in the world (one of the few animals that will attack a tiger). XD And they get like NO PRESS. This guy here has lots of great pics of them:
The shape of their noses... is just omg cuteness.... but they could totally eat your face off. XD
Interesting... given how the media loves to give attention to endangered animals, I'm surprised this hasn't shown up on National Geographic or Discovery Channel.
They look almost fox like too.
The shape of their noses... is just omg cuteness.... but they could totally eat your face off. XD
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