Monthly Post?

Apr 03, 2011 11:48

Has it really been more then a month since I posted last? I keep saying I need to write more and yet I don't. *grumble* I spend so much time in Twitter I forget about LJ and yet 140 characters isn't always enough.

Divorce life has calmed down greatly since my last post. People who know me know it wasn't that simple but I question each day why we didn't get divorced years ago. I guess I wasn't ready but gah, looking back on it, so much time was wasted figuring it out.

I continue to live two lives, one in Iowa and one in Louisiana. Iowa is where my kids and my loves's "home". Yet I feel like I fit in better in Louisiana. I always knew I wasn't going to die 20 miles from where I grew up, but I built a life in Iowa, it's not so easy to let go.

I'm thinking way too much for a Sunday morning, I should go back to bed. :-p