Jun 15, 2006 14:36
Yeah...so sometimes I smoke weed and have lots of random thoughts and I think they sound good so I write them down and sometimes I'm right and they are good...sometimes they're just banter. So this was all from two nights ago.
~everything I need to know I learned from Chris Beddard: "It's not cashed, you just have to suck harder!"
~Black Sabbath: highly under-rated at the moment.
~I miss Lewiston. And I don't mean I miss Lewiston, I mean I miss all that I'm used to. And maybe because this is the first summer (not counting the ADK because I was with my friends [Scott] and I got the best half of summer free at home) I miss going "into town" on fresh-rain-on-pavement evenings after spending the day at an easy 9-5 or laying out on a beach/boogie boarding. I'm talking about those nights of meeting Joel and Mr. Paperback and always ending up at Denny's even though we both hate it; of going to Nick's at 10 o'clock at night to spend 20 minutes there smoking up and watching tv only if to be visiting there with Ivy too. Random and spontaneous drive alone down to Portland to hang out with Dustin or to meet someone else, whether to date or just chill with, outside of the 178 crowd. And on a side-note to that I love that I was/am part of a group of friends that can refer to themselves as a number and all understand the meaning behind it.
My high is coming down and I'm not writing as well as I though I was anymore. I'm also sleeping on the couch tonight and must get my things out of the bedroom before my sister and her bf start having sex.
Ok...actually, I have more.
~So I believe that going to bed with oreo cookie in your teeth is perfectly acceptable (and I just had this vision of having a completely different opinion when I have kids). And it is also acceptable to eat this "forbidden" munchie food when Jeremy is not around and you can bag the last two you just couldn't possibly finish before bed (oh give it up, you know you're going to get up and eat them in just a minute) and when he asks, "why'd you eat all the oreos?" you can reply, "oh, I took some to work"
~Paris Hilton. My love for her grows and I honestly can't explain why, nor do I find the need to explain it at all.
Last night we went go-carting and mini-golfing. It was a wonderful time and definitely needed. Saturday I'm hoping to see Ivy and the boys in SOF and CC.