sak: do you remember you guys made a livejournal to read my lj posts?
sambang, bee: oh my goodness, yeah!
and that's how it happened, maybe not word for word, but but the conversation was something along those lines.
4 years down the road, after so much that has changed, this conversation brought me back here.
because it was sak's birthday, it gave the 4 of us, tawan, sak, sambang, and i the chance to relive those memories. haha still remember in JC1, when we spent valentines day together. and cos sambang had training, we waited, walking around town, and then kinokuniya after school. and according to tawan, i didn't know how to camwhore. haha, wow. haha we had dinner at botak jones, but all 4 of us can't remember what happened during dinner - i guess it wasn't very exciting (or romantic), haha. BUT, we all remember our attempt to take a photo, and because there was no one else around, we put the camera on the bin. hahaha, AND TADA, I FOUND IT:
4 years went by, the cliche phrase - time flies. so much has changed. we are no longer friends that hang out all the time, or see each other everyday in school. this is probably the first time in 2 years since we met up and spent the afternoon together. but i'm so so so so happy to see you 3, and to hang out, just the 4 of us. and even though we've probably all changed in one way or another, it still feels the same. :D
don't know if anyone will read this, or when will be the next time the 4 of us hang out again, but happy (early) valentines day, and happy birthday sak!