Feb 02, 2006 21:48
A few thoughts I had today:
1. I want to bring back the expression "killa" as in, "that's killa" Peter Beach used it often in high school and I feel it should be used again.
2. The difference between SU and ESF is huge and I love it. I feel the need to dress up on my history class days or just when I plan on going on SU. When it's an ESF day I don't care what I wear. People on the ESF quad are wicked hippies too, and more people smoke ciggs. I never see anyone smoking on SU. ESF is frisbee, SU is tag football. ESF there are more kids talking to each other in groups (everyone pretty much knows everyone), SU they're all on their cell phones, walking alone, really fast. I feel more collegiate on SU but more comfortable at ESF. And it's worth it to note, that when I find a guy I may be crushing on in my SU class, it turns out he goes to ESF.
3. I think I'm addicted to coffee, starbucks coffee. But this isn't simply because I like coffee, being reason (a). Reason (b) will be that I have a starbucks gift card that I'm debating whether to add money to or not, and reason (c) may possibly be because Ryan K. works just next door and I use it as an excuse to visit him. Or maybe I use visiting Ryan K as an excuse to go to starbucks. Interesting question.
I joted these thoughts down during my info lit class, in which I feel old because most the students are freshman. It's strange to me that they're only two years behind but there is such a difference. I wonder if I was that way or if it's just a different age group thing. Also an interesting question
I've been nauseous lately, I hope it's just the antibiotics I've been on because that's when it started.
Ryan Ames may or may not be coming down tonight or sometime tomorrow. If so, we're going on an outing to Ithaca. I like Ithaca.
I hate the word "because" becuase (ick) I feel I use it too much and I always have to fix the spelling.