Happy Birthday to you

Oct 12, 2003 02:29

it's someone's birthday today,
(i'm not spposed to ,trying not to, and don't want to) be bothered about it, but .. can’t help it. A simple sms to tt someone on e stroke of midnight :”eh, happy birthday 2 u” , at least as an indication tt I still exist.

“我猜 你早就想要說明白 我覺得自己好失敗
我願意改變  imeant it
我無法只是普通朋友 感情已那麼深 叫我怎麼能放手
但你說 I only want to be your friend 做個朋友
我猜妳心中只是 just a friend 不是情人
我感激妳對我這樣的坦白 但我給你的愛暫時收不回來
So I 我不能只是 be your friend”
we’re not even talking anymore, I just reelly cant be friend wid tt somebody. One sore bugger whining here……
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