Jan 04, 2013 09:00
Morning came too early today. And my head is foggy and buzzing. Working on a headache and it's only 8 am.
Things to do: Clean my room. It's so chaotic right now that I can't even consider tackling the finish of the corset while stumbling over various tools and fabrics. Next: Change thread for my leather sewing on back lacing panel, as well as attaching the end of the "belt" to the leather piece first. It's already fully boned, so I should be able at that point to make my bottom binding and begin the process of hand stitching. Then comes quality control. A crummy stitch line? A random thread here or there? Are the bindings perfectly straight and ending exactly alike on all edges? Is there anything that could improve this corset in construction or style?
Finally: NOTATIONS and specific pattern labeling and information. I.E. Used on the "jules" corset or whatever I would like to call it. Then the date of pattern and then signing of corset with year.
One more thought. There is a tiny hole on the inside of the corset above center line busk. It is not protruding or fraying, but you can see a glimpse of the white boning through the hole. How can I cover this creatively? I have an idea, but not sure I'll go there. The thought is to embroider my logo bee onto soft fabric and attach (glue). Another is to embroider a cog and cover. A very tiny cog.
Finally, pics and attach to my live journal through my photograph account. Should I post on my website BEFORE the competition? Or save it for a modeling session before posting? Should I give a sneak preview from facebook? I also need to take shots of the interior, but will wait until the tiny hole punch is covered.
And then it's fait acompli! (Unless and until I think of something that absolutely must be added to this corset. Doesn't usually happen, but every once in a while something pops into my head and I think, that MUST be added. A tiny swarovski crystal placed on the center knob of the drawer pull. A definite possibility.
Thank you for reading! Please feel free to comment, discuss, check out my website: beespokecorsets.com Friend me on facebook: Beespoke or like my page. :)
Until next year's competition, which may or may not feature my beach theme or silk print. Or whatever the future may hold. :)
P.S. I have resolved for 2013 to journal more. It's good for the soul! In the meantime, I am checking every email and text to see when my son hits us soil.
fr competition 2013