May 13, 2012 21:03
The Quarterly Outage weekend lasted from 19:30 to 03:30,
getting home 0400-ish. Aside from “time served”, it wasn't too
brutal -just chaotic in that the schedule changes from what's advertised
as being up or down: systems, applications, consciousness, etc...
“D” Stands for Dejected
At Friday's retirement party for The Wizard, on ex-employee remarked
that I was now the senior member of the group. She then stated that to
Kayak [VP] who got a “oh shit” look on his face. Pay up sucker.
Technically, Ksam is senior as he's been in the group for eight years
but he's useless -so everyone forgets about him.
“A” Stands for Absent
Wallair informed me that combined with his vacation, military reserve and upcoming
maternity leave, he'll be out 70 days the rest of this year. He's passing this info
to Breckenbrew so that “something” can be done to deal with being short-staffed
while he's out. Un-fucking-believable.