Feb 20, 2005 11:24
Wow Rob's cousin can walk now and he hasnt seen him since Christmas. For all of us that is just like 2 months ago and seems like yesterday but for this toddler he has started one of the biggest things for the rest of his life! i mean walking is pretty important how is it that toddler's make these huge steps in life in just a couple of months like walking and talking and once you hit pottytraining that is pretty much it, you learn everything else and that usually takes a while (like years) to learn not just a few months. i mean come on i wish i could understand males and what they really mean when they say stuff and how they will react to everything, in the amount of time it takes for a toddler to grow teeth BUT NO i will still be confused about some male things probably till the day i die!! toddlers are damn lucky sigh lol that was a really weird thing to talk about i am very sorry i was just thinking about it!! and congrats to Rob's cousin moving and grooving now !