give it up cuz I know what you got

May 15, 2010 01:59

Ohhhhhh man total posting fail. Though actually I've been commenting waaaay more than I usually do, so make of that what you will... fandom has been *so* active (high-fives, y'all) so I guess I've been too busy reading & commenting on other people's posts to save enough energy to make my own?

And of course fandom blowing up LJ has to occur at the same time as me trying to take some big steps for my RL, most notably applying to these Waldorf teaching programs... my first application is due on June 5th and I've been putting off writing my personal statement for too long now. I need to get my ass in gear and just write it (if only my procrastination habits ended with college!). I've also been disturbingly social offline recently, which is a good thing? But bad for other kinds of productivity, natch.

So, let's get down to what's important, namely Legend of the Seeker. ;)

1. I guess I'm giving up at a post-ep post for "Eternity"; I managed to get a sufficient amount of squee out in the comments to others' reaction posts (AND TRUST ME THERE WAS LOTS OF IT), but if you remain unsatisfied with me lemme know and I could probably whip up a little more. ;) Since these are the very last couple of weeks during which we're getting new material, I honestly wish Seeker fandom could be my full-time job right now -- it's like this is the last chance to squee in real-time and I don't wanna pass that up!!

2. As I'm sure all of you know, campaigning for Seeker S3 is in full swing and I've been contributing in as many ways as I can. ( and legendofseeker for more info!) I am absolutely NOT letting myself get my hopes up, but it does feel good to know that we're going out giving it everything we've got. I've been in a lot of dying fandoms and at least a couple big fan campaigns (*waves to Firefly fandom*) and I can honestly say that I am SUPER SUPER IMPRESSED by LotS fandom, goddamn. Just the ad money raised alone made my jaw drop, I was totally not expecting this many people to come forward and fight for the show so passionately. I've learned that the fandom is definitely a lot bigger than I had previously thought. O_O

3. Obviously there has been a TON of S.O.S.-related activity going on on LJ (as there should be!), but there has ALSO been a crapload of completely fucking awesome fanworks being posted recently - I'm not sure if the timing is coincidence or if people are producing so much now because they feel like it's their last chance while the fandom is still so active, but I don't even care because HOLY BALLS, YOU GUYS. Fic (including what I believe to be the best fic I've ever read), fanart, manips, crack... seriously. Best. Ever. I could fill many an LJ post with recs from all over Seeker fandom (and maybe I just will...)! Though this almost makes the cancellation seem worse in a way, knowing that people are still so inspired by the show and the fandom being so freakin' awesome and active... clearly we have a lot more in us! WHYYYYYYYYY.

4. SPEAKING OF FIC, AND SEEKER FANDOM BEING AWESOME, seriousfic is my favorite and created The (potentially) Great LotS Spooning Commentfic Meme, for which I ACTUALLY WROTE FIC. Just comment!fic, of course, but at least it's something!! I figure the more I do this "writing" thing the easier it might get? And I mean the prompt was "Cara/Kahlan. Cara does not know what to do with all of these NEW EXPERIENCES and 'EMOTIONS.'", how could I leave that baby hanging?! ;) And IT'S ALL 100% SPOONING, it's like this meme was made for me. (In fact, I'm starting to think that I'm incapable of writing LotS fic that does not involve spooning.) *g*

You know what is a terrible idea? Washing your only set of sheets at 11:00pm. But at least this way I am *forced* to remake my bed now... after which I will snuggle up in my clean sheets and watch LotS DVD commentary and then maybe even sleep! (Which brings me to bad idea #2, drinking coffee during a 9:30pm dinner. Seemed like a good idea at the time...)

fic, legend of the seeker, fandom

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