User Name/Nick: Zoë
User LJ:
zoe_chanAIM/IM: W1ndrBoy003
Other Characters: Molly Carpenter
Character Name: Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle III
Series: DC Comics (Preboot)
Age: 16
From When?: After Jaime and Khaji Da recover from their defeat of the KDRA (at the end of the Blue Beetle ongoing series).
Inmate/Warden: Warden. Jaime tends to be a hopeful, optimistic person who tries to see the best in people, and help them recognize it in themselves. In his own universe, he's already rehabilitated Khaji Da, an alien AI fused to his spine that was initially created to conquer and kill.
Item: Khaji Da (the Scarab)
Abilities/Powers: Jaime's powers come from Khaji Da, an artificial intelligence in the shape of a scarab that is fused to his spine and can communicate directly with him and respond to his commands, or act on its own initiative. When active, the Scarab generates an alien-looking blue powersuit with extendible wings that covers Jaime's entire body. It acts as armor, and can create a wide variety of weaponry of varying degrees of lethality and function, including dispelling magic and radiation.
The Scarab can track anything or anyone that it has previously encountered, and provides Jaime with a special sight to be able to see extra dimensional objects, whether the armor is active or inactive. When active, the armor takes over Jaime's digestive system, and processes his waste and dead skin to make clothing or paper. It can also heal him.
In times of crisis, Jaime can let the Scarab take over and go into “Infiltrator Mode,” where the suit becomes larger and more imposing, and acts with greater violence and brutality, and without Jaime's conscience. Neither Jaime nor Khaji Da like to do this however, and it's saved for the most dire circumstances.
Personality: Jaime is a hopeful and optimistic person. He tries to look for the best in people and situations, and he usually manages to succeed. When dealing with the local crime boss, La Dama, he recognizes that maybe she's done some pretty terrible things... but she's also the closest thing that one of his best friends has to a mother-and she does a damn good job of it. When they do have to work together, he tries to remind her of that, and what's really important. Even when it looks like he's about to die as the Blue Beetle, he looks at the bright side. He's saving the world. There are worse ways to go, right?
He is also fiercely protective of the people he cares about. He loves his family, his friends, and the people of El Paso, and he won't let any harm come to them if there's anything he can do to stop it. Time and time again, he has put himself between various threats and the people he cares about, essentially saying, “If you want to get at them, you'll have to get through me. So bring it.” He would have the same feelings about his inmate. “You are my responsibility and I care about you, so anyone who wants at you is gonna have to go through me first. And I have particle cannons.”
That said, he's not hugely confident. He's a teenager. He's young. He's inexperienced. And he knows all of that. He second-guesses himself a lot, and worries about doing the wrong thing, especially when working with people whodo have more experience. He wants to be like the previous Blue Beetles, Dan Garrett and Ted Kord, but he knows he's not really there yet-but that's okay. He's still learning, and he has people to help him.
Because he is definitely not too proud to accept help from the people around him. His family and friends all know about his “secret” life as Blue Beetle, and they work with him and help him balance his life as a teenager with his life as a superhero. They even help him keep his cover when it looks like his ID might be compromised.
...Which only makes Jaime feel worse when something happens to one of them. He feels very responsible for the people he loves, and when something happens to them-whether or not he has anything to do with it-he blames himself. His father was shot and injured while he was missing in the year between Infinite Crisis and beginning of the One Year Later storylines, and he blamed himself, saying that he should have been there to prevent it somehow. When one of his support team-Nadia-was killed trying to warn him about the KDRA, he blamed himself for that as well, feeling as though he had put her into the line of fire.
Jaime also has a slight... personality quirk. He talks to himself-but he's not really crazy! He just hears voices in his head! Well, a voice. Khaji Da. Khaji Da is a sentient artificial intelligence, with his own personality and motivations-which originally included programming for murder and world domination. He changed, however, by getting to know Jaime and learning to see the world the way he does. Khaji Da is Jaime's first successful rehabilitation, and Jaime is his first friend. Now he is non-lethal, and treats Jaime with affectionate sarcasm. Their relationship is kind of like brothers or close friends... who can never get away from each other.
Path to Redemption: N/A
(Wikipedia link for the win!) Sample Journal Entry: [5-10 Sentences]
...I have to say, when I signed on for this thing, I kind of expected to see some kind of soulless ship cabin that I'd have to put posters all over or something. Not, you know. My bedroom. Not that I'm complaining or anything! I like having my bedroom, and not having to share a bathroom with Milagro, and...
I'm pretty sure no one needs to know any of this. Sorry.
I'm Jaime Reyes-I'm going to be a warden here. Anyone know what's for dinner tonight?
Sample RP: [3-5 paragraphs, 3rd Person POV]
Jaime left his cabin... bedroom... part of his parents' house (that was so weird) and turned left, in hopes that it would be in the vague direction of food. Last night's empanadas-if it was last night, who knew what time it was, this being an extradimensional space ship and all-felt a long way away.
“I don't think they have Cinnabon here. That stuff's bad for you anyway. I don't think you need the sugar high.”
[Khaji Da does not get sugar high. Jaime Reyes gets sugar high, then gets cranky.]
Jaime rolled his eyes. “Okay, sure. Fine. I don't need the sugar high, then. Even though I'm not the one that was practically buzzing the last time we had a couple of cinnamon rolls.”
“Not happening.”
“Oh, come on. Don't sulk. Look, if there's dessert, we can have some, okay, you sugar-happy little freak?”
[...Compromise acceptable.]
Special Notes: Jaime will come to the Barge with Khaji Da, who acts as a kind of funny, affectionately sarcastic voice in his head. Telepaths could probably hear him if they were listening for him, but most people probably wouldn't.