Feb 03, 2005 20:12
SO i got sick yesterday after school with some type of flu thing. it was yucky i slept for like 15 hours came in at the beginning of 2nd period and yeah didnt miss much i already knew that i deeply despise Mrs. Coane because she doesnt know crap about what she is talking about she can't even pronounce the subject she is teaching (litERATure) and she gave like us the wrong directions on a paper and many of us did the wrong thing that we were supposed to know to do what the rubric said and not the DIRECTIONS! WTF is with that loser i errrrrrrrrrr cant stand her i now have a B in her class which is rediculous for godsakes we dont do anything to have a grade and the paper was about politics not lit and she is just SCREWED UP AND CANT TEACH. yeah so that is my opinion on her and i actually get the physics we have tonight and i thought i got calc in class but all my answers for the homework arent lining up with the book TYPICAL so frustrating and yeah so it hasnt been the best of days but i will survive because i love that song and Gloria Gaynor needs some sort of i dunno Nobel supporting women prize for that song because it is the best plus it makes the movie the replacements SOOoo funny
MEGHAN REMIND ME TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT SUNDAY when i see you next please remind me or i will never remember and yeah that was it