Title: Imma show you how to make your man say...
Pairing: MinHo/HoMin
Rating: R
Length: One-shot
Genre: Fucking shameless and unbeta-ed non-AU
Disclaimer: I don't own anything apart from the story.
Summary: Let YOUR imagination run wild...
AN: Someone was blasting this as I walked into the office first thing in the morning yesterday and
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Underaged readers that is.
Though I myself am guilty of once being an underaged reader.
When I turned 18 I was zooming through LJ reading those fics restricted to children aged 17 and below haha. Lots of fun ^^.
I can't really recall when I started reading smut either... Definitely not as young as some of the teens here. I think I was 16? o__o I was definitely not younger than that so... most likely 16 or 17... Now that I think about it though, I was almost 17 when I first became a fan... I don't recall reading such fanfiction until a little later so... LOL What am I saying??? xDDD
Omg please ignore that. I was making a fool of myself OTL.
Anyway, /drools
When it comes to HoMin, I am happiest when I read MinHo stories ^^. Changmin always struck me as the more dominant one despite the Jung manliness. It's hard to shake off the fact that Changmin screams TOPTOPTOP whereas Yunho lies on the border xD. He can definitely go both ways ^^.
Yunho!seduction is sending my mouth to the floor and causing the drool to drench my floorboards OTL. He should be doing this live for us, I think that would really send my brain out the window and into heaven ♥.
I can just imagine him rocking to the beat of this song and singing the lyrics oh so sexily. Yum ♥.
Since you're probably not going to write MinHo any time soon, I'm going to cherish this for the next few days or at least until my mouth goes dry xD.
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