Mini Tutorial #5 - Feline and Canine Teeth References

Dec 20, 2006 11:46

I decided to add this in today, since the last tutorial is seemingly incomplete without a reference or two.

Here are a bobcat (on the right) and fox skull (on the left). I realize a fox is not actually a canine, but the teeth are similar enough for these purposes, and the only canine skull I own is an adolescent with undeveloped teeth.

As I am only concerned with the front teeth ATM, here is a frontal close up of the bobcat.

You'll notice how incredibly large the canines are compared to the tiny incisors. The top canines are larger than the bottom and they hang straight down, while the bottom canines jut outwards at a decent angle. This leaves room for the animal's nose
There are 6 incisors on the top and 6 on the bottom. Unlike humans, the center teeth are smaller than the rest.

A close up of the fox now.
Comparatively, the front incisors are larger and the canines smaller, thinner, and more curved than the bobcat's. The front incisors overlap the bottoms very slightly and every tooth fits together perfectly for a good bite.
I do not have photo of this, but the bobcat's muzzle cuts off flush with the bottom canines, while the fox's muzzle juts out past the canines to a more rounded angle.

In this last picture, you can see how the fox's front teeth curve to fit into its pointed nose, while the bobcat's are in a straight line, because of it's snubbier muzzle.
The bobcat also has only 2 premolars on the top and 3 on the bottom. With such as short nose, it's best to just leave them out totally.
The fox has 3 premolars and 3 molars on the top and 3 premolars and 4 molars on the bottom. I believe proper canine (ie wolves) have 4 molars on the top as well.
I generally leave out all premolars and molars because they are really not necessary unless you are making a snarly or uber realistic fursuit.

I think I covered most things regarding feline and canine teeth, let me know if there's something else you want to know/have problems with

references, teeth, tutorial

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