If you said my subject in Donald Duck's voice, and you know why you did so, you're pretty rad. If you didn't, you're still pretty rad, but I will tell you it's from Mickey's Christmas Carol. I've seen it every year of my life. ANYWAY. I have Withers goings on to share! Shall we?
When she's sleeping Benny can finally recognize Isana as the mother of some of his grandchildren.
Finn: What are you even *doing*? Robots don't need food.
Typo: *eats Isana's breakfast in an attempt to starve out the competition for Ian's love*
Eventide: So, about this whole kissing thing...
Greta: Huh? What? I don't know that word... >_>
Calliope: I don't know what it is, but I will taste it! 8D
Bitte: I'm judging you.
Bitte...does that. You'll see.
I have to wonder if this means the apocalypse is nigh, as there weren't even dirty looks exchanged first. Also, Typo is somehow in formal wear I didn't know she had?
Ian: *gameface*
Ian: *"game" face*
Ender: Excuse me? Is the microphone on? I have something I need to say.
Ender: I lack dental hygiene. >8
It's true. Everytime I try to have one of my sims brush their teeth, it triggers a snap reset in my game. Alas.
Bitte: If you throw me a party, I will judge you.
Calliope: *is content to crawl*
Bitte: *judges*
At first I thought it was kind of scary how she was tilting her head like that. Then I realized she's just trying to fit in the frame for me. How considerate!
I'll just leave this here.
(Translation: 8D 8D 8D)
Bitte is hip to all the memethings, and has adopted "CLEAN ALL THE THINGS!" as her motto.
These two are plotting something, let me tell you. The Butler announced that he was retiring for the evening at 8 pm, as usual. The Dog was busy being mostly independent as usual. Then I saw them out on the front lawn, at 8:30 pm, a half hour after The Butler "left." As soon as I scrolled over to see what was up, they ended whatever it was and went separate ways. I am suspicious.
Greta: I don't know what that is...maybe I should taste it...
Bitte: I'm judging you.
Bitte is too cool to sleep in the kids room downstairs, so she treks all the way upstairs to sleep in the never autonomously used until now teen room.
Bitte: Don't judge me.
Greta, in the bath. Cool story: My bathroom is currently being renovated, so right now I don't have a nice big soaking tub. I will have one soon, though, and then I don't have to be jealous of Greta anymore. /cool story
Ian and Greta: You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'? Yes.
Greta: And you could scoot down in like this...
Ian Uh huh, I like it, go on...
But seriously guys, it is SHOCKING how *NOT* like the thought bubble bathtub Ian's bathtub is. SHOCKING. REPEATEDLY SHOCKING.
I powered Typo down. One less sim to look after, and I go tired of her getting all angryface anytime Ian interacted with anyone else. And Ian was tired of her anyway. She'd cue up flirts and such and he'd be like "O LUK, BABBY NEEDS ALL THE ATTENTIONS."
Ian: *did...this*
Ender just wants to be included. Is it so wrong to want to dance with your Aunt and your...Ian?
Eventide: No worries! I teleported my face to safety. This is fun!
Bitte and Eventide: *are the most adorable BFFs*
Eventide: Oh dear! Call an ambulance! I have been decapitated!
Bitte: I want to judge this, but how are you...?
Eventide: Jsut kidding! I can teleort various parts of my body so that it looks like I'm hurt, but really, I'm just in several places at once.
Bitte: Psh! I know. Of course I know. Duh.
Ian: Oh yeah, bring it on in to papa Ian. Mmm hmm...
Greta: It shall be broughten!
And now, a series of art photography I call "Angriest Autonomous Family Kiss Ever."
Ender: No! I'll have none of your kisses!
Bitte: I'd rather punch him in the mouth...
Bitte and Ender: Gross! Never again!
Note: All of that was *AUTONOMOUS*.
It has been brought to my attention...
That The Dog...
Makes some pretty rad faces. I paid attention for a minute, and am now inclined to agree. She's still Up To Something, though. I mean, just *look* at her.
Very astute of her, no? Her entire toddlerhood consisted of "But the /stairs/! you guys! /THE/. /STAIRS/. And then The Butler would put her in bed until she screamed to be let out. She'd eat her fill of dog food, and then the stairs.
Literally growing up together. Considering Hermia rarely interacted with anyone but The Butler, and Calliope was at least taught to use the potty and talk I would have gessed the good/bad memories would have been reversed. It must have been all the judgment from Bitte that Rooeend Calliope's babydom.
I hope she turns out to be a better kid/teen than she was a toddler. Genetically speaking, I hit the jackpot, but she'll lose the poll to Bitte's awesome if she doesn't step up her game. Just sayin'.
Ditto Hermia's comment for Calliope.
Calliope: I'll start my campaign for heir by being the first sim in a few generations to even *enter* the workout room, let alone *use* something in it!
Tutu Haters: *to the left*
(I stole it from
sixtylilies and I ain't even sorry.)
Finn: Speaking of Azaya!
Srsly. If you haven't read the Fritters, you should. /bff promo
The Dog: *continues making the best faces ever* *and also plotting*
Irritated that I sold his bed three genetations ago, John decides he is angry, and joins Team Lily for Heir.
Also, he's switched to sunglasses (~at night~) and has grown a wicked rad afterlife neck beard. So there.
Farthing: And then, after dinner he took me upstairs to a photobooth and hoo wee!
Bitte: *judges Farthing for sharing that story with a child* *also for feeding said child rancid salad*
Me too.
Farthing: Good chat! ++
Bitte: Wrong. -
Ender: *rocks out with his two creativity points*
Benny: *is nothing if not an enthusiastic grandparent*
beescratch: *is using asterisks too much this update*
The Dog: *PLOTS*
She won't sleep in the bed or the doghouse. I think they are part of her plan, whatever it is.
Pal Mal Marblo. For no reason. (Except that once I wrap the Withers, she's my next legacy founder.) Her name comes from Pall Mall and Marlboro cigarettes, because when I sell them at work, people inevitably say "Pal Mal" (it rhymes) and "Marblo." She is kind of silly looking on purpose. And she thinks birdwatching is boring. So now you know.
The Butler: *makes pancakes even though everyone just finished eating omelettes*
Bitte: *judges his food-wasting and dishwasher-blocking practices*
Greta: *drinking before 8 am*
Finn and Bitte: *YOU KNOW*
Eventide: No one panic! My body wasn't ready to get out of bed, so I just brought my head to breakfast.
Ender: It is never a wrong time for smustling!
Isana: Everything here is boring.
DAMMIT, Farthing! That is not now, nor has it ever been, nor will it ever be YOUR bed! STOP sleeping in it. Everytime I scroll away from her, she is climbing into this bed. That is not her bed. Ass.
Finn got a promotion. Nothing else happened in this photo. NOTHING AT ALL.
Ian: I see why you've got such a stellar reputation! 8D
Greta: Do I? I had no idea! Do tell!
Greta: Of course, my reputation could never stand up to yours! You are legend!
Ian: True, true.
Ian: You should see what I can do with a little bit of lube!
Greta: *derpgrin*
The Butler: I see and hear nothing, I only wish to make the bed. (And tell The Dog of this at our rendezvous later...)
Greta: So yeah, call me later, we'll see about that lube thing, should be hott with two t's.
Ian: *has lost all interest, as is his custom*
Yeah, I'm sure she won legitimately. I'm sure it had nothing to do with magical alien abilities at all.
She shared the marbles though, because she's got a lot of nice points. Since nice guys finish last, it cost her some games enthusiasm. Ian felt the sting.
That's Lorna Faye. She's pretty adorable. (/own horn) I'm putting this here as a mental note for later. She likes the custom-haired ones, Calliope.
Well, hello, Purity! (I actually did change her name to Purity. It's kinda pretty, and WAY better than "Vyn.") What are you doing getting out of a taxi?
Ian: Let's get this over with.
I sent them on a date. A wholesome one.
Ian: So we should be best friends or some shit, I don't know...
Purity: If I order the pork chops, will he be disgusted by how much I eat? Don't blow this, self!
Ian: I hate this! 8D
Purity: Best just sip water and let him order...
Ian: Oh, what that mouth could be doing...
Purity: I bet this is just how he'll feed me our wedding cake! In June! Outside! With pink roses everywhere!
Ian and Purity: *like where this might end up*
Ian: *has no lasting romantic feelings*
Purity: *has ALL of the lasting romantic feelings*
Jeannie: Hello, grandfather. Nice to meet you for the first time in my entire life.
Purity: I am irrevocably in love with you, Ian Withers.
Ian: You know, you really ought to meet a few more people, date around...see the world...
Ian: Hi. So about not meeting you until now...
Jeannie: VAMPIRES! It was the vampires, wasn't it?! Those blood-sucking /monsters/.
Ian and Purity: *slow dance without lowering hands or smooching or anything*
Hostess: *makes sure there is NO KISSING, not on her watch*
Annnndddd then the date ended. It was a dream date, despite Ian having none of his "kiss" "make out" "lower hands" "woo hoo" wants fulfilled.
Then the update ended because right when I got Ian home, a storm knocked my power out. Cheers!
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