Jesus Christ on a fucking pogo stick.

Jul 11, 2004 21:41

Needless to say, I saw King Arthur with bloodlustwitch and This Other Kid on its opening night (the 9:45 PM showing, yay). And here's what I have to say about it: Yes, the plot was thread-bare to the point of frustration. Yes, the characters were woefully underdeveloped. Yes, I think it would've benefitted from an R rating. And yes, Keira is jaw-droppingly gorgeous. Did I mention Guinevere is an ass-kicking, forest-dwelling, tribal Pagan who was found imprisoned by Catholic priests?? Trust me when I say those last two are well worth the price of admission. Frankly I don't give a fuck how disappointing the movie was, as a Keira fan I would see it again in a second. No question.

And because I was so inspired, I made this set of Keira icons from the two pictures I have.


Feel free to take whatever you want. Comment & credit would be nice. These are obviously bases, so please feel free to customize them any way you choose!

Oh, I also made this icon:
I really have nowhere to post it to, but it seemed to fit the mood so I thouht I might as well throw it in here ;) It needs a good home, so please grab it if you are so enticed! (Base taken from a CrimethInc. poster.)

movies, tv girlfriends, icons

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