My co-workers aren’t fun, no one is really going out or doing anything interesting. I suspect my manager - who is a cheapskate, might be getting in on dinners/nights out on the town with vendors and not sharing. That definitely isn’t cool.
Today I’m skipping the last two sessions [nothing there for me anyways] to do a beer run. There’s bound to be some treasure to be smuggled back to Tejas. I’ll be documenting this closely for those who’ve asked me how I pack all these beers.
Currently in The Hole: $80
One co-worker and I hit the
Gold Coast Casino last night. He blew his bankroll within 15 minutes laying craps -an odd chaotic game. I played decently in blackjack for about an hour [hint: $5 minimum] but should’ve quit when the bankroll returned to break-even. I’m still playing minimum bets and need to learn bet phasing in order to make more cash to keep playing longer. I’ve picked up six decks of cards at a vendor exhibit booth for practice at home.
Tomorrow is the last full day and I can’t wait to get back to central time and my own bed.